'battle Of The Toucans'

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Put down a toucan last night.

23 ltrs
1 x coopers dark ale
1 x coopers lager
1kg x Dark ale improver from LHBS (50/50 dry dark & dex) possibly.
250gms x crystal malt
250gms x toasted quick oats
nottingham yeast
sitting at 18 deg

OG - 1065

Spreadsheet estimates around the 7% mark.
Thinking about doing a really basic kit brew (American Brown Ale) with what I have laying around and to test how it turns out. Currently have a European Style lager in the fridge so therefore I will ferment this beer at ambient 15-20 degrees and probably use some washed US-05 I have sitting it my fridge currently.

Currently the recipe is similar to one above actually:

1 x Coopers Dark Ale
1 x Coopers Mexican/Lager
300g of Crystal (I have laying around)
20g Cascade
20g Chinook

OG: 1.052
Est FG: 1.013, therefore around 5.5%
IBU: 51

Note: All based on Ian's spreadsheet.

I will dry hop the cascade and Chinook for some aroma and some flavour on the basis that currently the brew is fairly bitter for a brown ale style, approx 50 IBU, so dry hop should lessen the bitterness further,

Will let you know if I go ahead and if so how it turns out.
I recently made a toucan that was undrinkable.

1 coopers stout can
1 cascade spicy ghost draught can
Both yeasts.

More bitter than cat **** and just as tasty.
Yeah toucans can turn out stupid bitter, I generally have trouble handling anything over about 45 IBUs (with a few exceptions of course) so I don't understand people how can drink double stout toucans or use anything more bitter than the pale ale kits in them.

Just a matter of personal taste I guess...
I just had a little taste of the Golden Harvest toucan and so far so good! I'm guessing about a week to 10 days at these temps... So now I'm going to do a similar brew but with three cans (a threcan?) of Mr Beer Classic Light American (I got them for fifty cents each).

Mr Beer Classic American Light x 3

Hersbrucker hops bag x 1

1 kg BE2

Saflager S-23
I put my first coopers toucan down a couple weeks ago:

1x Coopers Pale Ale
1x Coopers Real Ale
1kg Dextrose
1x S04 Yeast

OG: 1.072.

Topped up to 23L and dry hopped on day 7 with 24g Nelson Sauvin.

It's been in the primary for 14 days and the SG is reading 1.016. The Coopers recipe (albeit for 21L) states a FG of 1.008 to 1.012, IanH's spread sheet says 1.011 and my LHBS recipe is at 1.019.

What sort of FG should I be looking for??

Did you pitch both yeasts? With such a high OG the yeast is going to be working hard to get through all those delicious sugars. It could be that they petted out towards the end exhausted but I wouldn't be too concerned. You're still looking at a heavy 7.4% beer and the malty sweetness of the residual sugars might balance out the high bitterness value you'll have in that batch.

Still if you want it lower still, give the fermenter a gentle swirl to try and re-suspend the yeast or add more if you have it. Otherwise if the the FG is stable I'd give it another week (cold crashing if you can) and then bottle it.
I only pitched 1x 11.5g sachet of S04. It still seems to be bubbling through the airlock. I'll check the SG again in a few days; happy to leave it for an extra week.

It tastes unreal so far! Looking forward to trying some of the other toucans from this thread.

Les Murray's Vintage Ale - SEQ Swap Beer- IBU - 99.9% - 6.0% ABV Kegged

19lt total

12lt Boil

1 x Coopers Real Ale

1 x Coopers Pale Ale

65g Caramunich III steep for 35mins

Zythos - 53g at 10mins

Chinook - 51g at 5mins

Just put down my first toucan, the Coopers SMOTY Ale.

1.7kg Aus Pale Ale
1.7kg Dark Ale
10g EK Goldings (15min simmer)
20g EK Goldings (30 min steep)
100g Crystal
100g Chocolate Malt
Kit yeast x 2

The original recipe doesn't call for any grain but I couldn't help myself. Has anyone had success with this recipe?
Just put down my first.

Coopers draught
Coopers lager
Half kilo BE1
Both yeasts

Og was a hefty 1067.
Anyone done this toucan? Any ideas as to fg and therefore abv? Also what was it like taste wise? I don't like them too bitter.

1067? Wowzers! 23lt brew?

It should be a decent drop mate, heavy (in ABV) but sessionable.

I have a tin each of Coopers APA & Coopers Wheat Beer ready to go for when the weather warms up to make their Saison recipe. Hopefully it's nice so I can put one down every summer.
Yeah mate, 23 litres. Was going to add more water when I saw how high og was then I thought, **** it.
Here are the estimates I got from IanH's sheet:

OG 1053
FG 1014
IBU 44
EBC 9.7
ABV 5.5% (bottled).

After reading the thread I was expecting a vigorous ferment but not this.

ImageUploadedByAussie Home Brewer1408954875.443279.jpg

Do I just leave it until the vigour has stopped and replace airlock?
You should mop up all the beer mess on you lid ASAP, pull out and clean your airlock and sanitize everything as best you can before replacing it again. If you have a spray bottle full of star-san (or a similar no-rinse sanitizer) you'll find it useful here.

Leaving that mess there too long will be giving other bugs and micro-beasties you don't want around your beer a place to grow and multiply. Check on it every couple of hours, if it blows out again, then clean and sanitize again. It's all you can do at the moment until it settles down IMHO. It shouldn't stay this active for much more than 24 hours.