Babbs January Meeting

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Ok so it looks very much like I will be rocking up to the meeting w00t!
if anyone wants to take pity on a newbie I will be the empty-handed one lurking at the back :D feel free to shepherd me
Don't be empty handed, bring something you've brewed, before or after the mini comp you can share it around and get some feedback on it.

Here's a tip, remember the yeast you used, it's a common question when people sample your beers.


cheers Geoff
I do have something that looks like beer, smells like beer but is in fact a lemonade :(
BABBS is a beer brewer only club?
No bring that along, we get people bringing ciders, ginger beers, meads etc although spirits are not encouraged :p
If it's my first time at Babbs, and so I'm not a member yet, I can still enter the mini comp but my placing is not counted. Is that right?

If so, I understand that I just bring two tallies for each category. Is that right?
Brando, the mini comp is indeed mini, members can enter one beer total for judging plus another bottle for comments only. A non member can enter one beer for comments - Argon did this at his first meeting and if he had been a member he would have won :p - bloody nice Belgian it was. So bring an extra bottle of yours to pass around. You can be assured that we sometimes struggle to keep up with the number of entries - say 5 tables and 50 entries it can be hard going, but someone's got to do it B)

Later if you decide to enter the Annual comp, you can enter up to six beers but all different, and in the State comp you can enter heaps and heaps :eek:
If it's my first time at Babbs, and so I'm not a member yet, I can still enter the mini comp but my placing is not counted. Is that right?

If so, I understand that I just bring two tallies for each category. Is that right?

You can put in a beer for feedback only, as you're a non member, and you only need one tallie per category.
All other beers which need feedback, bring to me and I'll give it a shot :icon_drunk:
Brando, the mini comp is indeed mini, members can enter one beer total for judging plus another bottle for comments only. A non member can enter one beer for comments - Argon did this at his first meeting and if he had been a member he would have won :p - bloody nice Belgian it was. So bring an extra bottle of yours to pass around. You can be assured that we sometimes struggle to keep up with the number of entries - say 5 tables and 50 entries it can be hard going, but someone's got to do it B)

Later if you decide to enter the Annual comp, you can enter up to six beers but all different, and in the State comp you can enter heaps and heaps :eek:

And hence why I'm now a member (first official meeting tomorrow) Looking forward to entering my TTL clone for points and another secret one for comments. :ph34r:

Edit: I also doubt I will ever place again
Just a quick one - will be my first time entering the Mini Comps - do we need to attach the labels from the BABBs website onto the bottles when we enter?

Just a quick one - will be my first time entering the Mini Comps - do we need to attach the labels from the BABBs website onto the bottles when we enter?


You could if you wanted to Nick, but there's usually a pile of entry forms/labels on the trolley as you walk in.
Hey guys, I'll be dropping by for the first time. I'm very much in the same boat as Sinfathisar. I can bring a Pilsner I have on tap. It isn't my best effort, but I can handle criticism.
Hey guys, I'll be dropping by for the first time. I'm very much in the same boat as Sinfathisar. I can bring a Pilsner I have on tap. It isn't my best effort, but I can handle criticism.

Bring it along mate;

here are the styles for evaluation tonight.

Mini Comp No. 1:- Pale Ale and Bitter.

At time of entry, beer must be nominated into BABB's beer classes:
3.1 (Cream Ale), 3.2 (Blonde Ale), 3.3 (Klsch), 3.4 (Australian Pale Ale), 3.5 (Australian Bitter Ale), 3.6 (English Bitter), 3.7 (English Best Bitter), 3.8 (Extra Special/Strong Bitter), 3.9 (English Pale Ale), 3.10 (English IPA).

Could always just bring it along for informal comments... or if you think you have any beers that can squeeze into any of these styles
The Pils is all I got at the moment argon. I seem to drink it quicker then I can make it. It doesn't matter too much, I just didn't want to rock up empty handed.
Good work PB, you're giving that AndrewQLD fella a run for his money :icon_cheers:
Good work PB, you're giving that AndrewQLD fella a run for his money :icon_cheers:

Was that the Aussie Pale at our table that just nailed the guideline? If it was, it was so spot on. Loved that big pear aroma and really sessionable flavour. Nice
Was that the Aussie Pale at our table that just nailed the guideline? If it was, it was so spot on. Loved that big pear aroma and really sessionable flavour. Nice

Yep, pretty much spot on. Be a great session beer.

PS Nick can you send me that recipe for your RIS, I need more time sleeping on the couch <_<
BribieG ducks out to car to get violin:

There are times at comps and minicomps when a beer is so spot on and hits the tastebuds so perfectly that everyone at the table says "man, I've got to brew this next" and your Aussie was one of them. The other one in my experience was Browndog's APA at the BABBs annual that flipped me over to attempting an APA - I ran one up before Christmas and the keg got drained by friends and family like a pack of hyenas. Second one about to go into CC on Monday.

PB - recipe please? Particularly hopping schedule and temperatures as the pear was spine tingling.

< violin back into case>

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