Australian Hotel Sold?

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Iron Wolf Brewery
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Heard on the rumour mill that some famous un-sexed entrepreneur (approximately the 261st richest man in the world) has bought or is in the process of buying The Australian Hotel in the Rocks. The rumour goes on to say that all Australian beers will be removed from the bar, being replaced by English beers (a la Belgian Beer Cafe or the Bavarian) and that the pub will be renamed "The Brit".

Has anyone else heard this? Am I the victim of a sad practical joke?
Heard on the rumour mill that some famous un-sexed entrepreneur (approximately the 261st richest man in the world) has bought or is in the process of buying The Australian Hotel in the Rocks. The rumour goes on to say that all Australian beers will be removed from the bar, being replaced by English beers (a la Belgian Beer Cafe or the Bavarian) and that the pub will be renamed "The Brit".

Has anyone else heard this? Am I the victim of a sad practical joke?

I hope so! :angry:
Heard on the rumour mill that some famous un-sexed entrepreneur (approximately the 261st richest man in the world) has bought or is in the process of buying The Australian Hotel in the Rocks. The rumour goes on to say that all Australian beers will be removed from the bar, being replaced by English beers (a la Belgian Beer Cafe or the Bavarian) and that the pub will be renamed "The Brit".

Has anyone else heard this? Am I the victim of a sad practical joke?

I think someone's takin the piss Rob! funny joke but :lol:
sounds like a rumor and I hope it would never happen...... but how good would it be to have a English only pub with proper english ales! :icon_drool2:
It's pretty obvious it's a joke!

I wouldn't mind having another themed Beer cafe around though!
good idea!

Can Dogfish head, Rogue or Flying Dog open a Cafe in Sydney :beerbang:
That would be a shame to make the Australian a themed bar!

Whats wrong with a good Australian pub with GOOD Australian beer! And a couple of great internationals on tap!
Not sure if its related in any way, but wasn't Richard Branson (UK un-sexed entrepreneur) at the Australian Hotel today (or yesterday) launching Virgin flights between Australia and England?

Sorry if I've ruined someone's joke.
Maybe it will be called the "Virgin Bar" :eek: or is that bar already at Kings cross

Kabooby ;)
I haven't heard anything.
Would be a shame, but can see the opportunity with the brand new big YHA about to open next door to it.

That would be a shame to make the Australian a themed bar!

Whats wrong with a good Australian pub with GOOD Australian beer! And a couple of great internationals on tap!

The english pound <_<

I agree though, just add more taps :icon_chickcheers:


Truth or not ...

Putting the business hat on, as a man with means there are a lot of pubs in trouble on the east coast. Highly leveraged vehicles reliant on gambling (disposable income) revenue? Lots of pubs falling over or with issues (Henley Group, Pubboy, Short Family). Also with an increasing number owned by Woolies ... and a Brit used to Pub Chains who have several hundred venues each.

Again, as a man with means, who would of thought he could take on Qantas? Woolworths and the flagging pub chains ... would seem a bit of an easy money earner compared to flying aluminium tubes everywhere ...
Truth or not ...

Putting the business hat on, as a man with means there are a lot of pubs in trouble on the east coast. Highly leveraged vehicles reliant on gambling (disposable income) revenue? Lots of pubs falling over or with issues (Henley Group, Pubboy, Short Family). Also with an increasing number owned by Woolies ... and a Brit used to Pub Chains who have several hundred venues each.

Again, as a man with means, who would of thought he could take on Qantas? Woolworths and the flagging pub chains ... would seem a bit of an easy money earner compared to flying aluminium tubes everywhere ...

As a man with means I wouldn't touch The Australian Hotel. :icon_cheers:
Truth or not ...

Putting the business hat on, as a man with means there are a lot of pubs in trouble on the east coast. Highly leveraged vehicles reliant on gambling (disposable income) revenue? Lots of pubs falling over or with issues (Henley Group, Pubboy, Short Family). Also with an increasing number owned by Woolies ... and a Brit used to Pub Chains who have several hundred venues each.

Again, as a man with means, who would of thought he could take on Qantas? Woolworths and the flagging pub chains ... would seem a bit of an easy money earner compared to flying aluminium tubes everywhere ...

There is something interesting in the above gambling...

The local I drink at does not rely on gambling, in fact they find the machines a bit of a hassle. Its a rare pub that relies on food, accomodation and beer , rather than machines for their income...
All I can say is what a cheeky bastard :)

And good on Branson, he sure knows how to do a publicity stunt well.

If I am in the City before the 15th I'll be sure to take my camera and get a few shots for posterity.

I've got a few friends living interstate and O/S that will choke in their beers when I show them that our icon has been renamed.

Cheerz Wabster
Meanwhile, how's Sir Rick going with that pour d'ya'reckon? You'd think from his publicity stunts that he doesn't need any more head than he's getting already...
I heard it has been sold to the Chinese Government. It will be renamed The Great Wall and they will only sell Chinese beers or beers made from imported Chinese hops.

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