Maxt said:
If you are good enough to have a stack Of your beers make it to nationals,then you deserve to be champ. I challenge anyone who disagrees to try and get 10 or 12 beers into the national's
Absolutely agree with you!
This maybe a bit of a rant, but please bear with me & please don't say: TLDR....
For the nay-sayers, let's put this into a competition-running/logistics perspective & have a bit of a reality-check, OK?:
For the record (& those who don't already know me), I'm the Chief Steward for Vicbrew & AABC (when in Vic). Vicbrew is the largest competition in the Southern Hemisphere, where we can expect circa 400+ beers to be entered.
We can expect from 10-50 entries in any given category, depending on what is "flavour-of-the month" (Wheat beers used to be up-there years ago, then Pale ales, then APA's & now Baltic Porters are popular). That's OK, we can deal with it all, but it's still a LOT of beers to get through over the space of a weekend & places a big demand on the judges & stewards (particularly if large categories have to be split-judged over the two days).
From a logistics perspective, it's ridiculous to ask competition organisers to collect/allocate/sort/store/serve everything that everyone wants to enter, unless there were some restrictions on numbers. That's why we have the "2 entries per category, 1 per sub-style" rule (the "MJ" rule). "Shotgun"-entries are therefore excluded, as it's expected that brewers will enter their "best-shot".
I've said this before, but I'll say it again, just so folks get it - I once judged 120+ pale ales in one day (INCLUDING IPA's) & henceforth INSISTED that the states have a pre-qualifying competition for National qualification. If you reckon I was wrong in this assertion, then you're a complete *******.
The purpose of the State-based competitions is to narrow-down the field. We then determine the best in Australia from a limited number of beers that the judges can actually take time-over & do real justice-to in the national arena.
OK. I've ranted & rambled enough.
Does anyone have any queries?
PS. I have NO problems with anyone entering their beer into a State competition for feedback, as long as it's their "Best".