2 all-grain clones. Can't say if they're any good because I haven't made them - yet.
Arrogant Bastard Clone
Name Arrogant Bastard Clone
Description A clone of Stone Brew's Arrogant Bastard
Added by rob
Date Submitted Tue, 11 Feb 2003 01:40 PM (PST)
11.5 pounds pale two-row malt
1.5 pounds crystal 120
1.25 oz chinook pellets (12.5 aa%) (15.6 AAUs) @ 90 min
1.0 oz chinook pellets (12.5 AAUs) @ 30 min
0.5 oz chinook pellets (6.25 AAUs) @ flame out
1 tsp Irish moss
White Labs WLP007 or WLP001 (English Ale Yeast)
Place crushed grains in water and steep at 155 degrees for 60 minutes. Boil for 90 minutes, adding the hops according to schedule. Add Irish Moss last 5 minutes of the boil. Cool wort and pitch yeast. Primary ferment at about 68 F for 7 to 10 days. Secondary fermentation optional.
Style Strong Ale
Recipe Type All Grain
Batch Size 5 gallons
Original Gravity 1.074
Final Gravity 1.018
Boiling Time 90 minutes
Primary Fermentation Glass, ~ 68 F, 7-10 days
Secondary Fermentation optional
Other Specifics 75 IBUs, about 7% abv.
Aging will mellow the Bastard so drink it young if you want to prove your worth.
This recipe was compiled from various sources of AB clones.
Arrogant Bastard All Grain
Style: American Specialty Ale
WARNING This Beer is not for the faint of heart!!! You probably shouldnt even be thinking of brewing a beer
of such monumental proportions, let alone drinking it. The heavy handed doses of high alpha hops -
including the finishing (dry) hops will be right in your face. Backed up with a complex malty backbone, this
beer packs a punch and then some. If you think that youre worthy, give it a shot. Otherwise just stick with
your cans and corn sugar. (Starting Gravity: 1.074-1.080) (Finishing Gravity: 1.014-1.020) (Approximate Alcohol
Content: 7.4-7.9%) (78 IBU)
2 Row 4.0 pounds
American Wheat 4.0 pounds
American Munich 4.0 pounds
Special-B 8.0 ounces
Biscuit 8.0 ounces
Aromatic 8.0 ounces
Corn Sugar (Bottling) .75 cups
Magnum (Bittering 60 min.) 1.0 ounces
Columbus (Bittering 50 min.) 0.5 ounces
Centennial (Flavoring 30 min.) 0.5 ounces
Centennial (Finishing - Dry) 1.0 ounces
Irish Moss 1.0 package
Wyeast #1056 American Ale 1.0 package
White Labs #WLP-001 1.0 tube
Date Gravity
Alcohol: %
Follow Basic Mashing Instructions included
Turn up heat to achieve boil
Boil for 30 minutes
Add 1 oz. Magnum bittering hopsset timer for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes
Add .5 oz. Columbusset timer for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes
Add .5 oz. Centennialset timer for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes
Add Irish Mossset timer for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes
Remove from heat (NOTE: Add Dry Hops now if no secondary fermenter will be used), cover pot and chill to 70 to 80F.
Add to primary fermenter by straining through filter funnel, top up with water to 5 gallons and mix and aerate well by
shaking fermenter or injecting filtered air or oxygen.
Pitch Yeast. If using Wyeast make sure the package is completely swollen. White Labs should be allowed to warm to
pitching temperature.
You should have active fermentation within 8 to 36 hours.
Once fermentation is complete, transfer to secondary (if you have one) and add 1 oz. of Centennial Dry Hops for 1-4 weeks,
depending on how Arrogant you want this beer to be.
Bottle or Keg as usual.