Arrogant Bastard Ale Clones

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yankee brewer

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TastyBrew presents...
Arrogant Bastard Clone
A clone of Stone Brew's Arrogant Bastard
Submitted by Rob Hudson on 11 Feb 2003 01:40 PM (PST)


11.5 pounds pale two-row malt
1.5 pounds crystal 120
1.25 oz chinook pellets (12.5 aa%) (15.6 AAUs) @ 90 min
1.0 oz chinook pellets (12.5 AAUs) @ 30 min
0.5 oz chinook pellets (6.25 AAUs) @ flame out
1 tsp Irish moss
White Labs WLP007 or WLP001 (English Ale Yeast)
Place crushed grains in water and steep at 155 degrees for 60 minutes. Boil for 90 minutes, adding the hops according to schedule. Add Irish Moss last 5 minutes of the boil. Cool wort and pitch yeast. Primary ferment at about 68 F for 7 to 10 days. Secondary fermentation optional.

Style Strong Ale
Recipe Type All Grain
Batch Size 5 gallons
Original Gravity 1.074
Final Gravity 1.018
Boiling Time 90 minutes
Primary Fermentation Glass, ~ 68 F, 7-10 days
Secondary Fermentation optional
Other Specifics 75 IBUs, about 7% abv.

Aging will mellow the Bastard so drink it young if you want to prove your worth.

This recipe was compiled from various sources of AB clones.


TastyBrew Recipe Location:
hi yankee brewer welcome to aussie home brewer.
i would like to see the price of getting the bastards sent here.
anyway the arogant bastard looks like quite a simple recipe.
jayse said:
hi yankee brewer welcome to aussie home brewer.
i would like to see the price of getting the bastards sent here.
anyway the arogant bastard looks like quite a simple recipe.
It works out to around 40-60 USD in shipping costs for a 6 pack of beer to australia with USPS :( Keeps going up as you add more weight too :(

I'm trying to get 12 beers sent over (some big IPAS and RIS's) by a friend in the US, but I'm still working out whether its worth spending that much..
getting any sort of beer sent by mail from the US is pretty expensive to say the least. i have even looked at some australian "beer of the month" clubs, since the selection here is pretty limited and even those are a bit high on the $$.
I know this is a simple recipie, but I have yet to try it and compare it to the real McCoy. I plan to brew a few of these Bastard clones and tweak one of them to get it as close as I can so you blokes can try it-- or a reasonable fax. I found another that looks a little better. We'll see. My next batch is going to be a Czech Pilsner. The weather here is turning cold and I can lager outside without taking up valuable room in my beer fridge! In any case, the process of perfecting a Bastard clone could take months anyway and I'll have to suffer through drinking gallons and gallons of beer :chug: :D . It will be tough, but for you guys, I'll make it through somehow ;)
this recipe here looks like a ripper.
i'll just post the pdf.
iam not sure if we are even aloud to post the recipes since they belong to a comercial company but anyway here is HBA bastard.

View attachment Arrogant_BastardAG.pdf
Damn, this new color scheme looks like baby squeeze! I liked the blue much better. Anyhoo, I'm off to try my hand at devising a Double Bastard clone. Here is the first prototype incase any of you blokes want to try it on you own, having no idea if it is anything close to DB. However, even if it misses the mark by a few miles, I will guarantee that it will be an amazing, mind blowing, high gravity, high body, high alcohol, high hops, balls-out, no-holds-barred beer that will warm your heart and melt your mind. This much I know. Does it taste like DB??? I have no idea and after a couple of pints of this monster I probably wont care one iota.

(Sorry mates, this whole deal is in pounds, ounces and stupid crap like that. I hate SAE and I love the beauty and simplicity of the Metric system-- but when it comes to formulating beer, I stick to waht I have been raised with and convert later)

10 gallon batch!!!!!!


30 pounds Marris Otter
2 pounds 60 degree lovabond crystal (caramel) malt
2 pounds flaked barley
2 pounds wheat malt
2 pounds 40 degree lovabond crystal (caramel) malt

mash in at 160, hold mash at 156 (Farenheight) for one hour using .75 L (liter, quart-- whatever. Too little difference to matter) H2O per Pound (2.2 kilos per pound). So roughly 28.5 Liters H2O. Yes, it is a thick mash, but can you fit 38 pounds of grist in your mash tun with 38 L of water? Hats off to your setup if you can. Mine ain't that big so I'm going with a Belgian style thick mash.

Sparge with 168 degree H2O to collect wort up to 12 gallons or until runoff falls below 1.010 SG-- Don't want to collect tannins.

Boil 60 min.

Hop additions:
12 HBUs Fuggles (British)
8 HBUs Saaz
60 min.

40 Min:
8 HBUs Saaz

20 min:
8 HBU Saaz

last 3 to 5 min and during wort chill:
2 ounces German Hallertauer

Pitch with AT LEAST 33 grams Safeale S04 (Whitbread).

OG should be around 1.100 to1.120 depending on the efficiency of your system. Personally, I'm not brewing this monster beer till next week so I don't even know.

From what I can figure, terminal gravity should be around 1.030-- Is that malty enough for you mates?

I'm going to call this "Senile Senator Ale" in dishonor of Robert C. Byrd, the moronic **** senator from my state, who damned near makes me embarassed to be a yank. Oh well I said damned near!! If any of you get CSPAN, watch for this buffoon and you'll see what I mean. Then again, why would you get CSPAN??? Trust me, He's an ass.
This beer is going to cost me $100.00 USD for ingredients alone for 10 US gallons. Thats a lot of $$ for a 10 gal batch. A beer of 1.060 usually costs me $65. Like I said... Monster beer!!! :blink: :chug:
your malt and hops much cost you a heap.
we could make that with australian ale malt for almost half that in aussie dollars.
Marris otter is twice the price though i would just go with a aussie traditional ale malt.

you use HBU'S over there alot it seems most of us here don't use home brew units we all stick to IBU.
No reason just how most of us learnt.

Cheers Jayse
will be trying something like this sooner or later.
Well gang, I just placed my order at Here is a copy of the bill:
SKU Items in Basket Qty. Price Ext. Price
H08 6 OZ SAAZ PELLETS 1 $5.00 $5.00
H21 6 OZ MITTELFRUEH PELLET 1 $5.00 $5.00
H45 6 OZ UK FUGGLE PELLET 1 $7.00 $7.00
M43 1 LB 40L CRYSTAL CRUSHED 2 $1.80 $3.60
M50 1 LB FLAKED BARLEY 2 $1.75 $3.50
M52 1 LB. AMERICAN WHEAT MALT CRUSH.. 2 $1.85 $3.70
M74 1 LB 60L CRYSTAL CRUSHED 2 $1.80 $3.60
MD6 5 LBS. CRISP MARIS OTTER CRUSHE.. 6 $8.75 $52.50
Y23 SAFALE S04 DRY ALE YEAST 4 $1.65 $6.60
Total: $100.00

Some things you have to order more than you really need. I won't use all of the hops and I'll just dump them in with like varieties, vacuum seal them and put them in the freezer. I generally do the same with malt, etc. Then just take inventory before I order the ingredients for another batch to see if I have any leftovers I can use.

As far as the cost goes-- I believe in using only the finest. I can get USA grown hops and malt much cheaper, or at least somewhat cheaper. I have brewed somewhere near 1000 gallons of my secret pale ale-- I call it "Grateful Pale Ale". I'm a Deadhead and I designed and brewed that beer to travel with me to the shows. Its a (how do you say in Oz??? bonzer???) balls out beer choc full of malt and hops with a good kick and thick body-- anyhoo I tried many different malts, hops from different parts of the world etc (USA Hallertau are damn good, but I still use German-- they're slightly better) and I settled on good ol' Marris Otter as my pale malt of choice. Expensive, yes but worth every penny. I once had a finance professor who was fond of saying, "You can't make chicken salad out of chicken sh*t!". I concur with his colorful expression.

I should brew by Friday. I figure a week for the ferm, a week to clarify, rack it into the kegs, gass it up, bla bla bla-- I predict positing tasting notes in about three weeks. Then the revision process starts. If any of you guys are planning on holiday here, stop by and have a pint!

If the company is overseas - USA you might have problems importing the hops...

Customs does not like it.
Every one i know who has tried this - has been told no...

Good Luck.
hey, that was yankee brewer the last post not me.
iam with you yankee on only using the very best. Our local pale ale malt is very very good our main malt supplier to the whole country serves the craft brewing industry very well.

anyway why safale yankee? I think that tends to suck the life out of my beer.

Cheers 'not ordering any ingredients from overseas, Jayse'
Well, I chose safeale s04 because it is derived from the Whitbread yeast strain. I use the WYEAST 1098 strain in several of my beers and I like the fruity profile and high attenuation (Ill need the high attenuation in this beast) I've not used this dry yeast before but even if it tries to "suck the life out of" my beer, it will have a hard battle to fight in order to suck the life out of this beer (O.G. 1.11 or 1.12). I normally use liquid cultures but I am trying to get away from it when I can-- such as with a huge beer or a dark beer that will hide certain imperfections-- for cost savings and convenience. If however, I find that it negatively impacts the quality of the beer, I will be forced to culture liquid. I contemplated using Danstar Nottingham or Windsor but the flavor profile is a bit too clean and they both flocculate too quickly to properly attenuate this beer-- did I mention it is a MONSTER??? Another candidate was good 'ol Glenbrew. If the safeale fails to live up to my needs, I'll try the Glenbrew before going to liquid.
Well, I began brewing at 11:30 AM and finished at 12:00 midnight, The mash was so thick that it clogged my false bottom-- So I'll drill more holes and cut more slots before the next batch. After collecting 10 gallons of sweet wort the gravity was still at 1.050, So I collected another 5 gallons at which point the gravity was still at 1.020! So I said to myself-- screw this 15 gal. is plenty. After a vigorous 2 hour boil under high heat and with the lid completely removed from the kettle, I began the hop additions. During this 3 hour boil I periodically poured in some of the 3rd 5 gallon pail to make up for evaporation. Starting gravity turned out to be 1.100. Now 14 hours and 20 minutes after the yeast was pitched the kraeusen is still climbing and so I rigged blowoff tubes to both 6.5 gallon fermenters. Oh boy-- I may not be worthy of this beer! Just kidding. You have to see this.


YB, does your digital camera have a movie mode ?
If so that a couple of short little movies of the fermentation showing the blowoff tube going nuts and post them up here.

Looking forward to hearing about the taste test when it is ready.

We're all not worthy :D

You can import hops, no probs, as long as they are pellet or plug. you won't be able to import whole hops

You can import malt too

Once AQIS told me some malts I was importing were grains not malt "because the acrospire had not come though the top of the grains" don't put up with this ****! Just make sure your supplier includes details of the malt with the package.

Way expensive, though

Jovial Monk
Regrettably Doc, My camera is a geniune P.O.S. and I count myself lucky when I get it to work at all.

In any case, I got home from work to find that the vessel I chose for blow off was totally inadequate. There was sticky hoppy, crusty foam all over the floor. So now I set up a 5 gallon bucket with 2 gallons of H2O in it. That should hold it. You should see the volume and ferocity of crap being expelled from those fermenters. Its damned near violent. I cant wait to taste it!