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I'm confident I can really tell the difference between 67.0 and 67.1 in my mash

WOW, i have a long way to go grasshopper i sure can't tell the difference!

finally have a progress pic of HABS


got her all soldered up and gave it a smoke test all good!

have the specialized "brewery controller" up and running also reading temps off a couple of DS18S20's

just waiting for the SSR's and LCD to arrive so i can have some more fun :rolleyes:

got her all soldered up and gave it a smoke test all good!

have the specialized "brewery controller" up and running also reading temps off a couple of DS18S20's

just waiting for the SSR's and LCD to arrive so i can have some more fun :rolleyes:

Looks great Rob. I assume by SSR, you mean Solid State Relay, and not Soviet Socialist Republic.... :lol:
What LCD did you get? I'd love a Vacuum Fluorescent Display (VFD), but they're way expensive? My LCD is an el-cheapo with no backlight, so I may get LCD envy when you show yours ;)

I've got 5 Really Bare Bones Boards (RBBB) and the USB to TTL cable on the way from for a few other projects I have in my head.... and to free the Diecemila board for prototyping.
Oh, they look sexy! MythTV frontend?
Yeah that is what I was thinking. Dunno if they have the grunt to decode MPEG at 25-30 fps.
I whipped up a quick case for my brew last week (finally got the photos off the camera). I made a thermowell from some aluminium tubing and some knead-it. I used it in the mash. Here you can see the sparge temperature after the first batch of water was added (95degC sparge water) and mixed. Only the single sensor was attached, hence only the one readout. numbers top right are the timer (accurate to the second over the 90 minute mash). The official arduino uses a 16MHz crystal for the clock, so it remains to be seen how accurate the resonators are in the really bare bones boards I've ordered. I'm confident it won't matter either way.

Here is a shot of the current state of the brewery... taken during sparge. roller door is still down, as the burner isn't lit yet. Pump is on, and as you can see, I haven't bothered to figure out how to get those bloody switches to light up... that just smacks of effort.
My 5x RBBB's arrived from yesterday. 9 days from Rhode Island to Queensland. That was faster than my Arduino Diecimila from Sydney :rolleyes:
5x RBBB's assembled, cleaned and tested. 1 has already made its way into the HERMS controller, and is running the current firmware without a hitch. That frees up the Diecimila board for other uses.
This rise of the machines!

Looks good mate. Love the makeshift case.
noice bonj very noice!

i somehow missed those last few posts

been playing with my lcd the last few days, i'm no where near the camera man u are bonj :D



Nice LCD Rob!

The character for the degree symbol is decimal 223 or 0xDF on mine, so quite possibly the same on yours.

The trick to the photos, is plenty of light, and staying within the focus range of the lense. Also make sure your shutter speed is fast enough so you don't get motion blur.... but plenty of light should take care of that.
Hey Rob that looks great and even better with the blue backlight now your brewery will be tres Kewl!!!!
Just when I didn't need another thing to tinker with all this discussion has got me ordering one of these to play about with :ph34r:
Just when I didn't need another thing to tinker with all this discussion has got me ordering one of these to play about with :ph34r:

Do it!

I've been playing around with Processing the last couple of days... fun fun fun. Have got the gamepad going with the proControll (yes, two L's) library.... Homemade USB missile launcher, here I come! mwahahahahaaaa
Well after much screwing about with the LCD board I have corrected all my soldering stuff ups and put the correct resistors in and I am away. All very basic for now but once I get some SSRs and time the brewery will be going electronic for better or worse :)

Out of interest I got 10 DS18B20's of ebay from a seller in hong kong for a couple of bucks each with only $5 shipping to the US (


And all that assembly language stuff I forgot could now become usefull... Z80 text book is in the shed somewhere.... :rolleyes:
Top stuff, Jason! :super: I'm guessing you didn't stuff up the pullup resistor like I did :rolleyes:

The Z80 assembly won't do you much good on an arduino, Duke! But it runs like a dream on ubuntu :D
The atmega168 in the arduino is 8bit, 1K RAM, 16K onboard flash (around 14K usable after the bootloader), 512B EEPROM.
Bonj... that set is looking awesome, love the display readout.

Has anyone built a brewery with a full-sized LCD yet? I can just imagine how crazy that would look with temperature graphs on display, etc. You could mount it on LCD arm hanging off the side. Panels are so cheap these days too. Of course, then you'd need to drive the display somehow.... which would lead to an embedded platform of some sort. Beer OS.

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