Been there, done that.Surfing nothing quite like a beer when your all surfed out
jester28 --- You should have done National\Tea Tree at Noosa in the early '60's. Nobody around but us. :super:
Wiped out my two lower discs at Moffats 20-odd years ago but there's still nothing like a beer when you're surfed out or otherwise. :drinks:
Still do my swims (getting shorter lately) & body surf but am getting on a bit.
I like keeping the lawn & gardens up to scratch but main hobby ATM is waiting for the fermentation fridge to empty so I can fill it again.
Lots of painting to do soon but $*#& that if I can get away with it?
Any volunteers? :lol:
Edit --- Ride the pushbike & do 3-hour walks as well when avoiding paint jobs or any time for that matter.