Any Good Wonton Soup Recipes?

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Bribie G

Adjunct Professor
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I bought a pack of wonton wrappers in Chinatown yesterday and have found Youtube directions for wetting and folding them. Any suggestions for ingredients? I have a small tray of pork and veal mince from Woolies but have heard that water chestnuts and shrimp are required ingredients for wonton filling. I also have a litre of Campbells chicken stock for soup base.

I'll be doing my killer fried rice with the Aldi Pancetta, for accompaniment.

M is sitting here with me, and as you know she's 100% authentic for the region, so here's her recipe:

* Fresh prawns, shelled
* Mince prawns finely
* Soak black fungus in water about 15 minutes or until it's rehydrated, chop finely and combine with prawns
* Add a little potato starch, soy sauce to taste
* A few drops of fish sauce if you like
* Add pork mince
* Mix it up with your fingers
* Let marinate for about half an hour on the bench
* Small ball of meat and prawns etc into the wonton skin.

Good soup needs a whole chook, dried squid (about the size of your palm) and boil to make the soup stock.

Cook the wontons in boiling water, pull out when they float up. Add to soup.

Add shredded shallots, choy sum, etc to round it out and dress it.

Water chestnuts don't feature much in traditional Canto cooking. It's a bit of a restaurant thing around here as it adds bulk and texture to a dish for less. I get looked at with much disdain when I look at them in the Chinese grocer. :)


Cheers - Fermented.
Nice looking recipe fermented! I luuurrrve Black Fungus!

I havnt made them for a while but the recipe went a little something like this:

500g Pork mince
250g of Shelled minced prawns
Minced spring onions (3-4)
Slug of light soy sauce
Tsp of sesame oil
Minced Ginger
Minced Garlic
White Pepper

Turned out quite well, i also used this same filling for Shanghai style dumpings, Minus the prawn.

Damn it, I had a really nice recipe....

I'll do some hunting later on, and post it if I find it.
@ fermented....
M is Mum? She's cantonese, iirc?

Nah, M is my wife's first name. You've got a good memory! Mum was a typical Anglo mix-up from Kentish, Cornish and Irish bloodlines, so I'm a white boy but spent enough time working in the region to have gone native. B)

M came about ten years or so ago from Southern Guangdong (Canton), just a short ferry trip to Hainan, so the cuisine in their part of the province is both trad Canto which works to keep the 'original taste' of the ingredient and also additional spicy dishes, especially late night street bbq vendors - perfect for post-drinkies-eats at 02:00 when you've had a few dozen Tsingtao. :) Am working on a few of those booze-food dishes at the moment to make them more Aussie-friendly and easier to make and will post when I'm done.

Cheers - Fermented.