Alternate Day Fasting

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Bribie G

Adjunct Professor
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Since the Previous Easter, 2012, I dropped from 98 down to 92 kilos but since stopping work, exploring the wonderful world of Indian Curry and settled in the new place my weight has crept back up to 95 and heading a bit North every week.

Came across this concept on an SBS show which I hadn't heard of, might give it a try. It seems to be getting very popular overseas. Will report.

Basically you have a feed day then a fast day then a feed day ad infinitum. You don't actually fast as such, just limit yourself to 600 calories for the day. Apparently you don't tend to pig out the next day as long as you have a good breakfast, you can eat basically what you feel like and can still lose up to a kilo a week.

I'd guess the human body evolved to scoff a deer with your tribe over a couple of days then go without food for a day or so while you tracked down the next deer / goat /missionary and wife whatever and just snacked on a few roots and berries in the meantime. Don't see too many fat Aborigines or Bushmen in old photos. Makes sense.

Today: 1 rasher of streaky bacon sweated then 2 eggs cooked in the fat
1 Californian Navel
bowl of home made beef soup

1 hour power walk down the beach and back to see if the Meridian Resort has finally slid into the Ocean (analogous to hunting down the next deer)

Around 550 cals.

Tomorrow: Full English brekkie, snack at 3pm, curry, rice and chappatis for dins.

Also it will of course have to be alternate day grogging as well. :blink:
i also had heard about this on SBS, please keep us updated

i'm overweight, i was severly overweight headed into obese territory but have been on the light n easy bandwagon for several months now

without exercising i am easily loosing .5kg a week and would recomend it to anyone who was thinking of trying it.
DarkFaerytale said:
i also had heard about this on SBS, please keep us updated

i'm overweight, i was severly overweight headed into obese territory but have been on the light n easy bandwagon for several months now

without exercising i am easily loosing .5kg a week and would recomend it to anyone who was thinking of trying it.
Totally agree with the Lite N Easy meals, works a charm and not THAT bad for "diet" food
Bribie, if you want to give this IF thing a red hot go, I recomend following this guys protocol. He basically wrothe the book and has the clients and research behind him to back it up. I've done the 18/6 protocol in the past with good results after I gave it a few tweaks to suit myself.

IF is no magic bullet, but it delivers the goods if you have the disipline. As will any diet.

If you want to strip the fat as quick as possible, nothing beats keto in the short term. If you can stand the carb depleation.
Keep them below 100g or less per day and the weight just falls off. Initially water weight, followed by fat.
It's not ideal, but it works.

Sadly, theres no way to circumvent six schooners a day.
do you have to not drink on every second day?

there are something like 180cal in a pint.
On the day of fasting, just have 3 pints and a piece of fruit. That's about 600 calories isn't it?
If I remove the beer from my diet I'd be anorexic in 6 months.
I watched the second half of that doco and it was pretty interesting.

The fasting mice in the experiment started to grow new brain cells.

So I can be skinny and smart?
Bribie G said:
Don't see too many fat Aborigines or Bushmen in old photos.
or many over 60

jyo said:
I watched the second half of that doco and it was pretty interesting.

The fasting mice in the experiment started to grow new brain cells.

So I can be skinny and smart?
Only if you are a mouse

I am over weight but I have come to the realization that there is no secret, no short cuts etc after several many half serious attempts to loose weight the "easy" way.
If energy in is greater than energy used then excess goes into storage.
So either eat less or exercise more or do both if you want to loose weight.
No short cuts in life.

I have managed to give up the smokes, so cutting back on food and increasing exercise can't be that hard... in winter in Tasmania...Hmmm
TasChris said:
If energy in is greater than energy used then excess goes into storage.
This is essentially what I used when I lost ~18kg in an 18 month period. There are many diets and lifestyle changes that one can do, but essentially it comes down to using more energy than you consume. Quite simple (equation-wise, maybe not so much actually achieving this goal).

Personally, I'd struggle fasting on every second day though. I just enjoy food and drink too much... Probably helps that I've managed to keep the weight off and am playing sport/exercising ~4 days a week. Good luck for any individuals who attempt the challenge though!
You pull up to the servo with half a tank. You put in thre quarters of a tank and a quarter goes into the reserve tank.

Next time you pull into the servo with a quarter of a tank and fill it up with a whole tank worth ... another quarter of a tank went into reserve.

Here's the kicker: you can'tswitch onto reserve tank until the main tank is dry.

That's why people are fat.
Nick JD said:
You pull up to the servo with half a tank. You put in thre quarters of a tank and a quarter goes into the reserve tank.

Next time you pull into the servo with a quarter of a tank and fill it up with a whole tank worth ... another quarter of a tank went into reserve.

Here's the kicker: you can'tswitch onto reserve tank until the main tank is dry.

That's why people are fat.

Fark...I feel like I'm in maths back at school again
Nick JD said:
You pull up to the servo with half a tank. You put in thre quarters of a tank and a quarter goes into the reserve tank.

Next time you pull into the servo with a quarter of a tank and fill it up with a whole tank worth ... another quarter of a tank went into reserve.

Here's the kicker: you can'tswitch onto reserve tank until the main tank is dry.

That's why people are fat.
Pretty much keto in a nutshell.

If you main tank was full of chips and cake and your reserve full of blubber.
I think I lost a few kilos recently. Basically decided that at least one meal a day would be low/no carb. Pref lunch.
Normal but healthy dinner. Worked out well, tried no carb first and it was horrible, made me drink... Felt the beer baby shrinking as the week went through. I've gone off t now but continue avoiding pans full of butter sautéed potatoes and such.
Dave70 said:
Pretty much keto in a nutshell.

If you main tank was full of chips and cake and your reserve full of blubber.
Mmmm, acetone breath...
There's a radical diet that has been around for a while now, but most people seem to be unaware of it.

How it works is like this, you eat a moderate amount of meat, this can be red, white or fish, you eat a moderate amount of fruit, a moderate amount of vegetables, a moderate amount of bread, cereals, pasta or rice and a moderate amount of dairy foods. Combine this with some moderate excercise, only consume a moderate amount of alcohol and minimal consumption of sweets and junk food.

I know it's a radical concept and there will be non believers who will never accept it, but I'm amazed that my weight stays at 83 kg year after year by following this bizzare diet.
Day 2 - so this is what it's like to be sober.

Feck, don't tell me I finally got away from that Fecking Island

Father Jack.jpg
Nick JD said:
You pull up to the servo with half a tank. You put in thre quarters of a tank and a quarter goes into the reserve tank.
Especially when you eat a roadhouse pie and chips when you fill up the car.

I highly recommend the CSIRO Diet. All about portion size and when you eat carbs. No carbs at night. 1 kg per week weight loss. No gimmicks, the book explains what to eat, what different food groups do, and gives you a 6 week meal plan. Too easy. Plus you can have alcohol, just moderate it.

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