Soz, have to chime in on this..
I enquired about this to KL and got a reply direct from Kee who sent me pics and pricing of the units they had. Indeed they looked totally different to the one sold today.
Not sure why this is a big issue though as they never said that it was the one they would be selling.. a "sample" can be a first prototype which will look totally different to the production version.
Never said is was an issue, just commented that I remember it being different to the one to be released.
Here was one of the samples if anyone interested..
The thing here is, no one really wants your opinion, its always really negative for some reason and you seem to side one way all the time and have no time for anything else.. Like KK vs KL, Bottles vs Canning.
Well I thought that opinions is what discussions were about, or has everyone got to like whats trending?
You say "If you or anyone else can give me a reason why they will be a good seller I may change my mind."... This really doesn't matter, no one wants to change your mind cause nobody cares, this thread is about canning, not how many Cannular units kegland will sell or how many you will buy - stop being so self absorbed.
Well reading the first post this thread wasn't about canning it was about selling the Cannular machine.
In marketing it is all about getting people on board with a product, its important to get the 'uninterested' home brewers wanting to get a canning seamer by naming the benefits to the proposed customers, I don't think 'its kinda cool' is going to make people rush out and buy one.
So if anyone can name the pros and cons, not for me but for others who may be interested
People are interesting in canning as its trending right now and its kinda cool and i think there is quite a bit to be learnt in this space on a homebrewer level.
I would personally like to see all this stuff put to rest and this thread continued on as it started (minus KL getting in trouble for post location
