Since it's a bulk-buy, can we have a bulk order by state as well for those that want an excuse to get together and save postage? i.e. if a whole bunch of Adelaide brewers have a single postage, then get together sometime rather than each paying postage.
2 x XL Tee QuantumBrewer (Adelaide)
1 x XL Polo QuantumBrewer (Adelaide)
I'll take 2
let me know if you want help in the design department I'm happy to do it for fellow AHB'ers.
I'll take 2 XL
Great idea and thanks for putting yourself out for this
Hats was done a couple years ago, I have one in fact! I'll keep in mind your colour preferences when deciding on the final colour poll.
As posted on the polo tshirt poll thread, I would definitely order 2 polos xl but preferably in blue to highlight my eyes. B)
For logo, what about the barrel at the top of the page? would work for me.