AHB Biggest Loser Challenge!

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i don't need to lose weight, i just need to grow a bit taller

according to bmi, i am the perfect weight for a 9 foot tall male :)
donburke said:
i don't need to lose weight, i just need to grow a bit taller

according to bmi, i am the perfect weight for a 9 foot tall male :)
Baaahahahahahahahahaha. I'm 6'6" and you can have some of my weight. Maybe we could even up.
Weighed myself this morning, pre breakfast, post toilet time (most accurate part of the day), 106.8kg, would like to get back down to 93kg.
recommended AHB workout...

weight lifing regime.. 12oz weight bicep curl to chin.. 10oz weight bicep curl to chin... 8oz weight bicep curl to chin... 6oz weight bicep curl to chin...
timmi9191 said:
recommended AHB workout...

weight lifing regime.. 12oz weight bicep curl to chin.. 10oz weight bicep curl to chin... 8oz weight bicep curl to chin... 6oz weight bicep curl to chin...
Fill and repeat.
rheffera said:
Yeah im all for gaining healthy weight. I usually only eat twice a day(assuming im not drinking) as i get up at 11am after work which is far too close to lunch for me. I usually eat a big dinner, heaps of mashed potatoes so that solves the carb issue..

Although i may be 60kg alot of the time i feel sluggish, like i weigh several times more than i do.

Good luck to you all on your weight loss, although the hobby we share isn't encouraging of it.
You eat twice a day and wonder why you dont gain weight. Start by keeping track of calories. At your height you should probably be eating at least 3000 if not more to gain weight I doubt your getting that in two meals
Friday weigh in.
I bought a set of smart scales that wifi across the internet magic into my phone and integrates with a bunch of other apps so you can track weight, BMI, body fat % against activity and food etc.

Interestingly (or maybe not), I had good results for the first few days. Ate healthily all week, no processed food, no fatty or sugary stuff etc. Kept off the alcohol until wednesday night when the inlaws came around. Had two glasses of white wine on wednesday and thursday nights and put on a little bit.

I know you aren't supposed to weigh in each day, but I like the analysis. I'll start counting calories as well next week so I have more data to work with.

06-12-2013 7-21-12 AM.jpg

Starting weight: 105.8kg
Current weight: 104.5kg
Loss this week: 1.3kg
Goal weight: 95kg

edit: add image
It's all alcohol that screws it, on top of the carbohydrates in the beer/wine/whatever the time required by the body to process the alcohol(toxin) means that less of the rest of what you've eaten gets fully metabolized as resources are devoted to the higher priority of toxins, so stuff gets stored as fat instead. Basic explanation as given to me by my nutritionist. Probably incredibly oversimplified to the point of being inaccurate.

Had a boozy week so my weight hasn't moved, might've even gone up, 101.8kg this morning.
Original weight 99
Today 100.5
Goal 89

Big week with social functions, **** melbourne weather meant little exercise
Coming week sacrifices will be made
Red wine, spirits and dry alcohols aren't bad, you can have a couple without worrying. White wine, beers and champagnes aren't for the weight loss program.

Also acarey you can weigh yourself daily if your shredding the kilo's. I know I'll lose nearly or more than 500grams a day when I'm really strict on my intake, and that's not exercising either, but I do or did have a fairly hard working job.

My biggest thing is the wife, wanting to snack on **** all day and not just eating a steak on its own, has to have sauce and mash potato and whatever else, and of coarse I see that and it Fuks everything. If I don't have it or can't see it I'm good, soon as it's in our cupboard or she's snacking on it, I'm out, hahaha.
At the end of Febuary I weighed 98kg, had a resting heart rate of over 80 and my waist was 113cm, by all measurements I was obese so I decided to lose weight and exercise. I now weigh 65kg, resting heart rate of 60 and my waist is 82cm. I did this by reducing my kJ intake and bike riding at least 3 times a week, taking the stairs instead of the lift and other simple changes. I feel a lot better, I sleep better and a good bike ride makes me feel a lot happier. To anyone thinking that they should lose a bit of weight I would say do yourself a favour and do it, once you start, it becomes easy.

cheers steve
I started the exercise program on Monday night after jumping on the scales that morning.

Starting weight (2/12/13) - 123.5 kg
Current weight - 121.5 kg
Short term goal - Under 120 kg by Xmas
Long term goal - 90 kg

No grog since Sunday night, snacking on fruit instead biscuits/chips and watching portion sizes at dinner. Half hour exercise in the morning, half hour in the evening.

Being as big as I am, I know the first few kg's shouldn't be hard to lose, but I'm still pretty happy with 2 kg in 4 days.

Going camping this weekend with a mate so beers will be back and exercise gone. Will still try to watch what I eat though, so hopefully I don't put it back on.
Chipped away a little more since Wednesday. For the official weigh in.
Started 102.x
93 even now.
In search of sub 90.

Onward and downward!
Dave70 said:
Not surprisingly, very much so.

A British and Irish inquiry into BSE concluded the epizootic was caused by cattle, which are normally herbivores, being fed the remains of other cattle in the form of meat and bone meal

Mate of mine is a vet at Forster, funny but we were discussing it last night as we are both Poms and miss the British Cheeses and the real oxo cubes that they stopped importing during the BSE crisis (check the label, OXO doesn't have any meat in it any more).
He said that BSE probably came from Scrapies, a sheep disease and they were incorporating sheep brains and spinal columns into the cattle pellets. Nice.

I'm grass fed all the way now, luckily in the Manning Valley every spare paddock seems to be full of cattle so I buy local and get grass fed.
NZ Westgold butter is grass fed, as is Woolies own brand if you can find it in the Westgold shaped block. If it's in the regular Aussie shape block it's probably not.
Quite apart from BSE that's really no danger nowadays, grass fed butter has an excellent Omega 3 / 6 ratio, almost as good as fish oil.

grass fed butter.jpg

Now, back on topic;

My right knee siezed up a few days ago (bursitis / tendonitis) and I've been on high doses of Prednisone and have bloated out about 3k. I also have to have a fairly substantial meal or snack with each dose to prevent my stomach dropping out through my botty. And of course my exercise regime is up the shyte.

So I'll skip the weigh in this week, hopefully back on track next week.
I knew i'd been avoiding those scales for a reason..... 104.5kg
rheffera said:
Fellas...what's your secret to gaining weight? (not sarcastic, being serious.) I drink a fair bit and naturally eat crap whilst doing so, yet im still 60kg on 6'0 frame. That's nearly underweight...

I had a six foot skinny mate in Brisbane who just couldn't put on weight, we were both Rothmans Reps (non smokers actually) and when we went on a joint trip out to the country for a few days his eating regime was astounding:

2 full English breakfasts
2 counter meals at pub for lunch
He always stayed at Kilcoy on his run because he could get two Yowie Burgers and a family sized portion of chips to be washed down with 2L of Coke.
He had developed the knack of steering with his knees so he could eat bowls of noodles while driving.
Bribie G said:
I had a six foot skinny mate in Brisbane who just couldn't put on weight, we were both Rothmans Reps (non smokers actually) and when we went on a joint trip out to the country for a few days his eating regime was astounding:

2 full English breakfasts
2 counter meals at pub for lunch
He always stayed at Kilcoy on his run because he could get two Yowie Burgers and a family sized portion of chips to be washed down with 2L of Coke.
He had developed the knack of steering with his knees so he could eat bowls of noodles while driving.
That sounds a bit like me until about a decade ago. I was skinny as a rake, use to munch on chippies, chocolate, KFC, pies, you name it, I ate it. Also, I was a lazy bastard who did basically no exercise at all (although I was a panelbeater at the time so was a fairly physical job) and drank a shitload of piss. For dinner I would eat massive meals. One example is when I'd have steak, I'd have two huge pieces of steak and a few fried eggs on one plate, an a separate plate for my chips because I couldn't fit it all one one plate, every meal was like this!......then I hit 35.....

Now I eat a LOT less, drink a couple of beers a night, walk every lunch time. Still skinny as a rake, but a six months pregnant rake. :lol:
Was 114kg (6-2) in mid-January this year when I had a Doctor's checkup. Apart from borderline hypertension (which I'd had for years, always promised to fix it by losing weight) I was also informed that since my mum was now diabetic I had 'family history' for the first time which pushed me into a whole new risk category.

I have a 6 year old and a 3 year old and finally got scared enough about seeing them grow up to do something.

My wife and I did the Dukan diet and I was down to 92kg by mid-May. Easily the lightest I'd been since my mid-20s when I was playing rugby, footy and cricket (42 now). I've ridden my pushie to work almost every day I've worked this year, it's a 25km round trip and I've clocked up over 4400km doing that. The ride has gotten so much easier since dropping the kgs.

Unfortunately this year I've also started to get serious about homebrew again, so I'm back up to 95kg now and about to enter my most troubling time of year with three work Xmas parties coming up and all the rest. It's going to be a lifelong battle I think.
I checked my weight on the flash digital scales in the chemist shop.
Came in at 88 kg,thought I would do an experiment to get a proper reading.
So I removed my clothes,had a root,then a ****
Lost 1.2 kg,
But gone done for public nudity,rape and shitting in public

Next time I'll do it at home.:).
For anyone interested in Exercise data logging, I made an AHB Strava club.

Found here;

Everyone welcome to join.

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