AHB Biggest Loser Challenge!

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punkin said:
Take it from someone who's just had a triple bypass a week ago, that's not fat, that's heart disease.

Go and get a stress test.

Nice, tell the man on a weekend. He will stress he's about to die now before monday.
punkin said:
Take it from someone who's just had a triple bypass a week ago, that's not fat, that's heart disease.

Go and get a stress test.
Thanks for the concern and advice Punkin. I have been going to get a health check but haven't for many reasons excuses, to be honest I had thought more along the lines of lungs more so than heart but just wrote that off as scaring myself from writing too much asbestos curriculum.
But your right, as the father of two young kids, I will go and have a health check up. Maybe those mid sleep pains are not indigestion?


Cube said:
Nice, tell the man on a weekend. He will stress he's about to die now before monday.
All good mate. Its beer o'clock.
You can have a heart attack without the classic symptoms. My old man went in for a stress test and they told him that he had already had a heart attack previously. He has since had a tripple by-pass.
Been on a bit of a health kick all year. I have to say most of my family are on the "rotund" side. Genetics they say. **** genetics. I watch what I eat and hit the gym a few times a week. I'm about the same as what I weighed at 18, but more muscle and less fat ( I'm 32 now ). Really, I have on average 4-6 beers a week 90% of the year so I'm not worried about beer consumption. For me food is 80% of it. If I'm consciously aware of what I eat, I'm ok. I've found lowering carbs works quite well for me, and upping fat. Cholesterol ok, blood sugar and liver perfect.

Do what works for you, and good on anybody for wanting to be healthier. Keep on keeping on
When is weigh in day? If it is today then no change since last week for me.

How does friday sound? That way we have maximum time to undo the damage from the previous weekend :ph34r:
Im in
I was 109kg 6 months ago and last week was 99. Would like to get to 89by easter
Had a massive weekend last so not looking fwd to Fridays result but cant avoid it so lets go

Can the winners prize be beer?
Well done meathead!

The prize could be a lifetime supply of home brew*

*Home brew must be purchased and brewed by the prize winner
Posting to subscribe, might join in after xmas period.

For me, routine is the key. Whenever I drop my routine, the pudge grows. Planning meals throughout the week, at least 3 days with no beer, and a couple of jogs to keep the blood flowing.

Also calorie counting (for at least a week straight including a weekend) every so often helps to remind me how much of and what I should be eating.. I find it easy to lose track of proper portion size. For anyone looking for recipes I'd recommend the CSIRO Total Wellbeing books or whatever they are called. Not "diet food" by any means, just good balanced tucker.
I'll be in for this. sitting on 98.8 as of the other day and would like to drop 10kg of fat weight
new keezer keeps tempting me though ;)
Just throwing it out there for anyone looking for some tips.

12 months ago I was 92kg and was reasonably active, just could not **** the weight

I started calorie counting with a mobile app called my fitness pal, and started doing a home exercise program

I basically tracked everything that went in my mouth, and aimed to eat about 1500 calories a day, compared to what I was normally eating which was 2200-2300.

It was no massive starvation diet, it just made me select lower calorie foods compared to the higher energy dense equivalent.
Beers were limited to fri/sat/sun, and I didn't stress too much about the extra calories that beer has. I just accepted that on those days I went over my quota

End result is now I am 80kg, and still exercise about 2-3 times a week to keep the cardio kicking over

YMMV but I am very very pleased in where I have gone in a year.
Best of luck to all you blokes.
There are many factors involved in weight control - exercise, calories in, genetics etc and many ways to lose weight.
You need to find what works best for you and fits your lifestyle.
If one approach doesn't work don't be afraid to cut you losses and try something else.

FWIW I'm one of those naturally lean types but over the last few years my weight had snuck up about 10 kg.
Last May I tried the Fast Diet (2x 600 cal days a week, otherwise no change) and lost 8 kg in 5 weeks.
Now I doone day a week of around 900 calories and my weight is stable plus (and this was the important bit for me) my biochemical markers (cholesterol, triglycerides etc) came back down to the normal range and have stayed there.

Not for everybody but it works if you can do it.
joshuahardie said:
Just throwing it out there for anyone looking for some tips.

12 months ago I was 92kg and was reasonably active, just could not **** the weight

YMMV but I am very very pleased in where I have gone in a year.
Ford pills?
Ok I'm in. Jumped on the scales the other day which confirmed my fears as they clocked up 123.5 kg. I've been inspired by the Mrs who went on a health kick before falling pregnant with our third last year and lost 30kg. She put some back on with the pregnancy naturally, but has lost 10 or so since bub arrived. I've only started this week, so the plan is no grog Mon-Thu, replacing morning/arvo tea snack with fruit instead chips/biscuits, dinner will be whatever dinner is, but watch serving size. Exercise half hour on treadmill of a morning before work and half hour on bike of an evening after dinner. I hope to increase both these sessions to a hour once fitness comes back. My ideal weight is apparently 78 kg, but if I was 78 kg I'd be a weed, so thinking 90 kg would be excellent, but tbh would be stoked just to under 100kg. Another factor in the grog reduction is my uncle died of liver problems (he well and truly gave it a flogging though), and my old man has just been told to give up the grog or his liver will go the same way, so genetics would suggest mine may need a bit of tlc as well. Finally, just wanting to be fitter is a driver because with three young boys I need to be.
joshuahardie said:
I started calorie counting with a mobile app called my fitness pal,
^^ This

When I went from 131 to 92 it was by using this (along with increased exercise). Started out limiting to 2000cal then when the weightloss slowed down I'd drop the cals by 100 and repeat. Man it took dedication though.

All this occurred before I became a brewer though. My issue is finding a way for 'Brewer Andrew' and 'Fit Andrew' to coexist.
Alright I'm in. Was going to start a weight loss kick as I've crept up over 100 again and posting on here will give me extra motivation. I'll do a starting weight tomorrow morning. I'm even going to do a (mostly) dry December to give it a kick start.
acarey said:
^^ This

When I went from 131 to 92 it was by using this (along with increased exercise). Started out limiting to 2000cal then when the weightloss slowed down I'd drop the cals by 100 and repeat. Man it took dedication though.

All this occurred before I became a brewer though. My issue is finding a way for 'Brewer Andrew' and 'Fit Andrew' to coexist.
"Brewer you", and "fit you" is like having a wife and a mistress. They hate each other and will forever try to kill the other one off. You just need to give them both equal attention and hope for the best.
Good timing for me - I'm 130 kg 6'3 and would like to be about 105kg. In the last five years I've had 2 spinal operations and each of those stopped me dead for 6 months, plus I had a knee operation after that. We are moving from a townhouse to 1 acre that needs a LOT of work in about one week and I can finally do manual work again so I hope to really shed some pounds, sick of being a fat bastard. I've only had about 10 beers in the last few weeks as the kegerator got packed so maybe a few pounds have dropped already.

So count me in!
mosto said:
My ideal weight is apparently 78 kg, but if I was 78 kg I'd be a weed, so thinking 90 kg would be excellent,
I went on a diet a few years back. Went onto the liteneasy deal. Worked really well. I started at 100kg. The BMI thing said i should be low 70's. Well i got to 78kg and people were commenting if i lose any more weight, i'd float away. 78 was too low a weight for me but it was a nice feeling at the time knowing how much weight i'd lost.
I noticed two things once i lost the weight.
1. The cold...i never feel the cold. But once i lost the weight, i was dressing up like an eskimo.
2. I become a lot slower on my snowboard. Went over to Japan, best snow i've come across to date (very amatuer snowboarder) and it felt like everyone was passing me.

I'm back to 97kg now after giving up footy and changing jobs to a desk job and I'm aiming to get around the 90kg mark.
Not wanting to appear as a smug and lean type who actually gives a **** about his health, I'll limit my comments, but may I suggest if you only read one pamphlet sized book this year, make it this.
You will find the suggestions within work in almost perfect harmony with the awesome and delicious Mediterranean style diet.
If you can't be rooted buying the book, here's an excerpt that's pretty much says it all.

"Eat food, not to much, mostly plants ''


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