New Zealand Home-brewers' Conference

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Greetings fellow home-brewers,

I'm part of a group organising New Zealand's first ever national home-brewers' conference! The event will be held in sunny Nelson on March 18th and 20th 2016, with Marchfest (Nelson’s craft beer festival) in between on Saturday the 19th, so mark those dates your diary.

The conference proper will be held on Sunday 20th March and features an expo, speakers and workshops to help brewers make better beer, share ideas with each other and generally educate themselves on the subject of beer, brewing, ingredients, techniques etc. There will be a social night too with tastings of home-brew and lots of time to chat.

There will be some options of more social events on Friday 19th such as a tour around some of Nelson's beer related gems, and a unique home-brew competition called “BrewMania”.

We haven't 100% finalised all the details yet, so if you’re interested sign up on our website for updates, and we’ll keep you in the loop. We promise to keep emails to a necessary minimum.

If you’re thinking you’d like to be involved in actually running the conference then you can register interest as a volunteer too.

We’re hoping this is the start of a what will become a huge event in the New Zealand home-brewing calendar, and would love you guys to help us spread the word even if you can’t make to Nelson in March. I know there's a lot of Kiwi brewers that read these forums, or maybe you know a brewer that would be interested. But there may be the odd brewer from the West Island keen to include a weekend of beery awesomeness in their NZ holiday ;-)

We’re more than happy to answer questions, either here or via email if you have any.

So, remember to go and sign up for information and progress updates:

Thanks heaps
Karl Summerfield
[email protected]

Posted with permission of the site admin
real_beer said:
Hi Karl shouldn't you stage it in Australia? I didn't realise there were any Kiwi's left in New Zealand??? :lol:

No seriously, good luck with the event I hope it's a great success. :icon_cheers:
Well, all the more beer for those who turn up eh?? :p
Thanks for your kind sentiments. We're all pretty excited about it. I understand the Aussie conference is a bit of a ripper, so hoping we get halfway close to that.
merc-man said:
Well, all the more beer for those who turn up eh?? :p
Thanks for your kind sentiments. We're all pretty excited about it. I understand the Aussie conference is a bit of a ripper, so hoping we get halfway close to that.
I reckon the release of the Grainfather would have inspired a lot of new people to take up the hobby over there, and you'll have a great turnout if the message gets to them.
I'll be along to that. Always like an excuse to get over to Kiwiland.
That's cool - have you guys signed up for updates on our page? We're still not 100% on all the details at this stage, so we want to be able to keep people in the loop. Would be freaking awesome to have some Aussies there!
merc-man said:
That's cool - have you guys signed up for updates on our page? We're still not 100% on all the details at this stage, so we want to be able to keep people in the loop. Would be freaking awesome to have some Aussies there!
this must be some sort of trap kiwi has ever said that
Yis, a sexpuck would be great. You ken brung a kig uf you want.

And no trap, we just want to show you guys how this beer making thing is done :p
Are there any Aussie brewing "rockstars" that we should be approaching to talk at our conference? We're after people that can help upskill home-brewers, or inspire them to try things they haven't considered before.

There's loads of interesting techniques coming out of Oz at the moment - BIAB and no-chill are pretty big over here
Tickets purchased looking forward to going ... any others out there going, there are still early bird tickets on offer.
Yes looks like a great weekend with the big Saturday etc. Should be a hoot.

mugley said:
Early bird tickets are all gone - all that's left right now apart from regular Sunday tickets are 6 full-price Friday + Sundays.

Got my early early Friday + Sunday, as well as a super early Marchfest ticket for the Saturday.
Got my ticket for the weekend. Looking forward to it! Those early bird tickets flew alright.
They just revamped some of the items including prepay of beer entry