AHB Biggest Loser Challenge!

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StalkingWilbur said:
Best thing I ever did was go and get fitted properly. Not like at the chain stored. An independent where they measure your foot properly, ask about your fitness activities, your aspirations and about any injuries. Then they put you on a treadmill and watch you and record you and give you feed back on your gait and if you're turning or leaning to a side etc. Then based on all the above information give you a few different shoes to try.
What magical place is this and do they accept home brew as payment?
Hahah. I wish!!

It cost nothing for the fitment though. Very thorough and not rushed. Would've spent half an hour getting me fitted.

It's called The Running Center. It's on Hay St in West Perth.
StalkingWilbur said:
Best thing I ever did was go and get fitted properly. Not like at the chain stored. An independent where they measure your foot properly, ask about your fitness activities, your aspirations and about any injuries. Then they put you on a treadmill and watch you and record you and give you feed back on your gait and if you're turning or leaning to a side etc. Then based on all the above information give you a few different shoes to try.
Totally agree with this, getting properly fitted has helped me out on a couple of occasions with fixing running issues. However, last time I went to The Athlete's Foot in Morley (which is a chain store) and they did a fairly decent job. Asked lots of detailed questions, measured my feet individually and had me walk on a computer monitored treadmill to assess how I roll. The shoes I have now are great, no issues with shin splints which I've had in the past.
That's awesome that they're doing that now. They didn't do that when I shopped there when I started my fitness journey and including socks and insoles spent nearly $400 on something that gave me sore muscles. I put it down to being overweight until I got fitted at TRC and the pain went away instantly.
Well, looks like running for fun is also an expensive hobby. Not dollar wise, lessons learnt the hard way when one just 'gets up and goes'. At least I don't feel like I'm getting old now with others having the same issues. Unless you are old buggers too :ph34r:

I bought two pairs of Nike Darts. They were from Catch of The Day. One pair was 40 bucks and the other was 20 bucks with some store credit. So was happy with that as they feel good to run in however I have no real comparison of 'good running shoes' to compare.

If the insoles don't give me comfort I will have to go get some fitted and splash out on some $200 jobbies with motion control etc as I can't keep this up with my leg screaming to stop at the 3K ish mark every run.
I'm only 34 but jeez when I run my ankles knees and back scream at me of days afterwards. Rugby league coming back to haunt me I guess :(
Don't take this as gospel, just experience,
In a past life, I did 15 years of track and field at a very competitive, and semi professional level.

Granted we were not busting out huge kms, but shin splints were only a issue when we had gone back to training after a long break, or when we transitioned back onto the all weather tracks (the red olympic style tracks) from something more giving, like grass.

Shin splints were always only a temporary issue, and would take care of themselves after the body became more conditioned to the surface we were running on. In extreme cases some heat and massage would help a bit, but I am confident it will remedy itself in a few weeks, and in my experience, won't actually do you more harm than just being sore.

Best of luck
Cube said:
****** shin splints killing me now. Right leg aches like a bastard at about 3.5 k in a run. I'm hoping it's just my beautiful flat feet combined with running on the road. Got some insoles today at $50.00 a pair. Fit well and lets hope it's better.

****** better not be an injury I had about 15 years ago coming back to haunt me. Me, Hydraulics, my leg, squashed on the shin to the size of my bone. Limped for weeks after that one.
joshuahardie said:
Don't take this as gospel, just experience,
In a past life, I did 15 years of track and field at a very competitive, and semi professional level.

Granted we were not busting out huge kms, but shin splints were only a issue when we had gone back to training after a long break, or when we transitioned back onto the all weather tracks (the red olympic style tracks) from something more giving, like grass.

Shin splints were always only a temporary issue, and would take care of themselves after the body became more conditioned to the surface we were running on. In extreme cases some heat and massage would help a bit, but I am confident it will remedy itself in a few weeks, and in my experience, won't actually do you more harm than just being sore.

Best of luck
Cheers, and to all who shared their shin splints :) It's better today so it's looking good for a run on Saturday morning to try out the new insoles. I do not want to start running on grass or uneven grounds as my back is too shot for that. I'm already on back meds to help with pain, so buggar uneven ground.
Asha05 said:
3 Knee surgerys later the only footwear i will wear for running, walking, golf & baseball is Asics.
Care to elaborate why Asics?
I'd only run in Asics, Nike or Sauconies. I guess it comes down to what you feel most comfortable in, which is pretty hard without putting some miles in.
Calories in < calories out. That is all.

Low carb, low fat, sugar whatever, it's ********. All any of those diets are doing is limiting calories from those sources.

Example - Jim normally eats 3200 kcal/day. Say 50/30/20 % macros split (carbs/protein/fat) carbs and.protein contribute 4 cals per gram and fat 9 cals per gram.

Then Jim cuts out a lot of his carbs.
So say instead of 400 g carbs per day its now 200g, effectively reducing his daily caloric intake to 2400kcal / day. Provided this figure is below the amount of calories Jim burns in his day to day life, he will lose weight, and he will tell all his friends that low carb saved his life and that carbs are the devil and carbs killed princess Diana etc.

Sure cardio helps, but cardio itself doesn't lose the weight, it just increases your daily calorie expenditure and deficit.
Kayne said:
Calories in < calories out. That is all.
Low carb, low fat, sugar whatever, it's ********. All any of those diets are doing is limiting calories from those sources.
Example - Jim normally eats 3200 kcal/day. Say 50/30/20 % macros split (carbs/protein/fat) carbs and.protein contribute 4 cals per gram and fat 9 cals per gram.
Then Jim cuts out a lot of his carbs.
So say instead of 400 g carbs per day its now 200g, effectively reducing his daily caloric intake to 2400kcal / day. Provided this figure is below the amount of calories Jim burns in his day to day life, he will lose weight, and he will tell all his friends that low carb saved his life and that carbs are the devil and carbs killed princess Diana etc.
Sure cardio helps, but cardio itself doesn't lose the weight, it just increases your daily calorie expenditure and deficit.

Everybody stop, an expert has chimed in. Don't think for yourself just follow this and you'll have a 6 pack in no time.
mje1980 said:
Everybody stop, an expert has chimed in. Don't think for yourself just follow this and you'll have a 6 pack in no time.
Not an expert, just someone who knows facts. and its not the first time its been post here (My post on page 3), and its absolutey correct. Carbs smarbs, all they do is slow down the rate u lose weight if your calorie in is less then calorie out, if u eat bread all day long, and as long as the kJ are under your daily needed, it wont matter of ***, you'll still lose weight. Also, his talking about losing weight, not getting a 6 pack..

shaunous said:
Piss all the crazy diets and different health things off. I gotta lose weight and have started this week, got hit by a car and have been laying around eating **** all day and mixing beer with meds, so now im allowed to walk I've had a long hard look and I've put on over 10kg in 3 months.

Rules of losing weight, so not frills approach, used this coupla years ago, was 116kg and got down to 93kg(about the lowest i'll ever get being 2m tall), still drank beer, average one a day and binged weekends.

If it wasn't around 200 years ago, DONT EAT IT.
Eat Protein, turkey(lowest cals), beef, chicken, beef jerky(made without sugar), steak and vege
Get rid of carbs like bread and so forth
If your feeling hungry and its not time for a proper meal yet, keep boiled eggs, they do fill you up and contain only 70cal
work out your calorie allowable intake, worked mine out a coupla years ago and I have to eat around 1200cal a day to loose a kilo+ a week.
I don't exercise, but I dont work in an office either.
don't use sauces, oils, marg or butter

If you want to drink a beer, allow yourself room for calories at the end of the day

I found boiled eggs were the best filler for me, they keep changing how many your meant to have a day, but I have 2-4 a day and that's not bad, not everyday either.

Anyway I know my post is all over the shop, but the simple way of losing weight, and any doctor or scientist will tell you, you want less energy in, then energy out. There is calorie calculators on the net, figure out what your daily should be, then make sure your well below it every day, find the calories of food you eat and calorie count, don't have to write it down in books, just know in your head your under your allowable.
mje1980 said:
Everybody stop, an expert has chimed in. Don't think for yourself just follow this and you'll have a 6 pack in no time.
Lol, so what qualifies you to spruik your advice, champion?
I'm no expert, but different things work for different people.
I agree with most of what Kayne said. I'm not here to tell anyone they're wrong though.

The only thing that I would add to what Kayne has said is that counting calories shouldn't be your goal. You could eat 1500cal of deep fried macaroni balls and expend 3000cal for the day and lose weight, but that's not healthy.

I don't know why people have made this so complicated. It seems pretty simple to me. Eat a balanced diet. Yes, that includes ******* carbs! Don't eat too much (keep your calories in check). Live an active lifestyle, get some exercise.

This doesn't work for everyone because some people have injuries or medical conditions. It should work for the majority though.
mje1980 said:
I'm no expert, but different things work for different people.
Mate, I wasn't saying that low carb doesn't work, it does, and I explained why I think that is.

But carbs aren't the devil, despite marketing departments would have you believe. If you need proof that low carb is not ideal just drink a pure blonde stub. ;)

Wilbur is spot on too.
Kayne said:
Calories in < calories out. That is all.
it's a sound assumption but you're ignoring the physiology of the entire human body, such as,actual nutrition, and the way sugars & proteins are metabolised.
calories in = calories out coupled with a balanced diet is the key to maintaining a healthy weight.
calories in < calories out doesn't necessarily mean weight loss, unless you're talking about starvation, but then you would have deeper problems.
Liam_snorkel said:
it's a sound assumption but you're ignoring the physiology of the entire human body, such as,actual nutrition, and the way sugars & proteins are metabolised.
calories in = calories out coupled with a balanced diet is the key to maintaining a healthy weight.
calories in < calories out doesn't necessarily mean weight loss, unless you're talking about starvation, but then you would have deeper problems.
Yeah, obviously a balanced diet is important, which is why I disagree the with low carb notion.

I'm also not talking about a huge caloric deficit - my daily intake for maintenance is about 2600 calories, if I'm trying to lose weight, I'll drop that by 15%. I

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