Piss all the crazy diets and different health things off. I gotta lose weight and have started this week, got hit by a car and have been laying around eating **** all day and mixing beer with meds, so now im allowed to walk I've had a long hard look and I've put on over 10kg in 3 months.
Rules of losing weight, so not frills approach, used this coupla years ago, was 116kg and got down to 93kg(about the lowest i'll ever get being 2m tall), still drank beer, average one a day and binged weekends.
If it wasn't around 200 years ago, DONT EAT IT.
Eat Protein, turkey(lowest cals), beef, chicken, beef jerky(made without sugar), steak and vege
Get rid of carbs like bread and so forth
If your feeling hungry and its not time for a proper meal yet, keep boiled eggs, they do fill you up and contain only 70cal
work out your calorie allowable intake, worked mine out a coupla years ago and I have to eat around 1200cal a day to loose a kilo+ a week.
I don't exercise, but I dont work in an office either.
don't use sauces, oils, marg or butter
If you want to drink a beer, allow yourself room for calories at the end of the day
I found boiled eggs were the best filler for me, they keep changing how many your meant to have a day, but I have 2-4 a day and that's not bad, not everyday either.
Anyway I know my post is all over the shop, but the simple way of losing weight, and any doctor or scientist will tell you, you want less energy in, then energy out. There is calorie calculators on the net, figure out what your daily should be, then make sure your well below it every day, find the calories of food you eat and calorie count, don't have to write it down in books, just know in your head your under your allowable.