I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I cannot mash that
Man, I need to get around to making my swap beer! I have my rye sammich beer in the fermenter now, waiting for it to finish before making the swap beer.
Sounds good.... Chinook is the bomb!!! :icon_drool2:Just finished making my swap beer!
10 min Chinook IPA! Smelt amazing! :wub:
no cigar. still up for grabs for one lucky punter.Did you get the one with the bottling valve?
swoitMrs Hatchy is brewing a batch of Poita on Sunday which will just be ready in time, she may or may not be willing to swap. I'll ask her when she gets home.
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I imagine it's annoying and not funny.
Ok i gotta far as a drink goes what is a Poita....?