More info from the Coopers site.
'WATER - In the interests of water conservation we draw our brewing water from the water table, pass it through our reverse osmosis plant to produce pure water then condition the water by adding the required salts and trace elements to suit the intended brew.'
So it would seem they don't use Adelaide water
"Most of Coopers Brewerys electricity\ and steam requirements are drawn from a 4.4 megawatt (MW) natural gas-powered cogeneration plant located on site.
The cogeneration plant was built in 2002 in partnership with AGL, as part of a 20 year energy supply agreement. A dedicated 4km natural gas supply line was also negotiated to supply the necessary gas at high pressure, which is burned in a gas turbine to drive the electrical generator. Waste heat from the gas turbine is harnessed to produce steam used in the brewing process.
Eighty percent of the fossil fuel energy is converted in the cogeneration plant into useful energy of power and steam, approximately 2.5 times greater than a conventional coal-fired power station. This has reduced carbon dioxide emissions by up to 15,000 tonnes per annum compared with using grid electricity and conventional gas-fired boilers.
While the cogeneration plant produces 24,000 megawatt hours (MWh) of power per year, the brewery itself only uses about 6,500 MWh. The excess power is fed into the South Australian power grid through a high voltage underground power line.
The plant also generates 50,000 tonnes of steam a year, used for heating in the brewing, evaporation and packaging processes. Steam was previously generated at the brewery by standalone gas fired boilers.
An absorption chiller unit has also been installed, which uses surplus steam from the cogeneration plant to produce chilled water for brewing.