A 'kitten Joke' Poll

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Could we please stop with the kitten jokes already?

  • Agree- they're starting to get annoying

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Oh noes! I need to mention teh kittens a few hundred moar times!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
You could look at it that way...or maybe you could read it in full context....that there was a prior (informative) post in this thread from myself, that in the same post where the comment was made, there was subsequent information lacking in sarcasm, or you could look at the 11 subsequent posts I made in this thread answering his other questions, which ended up with a beer he was very happy with.....or you could look at the previous posts by the member that the infamous comment was directed to, where I had helped him with his questions, and established a bit of banter with him, which also established in my mind that the guy actually had a sense of humour....or you could look at the statement itself; it's ridiculous nature obviously (at least to anyone with a sense of humour) has no basis in reality; or perhaps you could even read the PM's from the time (now unfortunately accidently deleted), between myself and BF. And taking all of this into account, maybe it would become apparant that the cat comment wasn't directed at a complete and total noob who didn't know me from a bar of soap, but to someone that had been on the forum for a couple of months, and had already had prior conversations with me, and that 'berating' would, therefore be a bit of a strong statement.....

And why am I snippy when you say I was berating? Maybe it's some of the negaitve comments, on similar lines, in the subsequent kitten thread....or maybe it's more to do with the multiple PM's I got, from people that hadn't looked at the whole picture (and had nothing to do with what was said in that thread), some of which were almost identicle to your comment, and others of which ranged from insulting to threatening....one guy even called me, iirc, a supercilious c&*t (without the self imposed censoring), and told me I should get off the forums entirely, stick my head up my arse, and f&^k off.....in fact, the only reason I didn't do that, was that Beerfingers (via PM), asked me not to.

So am I sick of kitten jokes? You can bet your arse I am.

OK, so maybe I went off a little half-cocked. Fair enough.

Perhaps I shouldnt direct it at you in particular, but I do tire of those who complain about new brewers constantly asking the same questions. There will always be new brewers arriving, and they will always have much the same questions. To say that they should use the search function, etc. misses the point a bit - if they wanted to, they could find the answers they needed through google without ever arriving here. So if they dont use google to answer their questions, it seems a little odd to expect them to do a forum-based search. Again, this isnt directed at you, but more generally.

Some people, bless them, have gone to a lot of work in the wiki and other areas to provide new brewers with all the information that they need. They've done a great job IMO, but again I think that it's naive to expect that they have solved 'the problem'. There are always going to new people coming in asking questions no matter how much information you provide. All told, its probably for the best in terms of a community - engaging and assisting a new brewer in their hobby is going to be much more likely to make them come back and contribute than a unpersonable facts sheet. At the end of the day, if you dont like answering 'airlock' questions, you can always avoid the threads.

Of course, that's just my opinion, so feel free to shit on me if you need to.
Some the reasons why I frequent this forum:

1. I do learn something new most days
2. I'm in communication with others with similar obsessions to mine
3. It fills in my day, being retired you can only play so much golf, do so much home redecorating, produce and eat so many home grown veges etc etc
4. In my limited way, I'm happy to help others with opinions / information where I can, and where I feel it's relevant
5. Because I get a really good laugh / giggle / snigger from the obvious piss take posts

Life is serious enough to allow oneself to get upset about posts which are obviously meant in a totally good humoured and natured way. We don't really need to have Politically Correct thinking imposed on us on an HB forum, surely?

More power to you butters.

As to the kitten jokes, I can take them or leave them.
OK, james. All is cool. Sorry for the rant, it just felt (to my perception) as a bit personaly directed. As much over-sensitivity on my part, as anything.

At the end of the day, if you dont like answering 'airlock' questions, you can always avoid the threads.
I no longer avoid these; I have a link in my sig, to an article that adresses it, and now just say 'read the link in my sig'...saves typing, saves rants, answers the question. (sig is down at the moment for maintenence :p )

Of course, that's just my opinion, so feel free to shit on me if you need to.
I agree with you, actually...for the most part, I try not to just say do a search. My thought is that it's best to point out that searching is best; but I usually try to add in a link or two that points them in the right direction. Occasionally, I admit, I get the grumps, and do just say do a search, with no further input...I try to avoid doing this, though....the one thing that really grinds my gears is when a question gets posted when the identical question is still very active, particularly when it's in the 'all latest threads', and this is the type of thing that usually gets the gruff response..
Don`t ask me how, but I must have missed the kitten joke. It must have been a classic judging by all the posts?
Can someone repeat it for me please?
I love a joke, especially when it`s a real sideslitter. :lol:
Thanks in advance.

What........THAT`S IT?


tho that is actually quite funny. If you look closely, there`s 2 kittens in there, the 2nd is to the right rear to the one in front. But that wasn`t the original joke was it?

Don`t ask me how, but I must have missed the kitten joke. It must have been a classic judging by all the posts?
Can someone repeat it for me please?
I love a joke, especially when it`s a real sideslitter. :lol:
Thanks in advance.


IIRC this is what started it. BTW best rant ever! FULL STOP!

QUOTE (buttersd70 @ Feb 15 2009, 12:00 PM)
If by action, you mean airlock activity, I'm going to drop everything I'm doing, come over to your house, and choke a kitten in front of you as an object lesson. :ph34r:
Airlocks are meaningless....look for other signs. Condensation inside the lid (usually this is the first sign), foaming on top of the wort, krausen ring forming on the fermenter at the fluid level, and of course drop in SG......

Still makes me laugh :lol:

Essentially members grabbbed it and ran, it went to-

* A thread asking about airlocks, jokes "ooh, butters is coming to kill your kittens"
* A thread asking about airlocks, jokes "Kittens will die"
* A thread asking about airlocks, jokes somehow became about kittens *in* airlocks. I'm not sure how that transition happened
* Jokes about kittens/airlocks whenever they are mentioned, on topic or not.
as oppossed to jokes/comment about darren and bulk buys or any other member and something that they have had associated with them.

(Darren just using you as an example cause no one else came to mind at this particular time).
I`m starting to get the gist of it now, tho it`s all very confusing.
No kittens were actually harmed or drowned then?

No. It was an off-the-cuff joke that has hung around for too long.
I`m glad about that then. Altho I must admit I have a genuine cat fur steering wheel cover on my Hilux ute. Made in Phillipenes.
It must of been a big cat, it looks like one of those Davy Crockett coonskin caps.

I`m glad about that then. Altho I must admit I have a genuine cat fur steering wheel cover on my Hilux ute. Made in Phillipenes.
It must of been a big cat, it looks like one of those Davy Crockett coonskin caps.

They breed them big over there to put in the Cat Adobo (garlic, soy sauce and vinegar casserole) :icon_drool2: Goes nicely with a couple of Balut for starters. Do not do a Google image search on Balut if you are of a squeamish disposition. :ph34r:

This should make them feel better.
It`s actually a Rembrandt entitled "A Study In Vomit".
The attention to detail is awesome. Note the carrots...there`s always the carrots!
Even people that don`t eat carrots when they chunder, .....the carrots are there.!!!
How do they get there?
Only sensible answers will be entertained thanks.

Sensible answer? It's actually congealed fat, not carrot bits. (well, it could be both i suppose, if you've just eaten some carrots that is).
