7hour Acid Rest, Now Ph4.8 - Just Continue With Mash? Using 100% Pale

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Well, the SG is currently 1.012 - which is supprising since the glad wrap didnt bulge with pressure at all.

I am sure you will all be pleased to hear that I have just mixed 3.5L of this sour beer with 18L of perfectly good beer that is in secondary at the moment.

The beer that I mixed it with was made as a 35L batch and split into two 23L round willow fermenters, then racked into two 20L jerry can willow containers so I could fit 4 jerry cans into my brew fridge instead of two round ones.

I think the resulting mixed brew will be quite drinkable - at least a decent first sour brew - mabee the first one made with this method in quite a while. Both were brewed with Wyeast 2278 @ 10C (the other day when I increased temp it got to 14C, then upon QuantumBrewers' comments "You've got a krausen, so you are fermenting something, but you're going to kick 2278 up to 18*C and ruin it? 2278 ferments warm, but that's pushing it." I turned down the temp when I got home. So it never got over 14C. Thanks for the reality check QB. At the time I wasnt worried about ruining this acid batch.

I decided on the mixture by taking samples and drinking them individually and mixed. Then just filled up the fermenter to the brim - should be about right.

If luck is on my side I just might end up with a cross between the slight sourness of becks and bitburgers' bitburger :) Which, based on the current flavours is what I might expect and is what I consider my perfect brew - and if its anywhere near it, it will be by pure luck and intuition - who said poking blindly in the dark was a bad thing?

I doubt it, but mabee I have stumbled onto my perfect recipe. Will update with results when available.
Everyone said, one cant do that; there came someone who didnt know that and did it. :party:
Thanks dude! thats a really good quote. I might put that in my signature! It would be : "Everyone said, one cant do that; then came someone who didnt know that and did it." Zwickel

One last addition I would like some feedback on is the addition of spices - specifically corriander. For the past couple of weeks I have had the impression that corriander would go well with my perfect brew. I am not sure if this will be it, but there is nothing wrong with adding corriander....right?

I have a corriander plant that started flowering 4 weeks ago, it is still in flower and hasnt produced any seed yet. Looks like I might have to get some store bought seed. I could crush it in my marga mill on the closest gap a few times to get some sort of infusion going. Dont really want to buy a pestle and mortar. Anyone tried adding corriander to a sour brew? and what would you suggest?

Just chuck crushed grains in secondary? boil it first... oh I really dont whant to suggest it but... mash it.... acid rest it? ha ha! lol....nah that might be going a bit far, although....
Thanks dude! thats a really good quote. I might put that in my signature! It would be : "Everyone said, one cant do that; then came someone who didnt know that and did it." Zwickel

thanks mate, I still have to learn some english lessons :) satisfied to be already close to it ;)

One last addition I would like some feedback on is the addition of spices - specifically corriander. For the past couple of weeks I have had the impression that corriander would go well with my perfect brew. I am not sure if this will be it, but there is nothing wrong with adding corriander....right?
honestly mate, Id rather cook some food with coriander, and add it to the beer by eating and drinking at the same time. That way it would be easier to measure out the right dose.

nevertheless, go your way :beerbang:

Cheers :icon_cheers:
This turned out to be the most sour and bitter brew ever. The hops never settled and so each glass had hops floating around, that combined with the horrible flavour to make the worst tasting beer ever!
This turned out to be the most sour and bitter brew ever. The hops never settled and so each glass had hops floating around, that combined with the horrible flavour to make the worst tasting beer ever!

Seriously, mate, well done for coming back and being honest about the taste! I was wondering how this would go. :)
This turned out to be the most sour and bitter brew ever. The hops never settled and so each glass had hops floating around, that combined with the horrible flavour to make the worst tasting beer ever!

lets just hope you learn something from it and move on, thats what makes us better brewers

and here i was ... ready to post a question ...

'is it ok to do an overnight acid rest for my decoction pilsner'

i guess not

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