2178 Wyeast Lager Blend

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I just picked up this yeast on the weekend (because it was the only one they had for lagers), and was wondering if anyone has ever tried this? I'm a bit sus about the "complex flavour profile" and that the packet says for "interesting tastes". I was going to use it in the replication of a Cascade Premium Lager. Anyway, if anyone has any opinions on "blends" i would love to hear it.


the spec as per the website is below.

2178 Wyeast Lager blend. A blend of the Brewer's ChoiceTM lager strains for the most complex flavor profiles. For production of classic pilsners, to full bodied "bock" beers. Apparent attenuation 71-75%. (48-58 F)
There's been a bit of discussion on hbd lately about blended yeast strains. I've heard from there that Pilsener Urquell (among other breweries) uses a multi-strained yeast to help develop its complex flavour.

The biggest warning with multi-strianed yeasts is not to propegate them too many times or you lose stability, so if you're going to bottle some starters, bottle heaps of them from the first batch you brew and limit the number of generations. If the blend is tried and true, I can't see a reason not to use blends. For example, there may be a strain that makes nice esters but pumps out diacetyl and another that consumes the diacetyl.

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