Probably not, I planted my first rhizomes about this time of year a couple of years ago and they did fine.Hey guys, new to the forum and just about to move from wort kits to AG. I have a well established aquaponics system in SE Melb. Is it too late to plant hops?
Go for it, they do very well. My AP Cascade harvest later than ground grown. 9th April was harvest last season.Hey guys, new to the forum and just about to move from wort kits to AG. I have a well established aquaponics system in SE Melb. Is it too late to plant hops?
P.O.R finally waking up.North East Vic. View attachment 108983
I doubt it has anything to do with the amount of sun they are getting, unless they've been in shade for a while and were just put out into full sun.i need to get a shade cloth up, mine got a bit of a buzz yesterday and there are some sad wilted leaves on my bines todayit isn't even november yet.
I doubt it has anything to do with the amount of sun they are getting, unless they've been in shade for a while and were just put out into full sun.
If they are in pots, the sun may have heated up the soil to a stressing level...try wrapping shade cloth around the pots.
Very strange. Yeah, could be the amount of shade they are in and then getting a big whack of sun. Hopefully a good water and they will recover. Mine are in full sun all day and are loving it. I did pull a pot out of the shed that was in shade for 2 weeks and into direct sunlight and it fried.thanks for the tip, they are in the ground the only thing i can think of is the tree cover is the issue and in the afternoon they just get hit, regardless i will have to cloth them the got burnt badly last year too.
curious as to others having the issue. or if it's just me.
That's what is known as transpiration, a bit like us perspiring but we can keep our fluid levels up. The plant is not getting enough water to the leaves, all plants do it. Keep the soil moist and add plenty of mulch, they do not need any shade cloth.i need to get a shade cloth up, mine got a bit of a buzz yesterday and there are some sad wilted leaves on my bines todayit isn't even november yet.
Vic secret in the yard is prolific as always with Chinook catching fast. Cascade is always slower.
This year I have a small planting at the family holiday property - 6 x Vic secrets with tonnes of height to grow and test their limits!
@Belgrave Brewer - Not sure? Perhaps it's not vic secret? The zome was sold as a Victoria and I assumed is was vic secret as I hadn't heard of Victoria?
edit: A quick net search comes up with a nursery selling Victoria hops so that would be what I have. Apparently a relative of Galaxy which I don't get at all when brewing with it however.