If you keep them in the fridge long-term be sure to check them every few weeks or so, change the wrapping, and make sure the wrappings are just damp, but not saturated. Otherwise mold and drying become the issues. If you're in an area that doesn't freeze much, I'd go for storing them in pots if you can't get them in the earth just yet. If you are putting them in very large pots then freezing shouldn't be such an issue. But they will do fine in the fridge as long as you keep the wrapping fresh. When I overwintered my rhizomes in the fridge on occasion, I just used damp newspaper.kaiserben said:One thing I'm not sure about despite reading a few how-to guides: Are my rhizomes (currently kept moist and in the crisper section of my fridge) better off in the soil or in the fridge?
all you need to do is grab some diesel and you too can be placed on a no fly list.Benn said:Good evening,
Is it possible to overdo the fertiliser? Currently I'm prepping the holes ready for the rhizomes to be planted later in the year but I'm worried about going too heavy with the fertiliser. I've read up a fair bit but I'm still a bit lost.
I'll be planting about 6-8 hops I have:
6 x 25L bag of cheap potting mix
1 x 5kg bag of "Blood & Bone based fertiliser"
2 large boxes of Cow Manure (can get more from M&D's farm)
Half a small bucket of Dynamic Lifter
Full compost bin (grass clippings, ash from fireplace, leaf litter, kitchen scraps etc)
1 x tub of Osmocote fruit and vegetable slow release granular fertiliser
Powdered Potash fertiliser from last season
Seasol & Powerfeed
Sugar cane mulch
The soil around my yard looks pretty normal, probably lowish in nutrients given my location.
Tested the Ph with a $16 "Manutec" test kit from bunnings at it gave me a result of around Ph 6.5
I figure I can't go too wrong by digging a big hole, adding a bag of potting mix, some cow manure and some compost. It's the other stuff that I'm not sure of how much if t all I should be adding.
Any advice would appreciated.
Can definitely over fertilise!Benn said:Good evening,
Is it possible to overdo the fertiliser? Currently I'm prepping the holes ready for the rhizomes to be planted later in the year but I'm worried about going too heavy with the fertiliser. I've read up a fair bit but I'm still a bit lost.
I'll be planting about 6-8 hops I have:
6 x 25L bag of cheap potting mix
1 x 5kg bag of "Blood & Bone based fertiliser"
2 large boxes of Cow Manure (can get more from M&D's farm)
Half a small bucket of Dynamic Lifter
Full compost bin (grass clippings, ash from fireplace, leaf litter, kitchen scraps etc)
1 x tub of Osmocote fruit and vegetable slow release granular fertiliser
Powdered Potash fertiliser from last season
Seasol & Powerfeed
Sugar cane mulch
The soil around my yard looks pretty normal, probably lowish in nutrients given my location.
Tested the Ph with a $16 "Manutec" test kit from bunnings at it gave me a result of around Ph 6.5
I figure I can't go too wrong by digging a big hole, adding a bag of potting mix, some cow manure and some compost. It's the other stuff that I'm not sure of how much if t all I should be adding.
Any advice would appreciated.