2014 Xmas in July - Vic Recipe

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What size brew do you think I will need to put though my system to satisfy curiosity?
idzy said:
What size brew do you think I will need to put though my system to satisfy curiosity?
Mostly full I'd assume, we may end up with 3 MT's though so that'd reduce the need to fill it all the way.. Mine too
Sorry, I meant as a trial run as a test of efficiency, etc.

EDIT: Or are you expecting me to no chill 13 cubes of Pale Ale and ferment them for myself over the course of the year :p
technobabble66 said:
Easy. We got 900-1100L covered. Simples
Maybe we can do a bigger batch!
Can't wait to see this in motion!

1100 liters - that would take me two years to make that if a did a brew once a fortnight!!
idzy said:
Sorry, I meant as a trial run as a test of efficiency, etc.
You'll need to test the rig anyway yeah? I wouldn't do less than a quad to test, that'll give some rough numbers, losses etc

Let me know when that manifold is done and I'll pop over for a gander.

Ed: the more I think about it the more I like the 3 MT idea...
Yob said:
Rather than it getting bogged down in the main discussion thread, lets discuss recipe and equipment here. Having a look through the recipe DB Ive found this, I had a rough play this morning with upscaling the recipe as follows.

Original Recipe

Recipe: 4 shades
Brewer: DrSmurto
Style: Dry Stout
TYPE: All Grain

Recipe Specifications
Batch Size: 25.00 L
Boil Size: 33.55 L
Estimated OG: 1.055 SG
Estimated Color: 88.6 EBC
Estimated IBU: 40.1 IBU
Brewhouse Efficiency: 70.00 %
Boil Time: 90 Minutes

Amount Item Type % or IBU
5.00 kg Pale Malt, Traditional Ale (Joe White) (5.Grain 79.37 %
0.30 kg Barley, Flaked (3.9 EBC) Grain 4.76 %
0.25 kg Amber Malt (43.3 EBC) Grain 3.97 %
0.25 kg Carafa Special II (Weyermann) (817.6 EBC) Grain 3.97 %
0.25 kg Chocolate Malt (1100.0 EBC) Grain 3.97 %
0.25 kg Roasted Barley (1300.0 EBC) Grain 3.97 %
15.00 g Green Bullet [13.50 %] (60 min) Hops 19.9 IBU
25.00 g Green Bullet [13.50 %] (20 min) Hops 20.1 IBU
0.50 items Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15.0 min) Misc
1 Pkgs Ringwood Ale (Wyeast Labs #1187)

upscaled recipe for 300l output

[SIZE=9.5pt]5.00 kg Pale Malt (80kg)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9.5pt]0.30 kg Barley (4.8kg)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9.5pt]0.25 kg Amber Malt (4kg)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9.5pt]0.25 kg Carafa (4kg)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9.5pt]0.25 kg Chocolate Malt (4kg)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9.5pt]0.25 kg Roasted Barley (4kg)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9.5pt]15.00 g Green Bullet (240g)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9.5pt]25.00 g Green Bullet (400g)[/SIZE]
Total Grain Weight: 100 odd kg :blink:

Still open to other suggestions keeping in mind that we probably wont get away with anything Imperial or with ******* Oats. (maybe just a touch if we want but it aint all going in my MT) ;)

So are we happy with the above recipe? Its time to start locking stuff in.

I will need to order stuff like the Base malt etc soon so we can ensure no surprises.

I'll be taking the Friday off to go collect the Base. Might be worth refreshing names on ingredients, I admit to not trawling through the thread to work it all out -_-

ED: Anybody who knows me well enough.. I wont be able to stick to this recipe anyway and will invariably change a few things but it's a good start point :lol:
Just had a look back through the thread....

upscaled recipe for 300l output

5.00 kg Pale Malt (80kg)
0.30 kg Barley (4.8kg) - Grainer?
0.25 kg Amber Malt (4kg) - Midnight Brew/Technobabble
0.25 kg Carafa (4kg)
0.25 kg Chocolate Malt (4kg) - MartinOC
0.25 kg Roasted Barley (4kg) - Grainer?
15.00 g Green Bullet (240g)
25.00 g Green Bullet (400g)

Total Grain Weight: 100 odd kg

Edit: Tidied-up formatting.
idzy said:
What size brew do you think I will need to put though my system to satisfy curiosity?
Have you put something through this system Idzy? I'd like to get a handle on the losses of MT and kettle etc to rework the recipe and the MT volumes pretty soon.
Yob said:
Have you put something through this system Idzy? I'd like to get a handle on the losses of MT and kettle etc to rework the recipe and the MT volumes pretty soon.
Yob, the plan is to do a 200 litre batch. This will most likely occur towards the end of June. The frame build is currently under way and coming along nicely, but due to long weekend, etc. I have 24 metres of 40mm x 2.5m SHS that is not going to go to waste, but 2 months out from the swap I am not yet completed. It won't be finished until mid-June.

I think there is a certain element of expectations management we need here. This system will not be a tried and true system, as it is being built for the purposes of the swap. I will do my best, but obviously can't be offering guarantees and promises.

If we base our assumptions on worst case scenarios, then we can only be overjoyed with the results.

Some proof that it is happening, not much but something. A couple of shots from the weekend.

20 litre cube and setting out the design for the 600 litre kettle:

Welded finishing on the base, ready for primer and casters:

EDIT: Based on the grain bill needing about 4 or 5 bags worth of malt, is it worth trying to organise another Bulk Buy for delivery mid-July?
I'll sort the base grain mate, I think I can source it cheap enough. If a BB happens about the same time I'll consider it but I don't think we can get it any cheaper.
Holy **** Adam!! When you've got the 20L cube next to that monster boiler, it really brings home just how EPIC this brew is likely to be.

'Hope there's enough gas available to keep it boiling!!
Wait a minute. You mean that's not a 5l cube? Ye gads, what a kettle!
I'm just hoping it's not going to sit on that burner in the photo when it's full. It has the air of 617 Sqn about it if anything fails... :eek:
output is 340l :lol:

Swap Recipe (Stout)

Original Gravity (OG): 1.052 (°P): 12.9
Final Gravity (FG): 1.013 (°P): 3.3
Alcohol (ABV): 5.11 %
Colour (SRM): 39.4 (EBC): 77.5
Bitterness (IBU): 33.8 (Average)

83.33% Pale Ale Malt
4.17% Amber Malt
4.17% Carafa I malt
4.17% Chocolate
4.17% Roasted Barley

0.3 g/L Magnum (12.5% Alpha) @ 60 Minutes (Boil)
0.6 g/L East Kent Golding (4.7% Alpha) @ 50 Minutes (Boil)
0.6 g/L Fuggles (5.7% Alpha) @ 40 Minutes (Boil)
0.6 g/L East Kent Golding (4.7% Alpha) @ 20 Minutes (Boil)
0.6 g/L Fuggles (5.7% Alpha) @ 20 Minutes (Boil)

0.1 g/L Brewbrite @ 10 Minutes (Boil)
0.1 g/L Yeast Nutrient @ 10 Minutes (Boil)

Tripple mash tun weird arse step mash thingamy :huh:

Suggestions? Have I missed anything?
What type of / amount of yeasties for this beastie?
MartinOC said:
Holy **** Adam!! When you've got the 20L cube next to that monster boiler, it really brings home just how EPIC this brew is likely to be.

'Hope there's enough gas available to keep it boiling!!
MartinOC said:
I'm just hoping it's not going to sit on that burner in the photo when it's full. It has the air of 617 Sqn about it if anything fails... :eek:
You are right Martin, it is freaking huge. I have made the frame so that the burner can be adjusted all the way in height to the point of touching the bottom of the kettle. Can only fine tune once the kettle is stable on the frame :)
I have flaked but used all the roasted
How does this work for sharing costs so some of you guys are out of pocket and we will chip in fairly?

I don't mill my own grain so don't have anything on had to contribute.

It would be easiest for me to throw some cash into a kitty (not the airlock type) if that is the done thing.