2014 Vic Xmas in July case swap

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Swap Attendees
1. Yob
2. Mardoo
3. Idzy
4. Technobabble66 - probably a Fat Yak style PA done w kolsch yeast.
5. GrumpyPaul
6. Grainer - Robust Porter.. plus some top up of something else..not enough bottles as it is going in a comp
7. Brouhaha
8. Cocko - sKirt.
9. MartinOC
10. Midnight Brew
11. Wolfman (tentative)
12. zeggie
13. Damn - Probably an IPA\
14. DJ_L3ThAL - probably my Chestnut Pilsner
15. Camo6 - apa/ipa
16. micbrew
17. Warmbeer (Tentative)
18. JB
19. ro55c0
20. Whiteferret
21. AJ80
22. Edak (if the limit not already reached)
23. Black n Tan
24. Carpedaym ?

1. Relaxed brewer
2. Breakbeer
3. syl

Non-Swap Attendees
1. Nullnvoid
2. Manticle
3. CarpeDaym
4. RelaxedBrewer
5. New_Guy - will make some slow roast pulled pork taco's

1. Technobabble - 20L
2. Grainer 20L
3. Mardoo 20L
4. MartinOC 20L
5. Idzy 20L
6. Damn 20L
7. DJ_L3ThAL 20L
8. Yob 20L
9. JB 20L
10. Micbrew 20L
11. ro55c0 20L
12. Whiteferret 20L if enough can be brewed.
13. AJ80 20L, but understand am at the bottom of a looooooong list
14. RelaxedBrewer 20L
15. Breakbeer 20L
16. Midnight Brew 20L

Total: 320 litres

Equipment options
Yob - 100 litre system
RB - 200 litre kettle and 130 litre mash tun
Idzy - 600 litre kettle and 200 litre mash tun
Midnight Brew - High Pressure Stockpot Burner - HP200LPWF
whiteferret - 32 jet mongolian burner and 200L drum if we need it.
Still needed:
Gas powered HLTs
If anyone else pulls out I can also offer a Choccy Coffee Breakfast stout as place 24!
Grainer said:
If anyone else pulls out I can also offer a Choccy Coffee Breakfast stout as place 24!
:D drool ... But would love what the reserve brewers would be offering up too ... :) cap of 30 anyone? ;)
JB said:
:D drool ... But would love what the reserve brewers would be offering up too ... :) cap of 30 anyone? ;)
Well a 20L bottled batch can do 28 long necks filled to 700mL? Spose that means the brewer gets none of their own :unsure:
24 does make for sufficient own tasting before submitting, and given some were going to struggle with 24... I can go either way, but historically 24 is a good number to cap at...
24 is good..was just offering if anyone drops out..maybe I may keg a batch to bring..lets see what happens..depends if I have drunk it all !! I have about 35l to bottle keg this week of the choccy coffee breakfast stout
Grainer said:
If anyone else pulls out I can also offer a Choccy Coffee Breakfast stout as place 24!
Oi! I'm on the standby list of swappers & already have my brew planned.

Regardless, I'll be bringing a keg anyway
For those interested in bringing a keg, will we need our own chilling (bucket o ice) / gas / pluto setup or is there usually something to hook it up to be it a keezer or something? My kegerator aint portable :-( ive got a pluto and 2.6kg co2 though
Pluto guns an portable setups help, room for 2 or 3 kegs in the fridge, spare party setup and gun makes 4, couple of tubs / ice.. **** man it'll probably be cold enough near ambient ;)
Doesn't sound like there will be enough beer. I'll pick up a slab of Melbourne on the way. I've still got a bottle of magic hat too which I'll bring along.
:icon_offtopic: I'd like to ask who will be choosing the obligatory musical entertainment during the brew-day? Given Yob's penchant for GWAR & other "questionably sociable" auditory delights.....?

:icon_offtopic: Given that this is likely to be bigger than the Baddaginnie Bowls Club AGM, I'd like to reserve a spot for a one-man tent in the garden - up the back near the Gall-Wasp-infected lemon tree (as long as no-one tries to piss on it/me!). I'll bring the industrial-strength secateurs to give the offending tree a jolly-good seeing-to on the day :)