2009 Qld Xmas Case Swap

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Ok Guys and Sqyre, got some more prices on the Whole Pig,

Whole Pig (Roasting) 30-35kg @ $9.70/kg
Whole Pig (Roasting) 35-40kg @ $8.40/kg
Whole Pig Over 40kg @ $7.30/kg

Only need 4 days lead time and they are sold with there head on......

:icon_cheers: CB
Ok Guys and Sqyre, got some more prices on the Whole Pig,

Whole Pig (Roasting) 30-35kg @ $9.70/kg
Whole Pig (Roasting) 35-40kg @ $8.40/kg
Whole Pig Over 40kg @ $7.30/kg

Only need 4 days lead time and they are sold with there head on......

:icon_cheers: CB

Cool thanks CB...

Everyone hangon to your contact numbers and quotes for the PIG as we still have 8 weeks untill the swap...
so i will need to order about 1-2weeks out for pickup the day before.. once we have confirmed numbers...

The Ribs on the other hand we can freeze and keep untill then.. i have a chest freezer here that isn't doing much and we can load that up...

Thanks for the help guys i really appreciate it..

We should start a thread in "Brew Food" for places to buy good quality / Bargain BBQing supplies..
along with any weekly specials we know of.. :)

Cheers Sqyre.. ;)
Yes we do but it's the mutton that gets us going.

IGA regularly have pork legs on special for as low as $5 a kilo. If Sqyre has a chest freezer ?

thats the Cornett's IGA bongaree isnt it BribieG ?

either or all sounds good and pork os pork.

Airfares all booked, transfers from airport arranged (a big thanks to GravityGuru and Pat), wife has given me a leave pass (I HAVE A WIFE THAT UNDERSTANDS) all I need is good weather and no delayed flights. Looking forward to the event.


Airfares all booked, transfers from airport arranged (a big thanks to GravityGuru and Pat), wife has given me a leave pass (I HAVE A WIFE THAT UNDERSTANDS) all I need is good weather and no delayed flights. Looking forward to the event.


Top stuff BYB... :super:


Airfares all booked, transfers from airport arranged (a big thanks to GravityGuru and Pat), wife has given me a leave pass (I HAVE A WIFE THAT UNDERSTANDS) all I need is good weather and no delayed flights. Looking forward to the event.


Glad to have you onboard BYB, you will have a ball. Now what about Pumpy, Franko and Hogan.........


Ok Guys and Sqyre, got some more prices on the Whole Pig,

Whole Pig (Roasting) 30-35kg @ $9.70/kg
Whole Pig (Roasting) 35-40kg @ $8.40/kg
Whole Pig Over 40kg @ $7.30/kg

Only need 4 days lead time and they are sold with there head on......

:icon_cheers: CB

Looking at the amount of people coming, we are going to need a 40kg+ pig :super:
Sounds good Mate!!!
I assume they come in boxes of 10kg or something?? I used to buy frozen 10kg boxes of ribs years ago.. back when they were like $2 a kilo..
and find out how much you can get..
Might be worth stocking up now for the swap...at that price i reckon maybe 40kg's for the swap that gives us approx 20kg meat... although i may need to build another smoker before then.. :unsure:

and like Ross said a Bulkbuy might be the go too... I know i'd be happy to take 20kg's for myself..

Lets us know how you go SR..

Cheers Brucey.. :icon_cheers:

so your after 40 kg for swap, i give them a call on Sunday/monday to place to order, then ill set up a bulk buy thread after that( ill drop the big hint that there'll be **** loads more to come when i ring the butcher) just throw me your contact number in a pm and we can sort out how to get this stuff to you.

cheers SR
so your after 40 kg for swap, i give them a call on Sunday/monday to place to order, then ill set up a bulk buy thread after that( ill drop the big hint that there'll be **** loads more to come when i ring the butcher) just throw me your contact number in a pm and we can sort out how to get this stuff to you.

cheers SR

Hangon SR... we might have to think about this a minute as we may have a few small issues...

1. how many Ribs can i cook in the smoker at once??? Dealing with a Spit Pig and a smoker where half the Ribs are Burnt and the other half Raw doesn't appeal to me...
I might need to grab 5kg myself and do a trial to get an idea what fits in it, how long do they take, and the smoker will need to be adjusted for even heat distribution...I can do this with some cheap snags and a few temp gauges... but i still need to know how many ribs can evenly fit.. No point buying 40kg when i can only cook 10 kg.. Unless of course i build the Smokers big brother before then... :huh:

2. I'm gunna have to fork out $280 out of my own pocket to cover the cost which i dont mind.. but i just may not have it... The answer to this maybe to start excepting the cover charge payments...

If we can wait a week or so, or at least just get a small amount for a trial... I think that would be a good idea.. better safe than sorry..

I might see if Chappo still wants to come and put his sausage in my smoker... :eek:

I might see if Chappo still wants to come and put his sausage in my smoker

as the actress said to the bishop. (bom bom)

I'd see the ribs as a extra rather than the main meal Sqyre, but I'll be happy to come around and help you experiment with ribs and internal heat gradients in the smoker. Special price for advanced bookings perhaps? Maybe get a few people to help organise the food via email, catering for 40+ can be a PITA as I well know. Just a few hungover thoughts.
Can't have the QLD Swap thread going off topic and talking about beer now can we.

Will you need any wood...I can supply heaps of Ironbark if you need any
2. I'm gunna have to fork out $280 out of my own pocket to cover the cost which i dont mind.. but i just may not have it... The answer to this maybe to start excepting the cover charge payments...
You shouldn't have to be out of pocket just because your organising things, I'm sure most of us will be able to pay ASAP. Just send through your bank account details and I'll get SWMBO to transfer it tonight.

Looking forward to the swap, it'll be right after two weeks of courses and exams (financial and contracting, ergh) so a few beers will go down a treat :party:
Scruffy and I are wondering what the Vegan menu will consist of.

Edit. If you have time why not add a 'paid' list to the article, PM everybody with your bank details. If anyone then drops out stiff.
Stu usually brings a organic carrot for Zizzle, I'm sure he can bring a few more.
Yes..I will be bring home grown COS lettuce, carrots, and whatever else is in the garden... :) as per previous years
Scruffy and I are wondering what the Vegan menu will consist of.

Vegans eat PIG