2009 Qld Xmas Case Swap

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Bonj and Stu, call yourself bakers :lol:

Make the dough Fri. When ready knock it back, divide up into whatever size pieces you want, round them and put them in the freezer for 2hrs then remove (not frozen but bloody cold) and put them in the fridge overnight. Take em with you in your eskies to the swap, remove to warm up for secondary ferm/proof then make what you want from them, pizza bases, baguettes or whatever.



I still like the idea of using Incider's sweet flat back...I might even use some oil so the dough wont stick...we know he LOVES oil
pfffft! 1500 posts.........

wake me up when the thread gets to 1500 pages :ph34r: :p
No wonder some of you queenslanders have such a high post count. :rolleyes:
And mebbe certain qld'ers (and they know who they are) should post less, and brew more. :lol:
I know its all flexible, but is there a general start time this year?
Hmmm, if I start drinking at 2pm I should manage to responsibly pass-out in the creek at around 11pm :blink: .
I was either going to do it on the driveway ( rocks and dirt will add texture ), or we can roll Incider over and use his sweet smooth skinned back :icon_cheers:

I do have a sheet of laminex somewhere that i will bring

My back it sticky by 3pm. Maybe somebody with a sweaty back?
:icon_vomit: Sudden very wrong flashes of perverted pottery wheel scenes from GHOST

This one?

Okay guys we have got some creative timetabling happening so the kids can be looked after Sunday arvo until one of us gets home, soooo.... the indecisive Gavo is back in. Apologies for the alarm bells. Have put my name back on the swap list. Can't wait to be there.

Okay guys we have got some creative timetabling happening so the kids can be looked after Sunday arvo until one of us gets home, soooo.... the indecisive Gavo is back in. Apologies for the alarm bells. Have put my name back on the swap list. Can't wait to be there.


You go you good thing Gavo, see what some pressure does... :D Couldnt let you go that easily... ;)

Be good to see you there mate.... :beer:
Better head downstairs and make sure there is still enough swap beers left...... Every time someone drops out I think gee thats a shame.....one more taster for me :icon_drunk: Nah I' ve allowed my poor self discipline into the equation and bottled 37 but the number that is left is way smaller!
Just a reminder that I cant wait to get out of this town for a few days and have a good fooking time, turns out today that some f&%#@r took my keys to our Car from work today :angry: and its our only one and still spent 3 hours looking for them, cost $70 to get it towed home and itll be $600-$800 to get a key done for it.... :angry: F-----g electronics and cars and ---ts that take **** that doesnt belong to them.. Why

:angry: CB
Just a reminder that I cant wait to get out of this town for a few days and have a good fooking time, turns out today that some f&%#@r took my keys to our Car from work today :angry: and its our only one and still spent 3 hours looking for them, cost $70 to get it towed home and itll be $600-$800 to get a key done for it.... :angry: F-----g electronics and cars and ---ts that take **** that doesnt belong to them.. Why

:angry: CB

That's real bad luck Jody, don't you hate the fact that it seems like low lifes are becoming the majority.

