2009 Qld Xmas Case Swap

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Hi Everyone

Just been catching up on the goings on in the thread, have been a little busy of late (looking after Pat and Inciders children) :p .

Anyway I just wanted to say Im really looking forward to catching up with you all again, I haven't done much brewing this year so I wont enter into the swap.


ooh by the way, when I was going through the thread I was a little disappointed to see so many alterations to some of the pics uploaded. So I have taken apon myself to post the originals...

Gees, Half-fix has bulked up a bit. :huh:
Just been catching up on the goings on in the thread, have been a little busy of late (looking after Pat and Inciders children) :p .

Thanks for the pics of the kids darlin'. I can't believe how quickly they have grown :eek:. Mother's milk I reckon.

Can't wait to see you and all the kids. FNQBunyip has a new phone plan which will allow us to stream live across the internet the whole swap just from his mobile phone :D.

Honey, can you please ban randalls from the swap. The lengths that some of these guys will go to just to cover up all their beer faults stuns me!

You and I won't have to sleep in my van again this year will we? If so, I will give it a wash.

Lots of love,
Honey, can you please ban randalls from the swap. The lengths that some of these guys will go to just to cover up all their beer faults stuns me!

You and I won't have to sleep in my van again this year will we? If so, I will give it a wash.

Lots of love,

Honey let me see what I can do with regards to Randall.. and I do have other accomodation all sorted out.. see below :p

Honey let me see what I can do with regards to Randall.. and I do have other accomodation all sorted out.. see below :p

View attachment 29532

Aww Noice, can just see you and Patch and the kids on the randa, talk about luxury. Although doing pro bono may disturb the serenity in such a small space :lol:

Honey let me see what I can do with regards to Randall.. and I do have other accomodation all sorted out.. see below :p

View attachment 29532

This is not we agreed on darling.

Where is the spa, brewery, 7 fridges, shed and toilet that we discussed and actually did a little practice on or against?

Also, do not invite Screwtop to the Swap. Beers he brings to the Swap are always infected and he has a very small Pro Boner.

Well I can tell you rite now for nothing, for such a renowed and notorious Pantsman, you are very disorganised. :(
Straighten up there son or I`ll have to show you how it`s done!
{Women that "know" me {wink} just call me The Sheik. :ph34r:

"Oh Sheik", {they`d shriek}
"Can we just cop a small peek,
At that fearsome mutton dagger"?

"Too risky", I`d cry
Someone could well lose an eye" :(
Then I`d depart with a bow and a swagger :lol:

With apologies to Wm. Shakespeare.
Have confirmed a number of business appointments in Brisbane for the week following the day, so have added my name to attendees for the BIG SHOW. You need more NewSouthWelshmen to put **** on etc so volunteering for the venture.

See there is not a full list for the case swap - anyone any objections to my name being added and joining the swap ?
Good news FatzG. You'll be able to talk to Yardy about just what happened during S.O.O :ph34r: . Might have to add myself to the swap list also. Gettin closer.

Have confirmed a number of business appointments in Brisbane for the week following the day, so have added my name to attendees for the BIG SHOW. You need more NewSouthWelshmen to put **** on etc so volunteering for the venture.

See there is not a full list for the case swap - anyone any objections to my name being added and joining the swap ?

Oh ****..... :blink:

Nah, be good to see ya again Fatz.
Have confirmed a number of business appointments in Brisbane for the week following the day, so have added my name to attendees for the BIG SHOW. You need more NewSouthWelshmen to put **** on etc so volunteering for the venture.

See there is not a full list for the case swap - anyone any objections to my name being added and joining the swap ?

Join away big fella. At least you will have Ducatiboy Stu and maybe a mystery guest to cower with !


Have confirmed a number of business appointments in Brisbane for the week following the day, so have added my name to attendees for the BIG SHOW. You need more NewSouthWelshmen to put **** on etc so volunteering for the venture.

See there is not a full list for the case swap - anyone any objections to my name being added and joining the swap ?


There's bed at Chappo Manor with your name on it mate. And yes I will be offended if you don't take up the offer. Really looking forward to catching up with ya. :icon_cheers:


No need, Chappo, FG sleeps in his car like I do at case swaps

Edit: sleep = catatonic coma :icon_cheers:
Wow Brucey, so many Qld Xms Case Swap Virgins this year, starting thinking of a new initiation procedure now, InCider gets worn out too quickly these days... from what I hear...
Yes...the goats where a bit hard on him last year, and with out you to hold his hand, he went down hill quick
Wow Brucey, so many Qld Xms Case Swap Virgins this year, starting thinking of a new initiation procedure now, InCider gets worn out too quickly these days... from what I hear...

he's taken to hiding out in the scrub wearing cammo gear so he lies undisturbed Zizz, he needs a big dose of HTFU.


Yes...the goats where a bit hard on him last year, and with out you to hold his hand, he went down hill quick
