2008 Sa Xmas Case Swap

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Case closed! 23 brewers in. 22 longnecks needed for the swap but please bring along a few extras to share if you arent bringing a keg..... I doubt my supplies will go far enough judging by the rate of keg destruction that occurred at BYBs. Hoping to borrow some beer vessels for the day but if you want to bring along your fave drinking glass do so. Just dont drop it! :eek:

61 days to go. :beerbang:

I like to allow my beer maximum cc/lagering time so unless the 1469 arrives this weekend you may well just have to take 2nd prize which in this case is the Golden Brown Ale. Exactly the same as my golden ale, the brown name comes from the fact i almost stepped on a brown snake when running from the vegie patch to the shed for a hop addition. :eek: (i'll leave that image for those who plan on pitching tents in my backyard!)

Worst case scenario, the Golden Ale will be on tap for the swap..... :beer:

Now for the logistics.

Food. Since we are kicking off prior to lunch i guess a bbq will be on the cards.

Would ppl prefer throwing some $$ in for me to cater or would you prefer bringing along some meat to share? Happy to whip up enough salads for the rabbits amongst you. For the stayers, will take BYBs idea and chip in for a pizza for dinner and will put on enough bacon and eggs for brekky. BYO hangover cures.


p.s. are we putting a brew on for the day? Volunteers?
i almost stepped on a brown snake when running from the vegie patch to the shed for a hop addition. :eek: (i'll leave that image for those who plan on pitching tents in my backyard!)

Blow up sheep are for *******!

I'm happy either way with the food.
mmm pepperoni pizza for me. if you want i can bring some cheap glasses for you to break, you know, get it out of your system before bringing out the good ones :p
if a byo bbq's in order i'll contribute some honey soy, and some sweet chilli chicken wings.

i'll be making slants of Smurto's stuff and i'll turn it into a slant demonstration for those interested.
is anyone else up for slant or culture swapping? i trade for anything i don't already have, my stocks are on the wiki in my sig :p
I think that with the proportion of foodies amongst us, we could have some varied and interesting dishes if we tried.....how about a 'bring a plate' sort of deal. I'll bring a couple of BBQ's up & I hope everyone likes chicken, because I will be bringing about 10kg of chicken pieces prepared in a variety of ways.
I've got a couple of sauce & marinade recipes I need to experiment on you with get victims for share with you .........'habaniceday' habanero chilli wings for a start....:lol:
I know for a FACT that there are a few others amongst us who's culinary skills are top notch too........hey Braufrau, I hope your other half is coming - and I hope he's bringing some smoked sausages... B)

If we want to do a brew on the day I can bring a brewery :)

So.....how about bring a plate?
Well if you're bringing 10kg of chicken, I'll just steal a bit (a lot) of that :)

I've been meaning to make some more jerky sometime soon, if I have time (should have time between QLD and this case swap!) I'll make some.
10kg of chicken!

i was planning on whipping up soem of my ring burning chicken but dont want to turn this into a comp with the aim of hurting people! :lol:

Will bring some local roo instead........ :rolleyes:

And the next brown snake i see .........
I can bring some 'Baron's Table' frozen beefburgers which I have in the freezer, mmmm......... :icon_vomit:
I am easy with whatever you guys come up with...

Happy to bring a plate or can bring some loaves of bread, or some bacon if better.
How many eggs do you think you will need for the morning - 2 doz - i can bring them as well.

Happy to contribute to pizza and brecky.

what ever works out best - let me know...
Rudy - add your name to the wiki article

Will have to close this pretty soon so we know how many bottles are needed. Is this Friday ok?

Holy **** batman the list is getting rather long!! This Friday or now would be a good cut off point. Have not brewed for near on 5 weeks and my own supply is getting down let alone making the case swap.

As for the food side of things, I am quite happy to bring something and colate it with everyone else that brings something. As for the evening and the recovery session in the morning I am quite happy to pitch in a few bucks. May I suggest to anyone who intends to kick on that we sought out the finances when you arrive. At least that way no person will be more out of pocket than the other. Just talking from experience.

As for making a beer for the day, to tell you the truth I didn't even take much notice on how much work Dom put into his in July. All I know is that I eneded up with some surplus hops :) and a garden full of trub :huh: I will be the for moral support.

Back Yard Brewer
BYB, the list is now closed.....as Smurto mentioned about half a dozen posts ago. ;)

Mark, havent you got your 1469 yet? Mine came last week...
BYB, the list is now closed.....as Smurto mentioned about half a dozen posts ago. ;)

just read this thread, as up until today i thought i would be shoving off to vic before december. however, looks like i will still be around.
so i'd like to volunteer myself as the 1st emergency if anyone drops out. or if there is no objections (dr.smurto?) tack myself on the end of the list, better late then never, eh!?

BYB, the list is now closed.....as Smurto mentioned about half a dozen posts ago. ;)

Mark, havent you got your 1469 yet? Mine came last week...

No, dropping in on Wayne during the week to pick up grain for GMK (since when did i become a courier?) so will find out when its arriving.

Got enough beer to come up with something for the swap so all good.
If you're not going to be brewing with the 1469 for the swap, let me know....I was going to brew with 1275, but I might just have to change to 1469. ;)
Someone brew something with 1469 for me! I'm looking forward to having another English yeast to play with. I've just pitched a starter of 1968 onto what should be my case swap beer, a Special Bitter.

Also, I hope there's some of DrSmurto's Landlord around, whether it's the swap beer or not - I've brewed a version of this so it would be good to try the 'original'.
so i'd like to volunteer myself as the 1st emergency if anyone drops out. or if there is no objections (dr.smurto?) tack myself on the end of the list, better late then never, eh!?
so dr s, is there room for one more?
I dont have any objections (despite calling the cutoff). Most people brew batch sizes of more than 25 longies so dont see the problem.

Unless there are any objections whack your name on the list.
If noone does any 1469 for the swap, rest assured that you won't miss out. I have decided to go the slant route, and have just made my first batch of blanks, and will innocculate them in a week or so (once I know that I'm mould free).

So even If I don't brew with it for the swap, I sure as hell will brew with it before then anyway, so slants for propogation, and/or slurry will be available if no bottle conditioned 1469 is on offer. ;)

Chopadoo missed the list closing.....given that only 22 longies are required atm, I for one would be happy to let him in (but then again, I haven't brewed yet.) Any objections from anyone that's already pitched based on the current numbers?