2007 Sa Christmas Case

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So what are we brewing Wayne? We gotta use some of those hops....
Still looking at that Adam, I thought I had an idea and then the Pacific Gem and the other little flowers from across the tasman turned up......and now....well.....all I can think of to do is the last traditional (but seasonal) lager of the season. A Whitewash, but with a different aroma hop, maybe NS....but then....no...maybe saaz B...but then.... :rolleyes: yeah maybe but.....I think I'll start the Bo Pils yeast off tomorrow....:)
I decided i had better actually taste the beer i am swapping so i did last night. If you are gentle when pouring its damn near xtal clear. Its quite bitter but thats in style for a Bo pils. Ready to drink now. Labelling tomorrow morning. Ring burning chicken is marinating already and its going to reak havoc. (Insert mad professor laugh). 'ken tasty tho. Aloe vera toilet paper not supplied. :super:

I can bring a keg along if thats easier. What have you got on tap Wayne? I have a golden ale or a nelson sauvin pilsner i could bring, prob 2/3rd full. Save me having to chill bottles and lug an esky around.

If anyone is interested in alco ginger beer i will be bringing a few of my experiments examples along......

I have a saaz blonde ale on tap at the moment, so the golden might sit quite nicely beside that Dr Smurto......you are making me very wary of the ringburner chicken.... :huh: . Still waiting to see if some taps etc arrive this arvo (I ordered them a little too late I think), but if they do the Big Green Hell can go on a tap too.
I most likely will drop by for a couple, sadly working all weekend though so can't stay for a swim through.
The golden ale it is then. A nice quaffer at around 4%.

May need to place a roll or 2 of dunny paper in the fridge........ :lol:

Rehnton and Tangent have tried it and they both survived! (altho this version is a tad warmer)

I also need to get some malt off you if thats not too much hassle, i will be there early (11ish) so we can chat about my hopscreen.

uhhhhhh....Needlz contribution has been disqualified for jumping the starting line, trying to kill me, and making a BIG $#$#%$#@# MESS in my brand new 'coolroom'...... :angry: Overall, during trying to get them the hell out of the coolroom, about 6 of them went off with bloody big bangs. A little overprimed I'd say...
Beer fkn everywhere. All over everything. OMFG I needed this......



During the excitement I fail to notice that the shards of flying glass are quite large, and obviously have a bit of force in them. I came away with one tiny little scratch on my hand and nothing else......lucky........ <_< Now the coolroom will smell like this forever..... :(


Still waiting to see if some taps etc arrive this arvo (I ordered them a little too late I think), but if they do the Big Green Hell can go on a tap too.

If I can find it you can borrow an unused picnic tap with hose and disconnect.

I'll get Adam to bring it along with my beers.
If I can find it you can borrow an unused picnic tap with hose and disconnect.

I'll get Adam to bring it along with my beers.

Righto, thanks Stu. I think I have one of those myself actually, but god know where it is.....
Oh man, those are some classic photos. One of the rules every year for the WA case is something like "Remember your bottles will be in OTHER PEOPLES houses. We would rather drink under-carbonated beer than clean your beer off our ceiling". That rule got added after a dark coloured beer went off in my laundry, next to a very large pile of freshly washed and dried clothes. I recommend that all states institute a similar rule or warning.
Yes. I agree. My own stupid fault for putting it in there when I knew that it all has to be sealed properly yet, but.......oh well. Most of the rest of his dozen have subsequently exploded since. When I cleaned up the first mess I put them in a closed box down in the back yard just in case. I'm glad I did. The last one went off about 10 minutes ago with a hell of a bang. Like having un-exploded ordnance in the back yard :huh:
Oh god, and that cool room is brand spanking new too! At least it was in a carton, not an open crate so beer would spray all over your malt.

Don't worry about it Stu... I have one (disconnect, hose, picnic tap) and I know where it is :). I'll bring it, along with my carefully primed, delicious smelling beer... if I get around to bottling it tonight, and feel like giving it away! :)

Unfortunately Adam, the top of the box was open :( little spots of beer everywhere...

Anyway, two more taps have arrived and will be going in the little fridge tonight - but now I have realised I have a spare reg, but no gas in the spare bottle......anyone want to bring a bottle to dispense a keg or two?
That will make 2 spare taps besides the ones my beers will be on, Dr Smurto is bringing Golden Ale I think so there may be a free tap if someone else has a keg they care to bring with.
uhhhhhh....Needlz contribution has been disqualified for jumping the starting line, trying to kill me, and making a BIG $#$#%$#@# MESS in my brand new 'coolroom'...... :angry: Overall, during trying to get them the hell out of the coolroom, about 6 of them went off with bloody big bangs. A little overprimed I'd say...
Beer fkn everywhere. All over everything. OMFG I needed this......

Oh that's awful. Thank goodness no one was hurt!
Don't worry about it Stu... I have one (disconnect, hose, picnic tap) and I know where it is :).

That's a relief, I can't find mine :eek:

Wonder if I lent it out at some other gathering :lol:

Have fun brewers,

awrabest, stu
In case anyone missed.... My beer is not to be opened yet as it was bottled last night.... Please put on your "best after" date if not one the bottle.

mmm... scotchy scotch scotch.

1 Peas and Corn - Brown Ale
2 Nedelz - APA or Robust Porter
3 RustyC - Oatmeal Stout
4 Domonsura - Nelson's BIG Green Helles (RECIPE)
5 BenH - German Lager
6 BrauFrau - APA
8 Homekegger - Hopgarden Belguim Wit
9 wee stu - Bonfire Bitter
10 Rehnton - one of 2 options: American Dark Rye or Best Bitter
11 Choppadoo - Dubbel
12 Wally - Hefeweizen
13 Dr Smurto - Bo Pils
Well, a fun little afternoon had by all..... A couple of photos.....


Things starting to get rolling.....

Left to right - Gonzo (Sam), Jayse, Rhenton (back to camera), Dr Smurto (Mark), Wally, Chopperdoo (Brad), Ben, RustyC (back to camera), Homegegger (Craig)

Dude - I'm drinking, stop pointing that thing at me...

Peas & Corn (Dave) and AdamT tending Smurto's ringburner chicken on the BBQ ......mmmmmmmmmm

The latest victim of Sam's Eisbock......nighty night Craig....:D

and Sam's smile widens.......:lol:

Dr Smurto heading for Sam's Eisbock of destruction.....

Jayse deep in conversation...

Brew done, swap done....the dedicated drinkers settle in for the evening.....

Night all......:D
Thanks for coming everyone!
Only stopped by briefly but a good show Wayne! Well done.

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