2007 Sa Christmas Case

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Thanks for a great day Wayne.

It was good to meet a few other AHB'ers.

Just a shame that you opted for the "fat" lense for those photos that I feature in.


Hey wally at least you only got the fat lens, I got the fat and asleep lens. Damn the Eisbock. Should have started on the blonde or golden. But all in all a great day had, awesome ringburner chicken by DrSmurto, and some fantastic beers to drink along the way. Lessons learnt, 1) don't start on the hard stuff, 2) don't follow up a night out with the BBC with a swap. Recipe for disaster.

But all in all, Thanks to Wayne and his lovely wife for the use of their house and also to little Jack who loved giving Hi-Fives.

It was also great to meet a few people from the HB'ing game that I had not met. I look forward to sampling your beverages in the not too distant future.


I am SOOOOO very happy the photos stopped when they did as my memory stops right after the sun went down. Woke up in mates house around the corner. Clear head tho so all good.

Beers were sensational but i really shouldnt start on Sams beers, especially the eisbock which was far too easy to drink. So many samples of so many excellent beers.

Cheers Wayne (and your very understanding better half) for the hospitality and firing up brewboy. Was great to meet more new faces, only hope my rantings in the evening were kept to a minimum. Glad the chcilen went down a treat and didnt cause too much damage sunday morning. I think the chilli sausages were hotter. Damn fine spread.

Whose bottle doesnt have a label?

I took a line up of all the bottles and my hand scrawled message looks so **** next to all the lovely artwork. I dont even have a name for my brewery :(

Started on them last night so better get a tasting thread sorted out - i assume we want a separate one or can i play the lazy card and just tack it on here?

And just to reconfirm what i said about my contribution - i primed it nice and high, 10g/L from memory and its ready to drink now. We crash chilled one late in the evening but i only vaguely remember that.

Cheers again
And just to reconfirm what i said about my contribution - i primed it nice and high, 10g/L from memory and its ready to drink now. We crash chilled one late in the evening but i only vaguely remember that.

I remember that it was lovely! So, Dr Death, I'll be sure to drink your over-primed contribution very soon to make sure you don't live up to your name!

Wally, I took your hefe to another party on Saturday night with me, it was bloody good - perhaps a little early (I ignored the best after date), but hefes should be drunk early, and it was still bloody nice. Balanced, but still estery and spicy. Well done. If the other beers turn out this well, I'll be a very happy camper.

Wayne, thanks for a great day, I only wish that I'd sorted out transport arrangements better so I could have gotten really stuck into more of all the beers on offer.

All, My German Lager is ready to drink straight away (was brewed in May!), so get into it! Bottled from the keg, so no need to worry about yeast in the bottom when pouring. (It would be best if you kept his beer refrigerated).
I'd like to add my thanks too for a lovely time.
I wish I could have stayed longer. we'll organise baby sitting next year. :)

So Adam ... which one is yours and how long do we leave it for?

Who's is the one without the label? What is it? And I was told we drink it now?

And Ben's Saucy Wench Lager needs to be popped in the fridge and drunk ASAP as should DrSmurtos bo-pils.
I think Ben just answered my question - this is now the Tasting Thread!

BenH German Lager

Not going to do the BJCP judging stuff. Not sure how nice i should be now after the Dr Death comment.... :p Its not over primed.....yet.... :huh:

Bloody nice beer mate! Such an easy drinking lager. Its not over hopped like my beers tend to be (less than 30 IBUs i would guess - tettnang?). Reminded me of lazy summer arvo in a Berlin beer garden. I love the fact its bottled from the keg, no wasted dregs! Slight head on it which disappeared quite quickly. A perfectly balanced german lager. Nice work. And it went down nicely with the pizza i was munging on at the time.

What disturbs me the most about this beer is that my partner loves it and rated it higher than any beer of mine. I am a fan too and i have been told to get need the recipe!

I have RustyCs oatmeal stout in the fridge for tonights tasting (along with a dodgy attempt by me at a ginger weizen but thats another story and will be tasted after the stout......).


EDIT - having tasted my contribution and knowing it is already carbed up well enough i suggest putting it into the fridge NOW and then you can drink at your leisure. No need for any more bottle bombs this swap me thinks.
Braufrau: My one is ironically called "Adam's IIPA"! It's the only one bottled in PET. The doppelbock I gave you has DB on the lid if you lost/forgot about that.

Just cracked Smurto's Bo pils! My observant (beer-hating) mother thought I was tucking into a bottle of champers its that fizzy! I let her try some; she wasn't happy! Bottoms up.
After talking to Wayne and thinking about it more, is the unlabelled bottle Andrews (Rehnton)?

Adam - as long as it stayed in the bottle long enough for you to pour alls good, its primed (accidentally, or more accurately, due to a brain meltdown) at 10g/L which isnt too far off champers! I was aiming for 8 but got my total volumes arse about :(
Should we be concerned that Adam cracked open a bottle of my bo pils and hasnt been sighted on AHB since :huh:

Or am i the only one already consuming the case B)

RustyC's Oatmeal Stout - aka The African Avenger

First comment - it poured with a big tan head so according to a recent post that means its infected...... :rolleyes:

Seriously, nice tan head which is what i would expect from any dark beer with loads of dark grains.....

Never had the oatmeal member of the stout family so had to look up the specs. Its a lot more full bodied than the regular stouts i have made (these were only kits mind you). I find it difficult to comment as i really didnt know what this beer style is supposed to taste like. I liked it tho. Not overly bitter, or overly roasty which often is the reason i havent liked some stouts in the past. It was quite easy to drink, i was a little disappointed when i realised i had finished it. :chug:

Sorry for the wishy washy comments Rusty, i did enjoy the beer but hopefully someone more experienced than I can comment of this style.

Not sure which one is next as not many are ready for tasting, Wee Stu, when can i drink your beer?

Wee Stu, when can i drink your beer?


Beer was bottled on 4 December, so just had a week at this point. it MAY have been bottled a little cold, which would increase the carbonation a bit, but it was carbed at pretty low levels.

This is only my second brew in about 15 months, so my trainer wheels are well and truly attached.
I'm pretty sure that you don't need trainer wheels, stu, no matter how long since the last brew!

the unlabelled beer is mine - i going to apologise straight off the bat!

Due to compounding issues (ie a slight infection concern with the American Dark Rye beer that i was going to contribute & being unable to brew since selling my mill) i was left with (a) nothing to contribute or (B) a 2004 extract - nut brown ale....it tasted ok on Friday night but that was after few down the pub! With my reputation on the line its fingers crossed that its actually ok!

thanks Domonsura for a tops day...will pm to arrange a time to collect my case - this time ill bring the car not the pushie!
Cheers DrSmurto It's is sitting at the lighter end for a Oatmeal stout so pretty right on there the main thing is that you enjoyed it. I need to get your golden Ale recipe off you as well before I forget! I think you told me that basics that where in it on the day but I cant remember them

Wayne haven't said it yet so cheers for a great day you put on a great show you'll have to let uus know when the Brewday beer is ready I'm interested to see how the exact measuring beer tastes (Handful of this "Drink a few more beers" hand full of that)
Not sure how nice i should be now after the Dr Death comment.... :p

Jeez, you seemed quite chuffed with the 'tag' on Saturday! :lol:

Bloody nice beer mate! Such an easy drinking lager. Its not over hopped like my beers tend to be (less than 30 IBUs i would guess - tettnang?)...

What disturbs me the most about this beer is that my partner loves it and rated it higher than any beer of mine. I am a fan too and i have been told to get need the recipe!

Glad you liked it, and the missus too. Will post the recipe shortly, yes, you're right, it does have some late tettnang, and it is below 30IBUs!

I'm "tasting" (read skolling) your bo pils now... damn it's noice. You've stoked my fire for Saaz, and funnily, my missus loves your beer too. She's just said to me "so, if you could brew a beer like that, with hops like that, I'd have the whole keg to myself".... Recipe please! :p (though I do note that it's 100% Wey Pils and 100% Saaz!) :D

Retains it's head for a long time (though that may be because it's got a steady stream of bubbles to replenish it!) Some nice lace on the glass, nice and clear (until I tried to get too much out of the bottle!) and the bitterness is spot on for my palate. Thanks for a great beer.

g'day Wayne.
Mate i only just got back to Adelaide today, and i just saw your post tonight and i cannot tell you how embarrassed and sorry i am. If they have caused any damage to your cool room, i am more than happy to reimburse you for any damage done. To everyone else i am also sorry for my lack of contribution.

I don't know why this has happened, as i primed 22L with 76 Grams dex. The FG was 1016. It was in primary for 1 week. secondary at 20c for 1 week, then CC at 2C for 2 weeks. I suspect infection?

Again Wayne i am very sorry. If you need to get in contact with me PM me and i'll give you my details.

BenHs Saucy Wench Lager
TYPE: All Grain
Style: German Pilsner (Pils)

Saucy Wenchs vital statistics:
OG 1.047
FG 1.008
ABV 5.1%
28.4 IBU

3.50 kg Pilsner (Weyermann)
1.00 kg Munich I (Weyermann)
60.00 gm Hallertauer (60 min) 22.4 IBU
40.00 gm Tettnang (10 min) 6.0 IBU
0.25 items Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15.0 min)
1.00 gm Yeast Nutrient (Boil 10.0 min)
Bohemian Lager (Wyeast Labs #2124) [Pitched yeast from previous batch]

Mash Schedule: Single Infusion, Light Body
Mash In 65.6oC for 75 min with water adjusted to pH 6.0
Mash Out 75.6oC for 10 min with water adjusted to pH 6.0
Batch Sparge with water adjusted to pH 6.0

Boil Time: 60 Minutes

Pitched yeast at 21oC, into ferment fridge
Primary at 10oC for 17 days
Secondary at 10oC for 4 days + 15oC for 3 days (diacetyl rest)
Lagered at 4oC for 3 months
g'day Wayne.
Mate i only just got back to Adelaide today, and i just saw your post tonight and i cannot tell you how embarrassed and sorry i am. If they have caused any damage to your cool room, i am more than happy to reimburse you for any damage done. To everyone else i am also sorry for my lack of contribution.

I don't know why this has happened, as i primed 22L with 76 Grams dex. The FG was 1016. It was in primary for 1 week. secondary at 20c for 1 week, then CC at 2C for 2 weeks. I suspect infection?
Again Wayne i am very sorry. If you need to get in contact with me PM me and i'll give you my details.


Wondered when you were going to show up..........:angry:

Nah...only joking. No real harm done. It smelt alright as it was flowing across the coolroom floor, but I have to say that it's head was fairly short lasting but it seemed quite full in body. Aroma has faded quite quickly so next time I'd suggest more hops. Unless I've missed a bang there's still one in the back yard waiting to go off.............but I'm not game to open the box..I shall not tempt the bombmaker again :lol:

But don't stress about it. **** happens. But you try blow me up again I'll take it personally ... <_<
OK! Quite a few beers have been drunk tonight so I'll keep it short and hopefully understandable.

Smurto: had your pilsner last night. Very good in the pilsnerish department, but probably not enough saaz bang for me but at 2.4%AA it's a bit expensive to do so :)

Ben: Was this the same german lager you put into ANAWBS? If so I'm very surprised it didn't get higher than 35. Very clean flavour and brilliant appearance. Much appreciated by me and a mate.

BenHs German Lager

I assume that this bottle is yours- the label fell off at one point, and this was the bottle that was next to it. Anyways, to the tasting

First off, Im not a huge fan of lagers in general. This one, I must admit, I quite like. It sticks to the flavours that characterises a typical lager, but its much more filled out than many lagers I could name you can get at the bottlo. What hops did you use for this one? Certainly the best lager Ive drunk in a long time.

Russells African Avenger Oatmeal Stout

Havent had an oatmeal stout for quite a while, so its a nice change of pace to get one in the case. Very easy to go down, but at 5.1% its not quite as lethal as this might suggest, thankfully. There isnt too much of that aftertaste you can get when you use too much black malts, which is quite welcome- it makes for a good aftertaste. Nice caramel flavours in there. If you could post the recipe in the database, thatll be awesome, as Id love to give it a go myself 

Dr Smurtos Bo-Pils

Im not too familiar with this style, since as I mentioned earlier, I tend to stay away from lagers in general and move closer to stouts etc. Anyways, to start with, its a nice looking beer- colour, etc. The aroma is very nice, quite flowery- what was your hop schedule? The aroma comes out very nice. The bitterness is reasonabe, but its not overwhelming- it creates a very nice tanginess that Im a big fan of (well, I quite like saaz hops in general, and I wonder why I dont use it more often).
Sorry Ben, dont recall being referred to as Dr Death but assume thats a reference to the chicken.....? Was a little under the weather by the end of the day (altho i havent been told i fell asleep). I didnt think people thought the chicken was that hot? Next time i will double the chillis.

Cheers for the recipe, nice and simple and i like the generous amount of munich.

As for my recipe, here tis. (surprised your missus likes it, 40IBUs is way beyond my partner)

25L, eff 70%, OG 1.052, IBU 40.2

6.00 kg Pilsner (Weyermann) (3.3 EBC) Grain 100.00 %
100.00 gm Saaz [3.20 %] (60 min) Hops 29.8 IBU
30.00 gm Saaz [2.50 %] (40 min) Hops 6.1 IBU
30.00 gm Saaz [2.50 %] (20 min) Hops 4.2 IBU
0.5 items Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15.0 min) Misc
1 Pkgs Budvar Lager (Wyeast Labs #2000) [Starter 5000 ml] Yeast-Lager

Used 2 different batches of Saaz hence the different AA. I made a 5L starter by crash chilling 5L of wort and letting it ferment overnight while the rest of the wort sat in a tub of water/ice and then went into fermenting fridge overnight.

30 min Protein Rest Add 12.00 L of water at 57.3 C 50.0 C
60 min Saccrification Add 7.00 L of water at 99.4 C 66.0 C

Next time i would prob sub the bittering saaz for northern brewer. And go for zwickels 4 step infusion or maybe even attempt a decoction or 3.

As for the golden ale we were drinking on the day.

20L, eff 65%, OG 1.044, IBU 31.4

2.40 kg Pilsner (Weyermann) (3.3 EBC) Grain 56.60 %
0.80 kg Munich I (Weyermann) (14.0 EBC) Grain 18.87 %
0.80 kg Wheat Malt, Malt Craft (Joe White) (3.5 EBC) Grain 18.87 %
0.24 kg Caramalt (Joe White) (49.3 EBC) Grain 5.66 %
20.00 gm Northern Brewer [9.10 %] (60 min) Hops 22.2 IBU
15.00 gm Amarillo [8.90 %] (10 min) Hops 5.9 IBU
15.00 gm Amarillo [8.90 %] (5 min) Hops 3.2 IBU
0.50 items Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15.0 min) Misc
1 Pkgs American Ale (Wyeast Labs #1056) Yeast-Ale

60 min Mash In Add 11.06 L of water at 73.4 C 66.0 C

Simple single infusion, used US56 not the liquid version. There was a teaball of amarillo (~15g) in the keg as well. Whilst i have a few 100g of amarillo in the freezer this will be my summer house ale. Went to pick up my keg and Wayne wouldnt let me! Gave me an empty one instead! Only fair i suppose, i was having a good crack and the green bullet all day!

The ringburner recipe is my baby but since people seemed to enjoy it.... its based on a jamaican jerk sauce i loved when living in the UK. With extra chillis added B)

That day it went something like this
4 orange haberneros
4 spring onions
3 cloves garlic
3cm piece of ginger
4 sprigs fresh thyme
2 tsp allspice
juice of 2 limes
1/2 cup tomato sauce
1/2 cup pineapple juice

Blend 1st 5 ingredients to a smooth paste, add the rest and blend again. Easy!


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