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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. HoppingMad

    New Microbrewery To Open On Phillip Island, Victoria.

    Currently Phillip Island in Victoria has just one microbrewery called 'Rusty Waters'. The beer has been contract brewed by Jamesons Brewery and transported there I gather. The stuff is 'okay' from what I've tried at expos, but the brewery itself doesn't have an amazing atmosphere I'm told from...
  2. HoppingMad

    Food & Beer Pairing - Are They Serious?

    Check out the food and beer pairing suggestions on this. Looks like you can have it with anything except beef. Handy they pointed it out. Link to more helpful suggestions: CUB's Food & Beer Pairing Hopper
  3. HoppingMad

    Brewing With Spices - Where Do You Get Yours?

    Dabbling with beers on the spicy side currently. Got inspired by a talk by Radical Brewing Author Randy Mosher at ANHC last year. He handed out a bunch of different spices for the attendees to check out and got us all thinking about how a bit of spice in a beer can really enhance a brew...
  4. HoppingMad

    Sourcing Brew Gear On Hard Rubbish Day Is Theft?

    I'm sure plenty of us have done it. You drive down the road and then something catches your eye. It's hard rubbish day and there's some nice stuff someone has put on their nature strip. It might be a motor from a washer to power a mill, a computer fan for a stir-plate build, an old fridge or...
  5. HoppingMad

    Closing A Cub Style Sanke Keg

    Hi guys, Took advantage of the legal keg buy from the Local Taphouse and now have a Canadian 30L Sanke Keg (D coupler/CUB Coupler fitting). For those who don't know what a Sanke is they have the same spout, spear and coupler fitting as CUB kegs available here. Have opened the keg up to clean...
  6. HoppingMad

    Nelson Beer - Anyone Given This A Go?

    Hmmmm...wondering if someone can shed light on this mystery beer. Supposedly it was launched last year but damned if I've seen it anywhere. Apparently it's in Melbourne and Sydney (and possibly Tassie) It's won awards for packaging so I guess it looks good, but am wondering what the stuff...
  7. HoppingMad

    What's A Commercial Brewery Cost?

    Some interesting examples here at the moment. Including Jamieson's Brewery, a Brewpub in Geelong (Vic), Grumpys Brewhouse in Hahndorf (SA) and 3 Brew on Premise joints in QLD. Jamiesons Brewery Geelong Brewpub Grumpys Brewhaus Hopper B) Edit - Sorry Queenslanders - Couldn't get the links to...
  8. HoppingMad

    Joe White Crystal Malt - Any Ideas On To Use It Better?

    This question is going to make me sound like a bit of a dill, but what the hell, everytime I post here I feel like a dill sometimes. I have 23kg of Joe White Crystal. A big bastard of a bag that I bought in the last grain bulk buy. Trouble is everything I brew with it - the beer turns out...
  9. HoppingMad

    Recirculating - How Much Do You Do?

    Hi guys, this is a question I should know the answer to after all the AGs I've done now, but you're never too old to learn a thing or two. Talking to a fellow ag'er the other day (who batch sparges like me) about recirculating the water out of your mash tun back over your grain and through...
  10. HoppingMad

    Yank Malt To Oz Malt/extract To Grain - How Do You Convert?

    Hi guys, This question has been bugging me a bit. I often open a recipe in a brew book and it looks like a ripper. Trouble is I can't do half of them 'cos the quantities are listed either in yank speak, pom speak or the recipe is an extract one. Does anyone have a good 'cheat sheet' that can...
  11. HoppingMad

    Say It Isn't So. Little Creatures Owned By Tooheys?

    Source:Page 2 of this Age Article Little World = Little Creatures. Hopefully Lion's shareholding isn't too high. I don't want to be accused of drinking megaswill! :ph34r: Hopper.
  12. HoppingMad

    Matilda Bay Brewery - For Sale On Graysonline!

    This could be interesting. Or it could be them selling a few desks and a filing cabinet. The auction catalogue comes out at 2pm tomorrow, so guess we'll find out if there's any goodies! MatildaBayClearance Got me curious :huh: Hopper.
  13. HoppingMad

    Congratulations Nt - You Win!

    I hang my head in shame. Northern Territorians out-drink my home state by the Darwin Stubby truckload. View their winning stats here: :P Hopper
  14. HoppingMad

    Vienna Gold Hop - Any Info Appreciated

    Hi guys, Have come across "Vienna Gold" hop on a couple of brewsites but there seems to be a lack of info out there in webworld. Despite having the name "Vienna" attached to it, I only seem to be able to find the pellets for sale on Oz brewsites which seems strange. Have noticed this hop is...
  15. HoppingMad

    An Ag Beer Without Hops. Anyone Done It?

    Ok. I get that hops balance a beer out flavour-wise. That said, has anyone considered leaving the hops untouched and seeing what happens? A pure no-hop all-grain beer. No spices, nothing. I'm not talking fruit beers, I'm not talking gruit beers. Or a medieval beer with twigs in it. I'm talking...
  16. HoppingMad

    Protein Rest - What Is It And Is It Handy?

    Ok, I've come to the understanding that to make a good AG wheat beer I need to do a protein rest. Trouble is I have no idea what one is. Or how to do one. Or what the benefit of doing one is. The searching I've done suggests the following: "A protein rest is a portion of the mashing process...
  17. HoppingMad

    Aluminium Beer Bottles - Soon To Reach Our Shores

    Look out, here comes the latest marketing gimmickry. Apparently a beer by a boutique brewery called Frost is soon to be launched in Sydney if you believe the article below. A low carb beer packaged in an aluminium bottle. Never heard of Frost Brewery. Anyone tried a beer by these guys...
  18. HoppingMad

    Hop Shortage - Anyone Experiencing It?

    Just ducked out to a home brewing retailer and they were totally out of Pride of Ringwood and said they wouldn't have them for quite sometime as there were shortages. Also told me that their US hop varieties will be taking a price hike in the coming months due to the US shortage. Got me a...
  19. HoppingMad

    1st Ag Cubed. How Long Will It Keep?

    Am stoked. First All Grain brew went through the new All Grain setup without a hitch. It's in the cube now (no chill method) and smelling like tasty amarillo soup (Dr Smurto's Golden Ale). I am eager to put it in the fermenter, but the trouble is, I'm going to the beach for a week starting...
  20. HoppingMad

    Burleigh Brewery - No Carb Beer?

    Hmmm, there are a few fans of low carb 'blonde' beers on this site. Anyone going to rush out to try this? Myself I'm not sure. No Carb Beer Article Hopper.