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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. MartinOC

    Vicbrew 2022

    Greetings! We're hoping you'll volunteer to assist as a JUDGE &/or STEWARD at this year's VicBrew 2022. COVID has no bearing on this year's event, as we're all quadruple-vaccinated and following all of the mandates from our magnificent State Government, right? To volunteer, please go to our...
  2. MartinOC

    VICBREW 2021 - Call for Judges & Stewards

    Greetings beer Judges and Stewards, We hope you'll be able to assist as a JUDGE or STEWARD at this year's VicBrew 2021. To volunteer, please go to our new competition website Vicbrew 2021 We're now using BCOE&M competition software, so if you haven't registered before, you'll need to create a...
  3. MartinOC

    VICBREW 2020

    Sorry, guys. It ain't gonna happen this year. As of the committee meeting this evening via a zoom meeting, the reasons we see for cancelling VicBrew2020 are: Unlikely to be able to run a successful competition of an appropriate standard in the presence of Covid . High likelihood of ongoing...
  4. MartinOC

    VICBREW 2019

    Folks, Entries for Vicbrew 2019 are now LIVE! Details of the competition location, rules of entry (PLEASE READ THESE CAREFULLY!) etc. are all available here: Go!
  5. MartinOC

    Malts at Wholesale Prices - One day ONLY!

    Hi Guys, For Melbourne/Victorians only! With the Clever Brewing warehouse closing down shortly, there's a swag of base & specialty malts to get rid of, plus some cleaning/sanitising chemicals. Pick-up only & only tomorrow (Easter Monday) from 9am-1pm. CASH ONLY! After tomorrow, if you want...
  6. MartinOC

    Reasons for Competition Rules

    Hi Guys, 'Just thought I'd put this out there for everyone to read, in response to a query from a local competition organiser in Victoria. Once upon a time in a galaxy far, far away.....there was this bloke called Mark Jones (hereinafter referred to as "MJ"). He was a member of the ABAV (which...
  7. MartinOC

    VICBREW - Seeking an understudy as Chief Steward

    As part of the Vicbrew committee's succession planning, we're looking for someone prepared to step-up & learn/take-on the role of Chief Steward from me. I'll be blunt & honest with you - it's a toughie! Next to the Competition Organiser, it's the most responsible role when it comes to running...
  8. MartinOC

    "Fast Eddie" Clarke Of Motorhead is gone... 'Saw them live on the first venue of the "No sleep 'til Hammersmith" album tour (West Runton Pavillion) in March '81. My first ever live gig....:cool: The "Bomber" lighting rig hanging...
  9. MartinOC

    VICBREW 2017

    Hi fellow home-brewers and craft-brewers. We would like to invite you to volunteer to JUDGE &/or STEWARD at VicBrew 2017. This year it will be held on the 16th and 17th of September at the Belgian Beer Cafe Eureka: 5 Riverside Quay, Southbank Melbourne, Melways 2F E7. Located about 5 minutes...
  10. MartinOC

    Melb. Looking for a good tattoo artist. Any recommendations?

    SWMBO wants to get another tatt. to keep a promise to her departed old man. I'm kinda-sorta thinking about getting another one done for myself, but it'll be a very complex geometric design, so I'm looking for someone who can follow an exact design & not just "free-hand" it & balls it up...
  11. MartinOC

    Vic Case Swap Equipment....ongoing..

    Carrying-on from here.... 'Just thought to carry-on from post #284...
  12. MartinOC

    Vic Xmas 2016 Case Swap - Food Thread

    There's been plenty of folks who have taken-on the task of coordinating food for these events in the past, but it shouldn't always fall to the same ones. Time for the load to be shared...someone else needs to stick their hand up & do it. it's NOT hard! Null'n'void has a spit. Fuel is required...
  13. MartinOC

    Yob Performs Unnatural Acts in a tight Red Suit!

    Jesse asked if I wanted to come along whilst he dealt with a deep-seated fear of heights... Yeah, I can do that...Provide some moral support to a mate, jump out of an aircraft & dangle my knees in the breeze again.. The worst that could happen is that I get addicted to the adrenaline-rich fun...
  14. MartinOC

    VIC-Xmas 2016 Case-Swap Recipe (Cocko's place)

    OK, I've done some work on the past few, so it's time for someone else to take the helm & drive this one. The way I see it, we can either do something intended for immediate summer fermentation & consumption (ie. Weizen etc), or something for long-term fermentation & maturation. Let the games...
  15. MartinOC

    Kinglake - Beer, BBQ & Burning-stuff Party weekend?

    Gents, I have a cunning plan & probably need your help to get it done. Fire-restrictions up here end on the 1st of May. We're going to get a local bloke to come-in with heavy equipment to pull-apart our big wood-pile: We'll need hands-on to process the stuff & I propose that Tracy & I lay-on...
  16. MartinOC

    2016 VIC Xmas in July Swap/Brew- Recipe

    Let's try this again...... Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more; Or close the wall up with our Victorian dead. Now set the teeth and stretch the nostril wide, Hold hard the breath and bend up every spirit To his full height. On, on, you noblest Victorians. Be copy now to men...
  17. MartinOC

    Two cars written-off in 3 weeks - Still standing!

    SWMBO wrapped her car around a tree a month ago. Got the old man's car as a replacement & had it only 4 days when this happened to me a couple of weeks ago: Here's the car of the ******* green "P"-plater who lost it & came at me sideways (going too fast in the wet, in the dark, on a...
  18. MartinOC

    VICBREW 2016

    Ladies & Gentlemen (& those of you who can't decide.... :P ), After last year's Competition, there's been a LOT of discussion within the Committee about moving forward & dealing with the expected escalating entry-numbers, Judging schedules/regimes ...etc..etc... Changes have been made to the...
  19. MartinOC

    WLP590 French Saison - Pellicle?

    I'm doing my first Saison & had it at 22C for a couple of weeks - all good. Bumped it to 24C a few days ago to make sure it's well & truly finished. Up until now, it's looked clean as a whistle & smells the gubbins Today, I had a quick look, with the intention of adding Styrian Goldings as...
  20. MartinOC

    RIP Philthy (Animal) Taylor

    First live gig I ever went to at the West Runton Pavillion (North Norfolk coast in the UK) in March '81 - MOTORHEAD!! **** ME! What a baptism of fire!!! The father of the double-kick bass drum sound copied by so many heavy metal bands ever since "Overkill" was released. 'Lovely bloke (I met...