Zwickel In Queensland (The show must go on)

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If it's still there? I haven't checked

I think that sums up the website pretty succinctly. It wasn't really used, and therefore the DNS registration was allowed to lapse.

The logo sounds great. Stickers are a great place to start. I'd love to have a Brewerhood shirt or beer glass or something. That would be way cool.

Unfortunately, a revised list appears below without me on it. I can't do it at the moment guys, sorry.

Mr and Mrs Batz
Andrew and Lisa
Henno and Teri
Perry and Anna
Troydo depending
QldKev and Julie (and a 4wd to sleep in)
Mr and Mrs Stillscottish (and bag pipes? Wake this valley up!)
Clean Brewer(fingers crossed, no wedding to cater for.... )
TidalPete ---- Bringing 12 litres or so of bottles of this & that & his good self + hash browns for Breaky. What more could anyone ask for for a great night?

Gave up after page 3 mate. I can remember it down to the last word.
In the end it turned out to be very sad for a Born & Bred Queensland Boy.
We really have been invaded. :(
Who was it that said "When in Rome Do as Romans Do"?
Guess I'll just have to live with it????? But I will never surrender to the southern hordes. :( :lol:

PS --- Just saw your post Bonj ---- It wasn't me who took you off the list mate. Feel free to put yourself back on. :icon_cheers:
From the original files


Needs a sheep
PS --- Just saw your post Bonj ---- It wasn't me who took you off the list mate. Feel free to put yourself back on. :icon_cheers:
No, mate. I took myself off. I can't make it this time.

oops.... just came back to the laptop and realised I hadn't posted this... :lol:
That'll do it :D
Edit: maybe both of them.
Looking forward to seeing all the old faces again.
I'll be bringing a keg of English Mild Ale, bottle of home made pickled onions and something else food related, any suggestions Batz?

Looking forward to seeing all the old faces again.
I'll be bringing a keg of English Mild Ale, bottle of home made pickled onions and something else food related, any suggestions Batz?


Sounds great just as it is :icon_chickcheers: casseroles/curries if they are in a crock pot thingy,or can go on my warmer plates.Junk food,,pizza KFC or whatever. I am afraid pig on a spit is not my thing.I don't want to do anything much really,beer drinking excepted

Sounds great just as it is :icon_chickcheers: casseroles/curries if they are in a crock pot thingy,or can go on my warmer plates.Junk food,,pizza KFC or whatever. I am afraid pig on a spit is not my thing.I don't want to do anything much really,beer drinking excepted


OK, I'll bring a crock pot of something. I'll bring gas and a tap for my Mild too.

Also need bacon & eggs ,bloody cooks ain't laying ATM,should be saggers left over from the night before.
Bread,sauce,plates,plastic eating things and coffee I'll have already.

I can bring Bacon and Eggs. Can't guarantee an ability to consume them, though.
Black pudding too? Or are rollmops the go?????


Black pudding! :icon_drool2:

Just do it Campbell.

What with the animal of choice leaning towards sheep at Brewerhood Do's, sheeps blood will go down especially well with batz eggs. ;)
Batz eggs? I thought they gave birth to live young? :lol:

Pete. :beer:
Ok, change of plans. I will bring a Kolsch instead of the Mild, and a Malaysian Beef Curry in the crock pot.

Batz, I assume since the chooks aren't producing any bum nuts you'll be supplying a nice selection of chicken dishes instead? :p

Sorry mates, Im reading this thread with jealous. I had to postpone my flight due to problems with my employer.

Finally I bought my ticket yesterday, will leave here at 28. of Feb., arrive at Brisbane 1. of March, evening.

Im gonna contact some of you via PM for further informations.

Cheers mates :icon_cheers:
Any ideas on what I should bring? (be nice now!)
