
End of the year again everyone, time to either freak out since it's only a few days until Christmas and you are yet to go shopping or celebrate since you are going on holidays. Tonight will be an fairly social night, chat about what brews we plan on drinking or making over the hot summer and see if we can survive until January.
*NOTE* We are have also organised a case swap with the guys from Grafton so the 4 (5 including myself) guys who are participating please bring your beers along to this meeting!! Matt from the Grafton Club will be bringing the swap beers from them up to swap them with ours. We will confirm numbers closer to the date but between 13-16 beers are required.
Fees are to be paid at the start of the night and your full name and email address given.
Fees will change quarterly to cater for people who join/come later in the year do not have to pay for time they are not there.
Fee structure is as followed:
Free of charge (1 meeting max)
Casual members
Gold Coin donation (2 meetings max)
Full members
October to December - $13
*NOTE* Fee covers member until the end of that year (December)
Date - 11th December
Same GoldCLUB Place - Burleigh Brewing Company
Same GoldCLUB Time - 6:00pm
GoldCLUB Facebook Page
Facebook Event Link