2015 Schedule

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Gold Coast,QLD
Ok guys next years schedule has been confirmed! Dates and meetings are as followed...

January 9th - Social Night - Break in the New Year

February 13th - American Ale Competition - Judged to BJCP 2008 guidelines. Category 10A American Pale Ale, 10B American Amber Ale, 10C American Brown Ale.

March 13th - "Black Knight" - wear something black, brew something black, drink something black

April 10th - Submit Bacchus Brewing Competition beers - Style is FREESTYLE, bring 2 x750 mls , one for Ross & one for us to vote on. Winning beer will be brewed by GoldCLUB members at Bacchus then will go on tap at Bacchus later on.

May 8th - Education night Brennan or other ?? topic TBA

June 12th - " Guess that Style Night" - Chief Steward Kegs to purchase commercial beers and serve up to the club incognito

July 10th - "Clone" night - Beer TBA BABBs annual competition this month - consider entering beers to be judged on the day

August 14th – get "SMASH"d night ---> single malt and single hop brews

September 11th - Lager Competition- Judged to BJCP 2008 guidelines - QABC competition 19th-20th this month

October 9th - Social night " Oktoberfest" Dressed in Lederhosen - Venue @ Gold Coast German Club. AABC 17th-18th this month

November 14th - Charity night

December 11th - Christmas breakup

Other GoldCLUB announcements

A planned brewday at the Mt Tamborine Beard and Brau Brewery on the cards for Feb/March. I believe BABBs is organising this and we are invited to be involved . Will keep everyone up to date with this.

BJCP tasting test has been set for April 2016 , those wishing to get their BJCP accreditation will need to complete the online exam 1st before doing the tasting test. This must be completed within 12 months of the tasting and cost $10 USD every time you complete the test. Currently there are 4 members interested. Damien Cooke, Cary, Adam and Damian Maguire. If any else is interested then let me know so we can let those organising the tasting for numbers.