You Know You're A Homebrewer If . . .

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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When you are spending more time on forums reading threads like this then spending time with your loved ones or doing something useful :huh:
When you're wife tells you she has a confession to make and you automatically cringe at the thought of which beer glass has she broken :D
When you sleep with your smackpack to keep it warm at night
When you have a permanent wallpaper on your phone like this...........


... you start making separate bitterness, flavour and aroma additions to your pasta sauce!

I found myself putting oregano in at the start of the simmer, basil for the last 20 mins and parsley at "flameout"... :blink:
... you start making separate bitterness, flavour and aroma additions to your pasta sauce!

I found myself putting oregano in at the start of the simmer, basil for the last 20 mins and parsley at "flameout"... :blink:

I also like parsley as a flavour addition, basil for aroma and dry hopping with parsley in the bowl.
... you start making separate bitterness, flavour and aroma additions to your pasta sauce!

I found myself putting oregano in at the start of the simmer, basil for the last 20 mins and parsley at "flameout"... :blink:

Doesn't everyone? I tend to use 3 additions of Basil and one of oregano. Have yuo ever experimented with dried for the first addition and fresh for late additions?

You know you're obsessed when you start smacking your kids who are playing in the bath because of fears
of Hot Side Aeration.

you buy a car based solely on the fact that the license plate number is IBU-100

Or when you find yourself spending your lunchtime at work reading the forums or visiting online hbs's.
You are tasting a sample from your yeast starter and you hear yourself say "I don't mind this at all", then start considering pouring yourself another sample


Why did you revive this Cortez .. oh, the shame, the shame ..............

I know I'm a homebrew cos I wake up on hearing a dripping tap, but can't sleep unless I hear an airlock glubblupping !
When you pop into 1st choice Liquor for a bottle of Leffe or Urquell as a 'taste tester' and while raving on about it to the guy unpacking a pallette or stocking shelves you notice that he has fallen asleep 10 minutes ago.
Only last week, i dreamt that little baby otter's called Marris were swimming around in my big brew pot. My brew partner/partner told me he heard me talking in my sleep!
You walk past a guy playing a glockenspiel made entirely of longnecks and stubbies filled with varying amounts of water and actually make a note to see if the bottles are twist tops or crown seal......

Also, you repeatedly bug the local post office because their parcel delivery guy is crap at leaving cards or even knocking on your door, and you are expecting a parcel from you HBS....
when you start giving beer away on the condition they have them drunk by next weekend with the bottles cleaned out and returned
OR an AHB member...
You know you're a AHB member if your first AG was Dr.Smurto's JSGA!! :lol:

How ironic....I was just looking through the recipeDB and came across this recipe and thought....that might just be the one for my 1st AG.

You're doing the weekly grocery shopping and you wonder what the diastatic power of individual breakfast cereals are (and then purchase the crispy wheats cause you're sure they will mash OK)
How ironic....I was just looking through the recipeDB and came across this recipe and thought....that might just be the one for my 1st AG.


Do it mate, its a great drop! Ask muckey or trev or any other member on here... hehehe!! Seriously though, do it!

Back OT:

You know you're a homebrewer if;

You come home from a party with more empty bottles than you took full!