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Slow day at work today fellas ? :huh:
In a perfect world beer would be free from the oversight of the man. not so long ago bootlegging grog in the highlands of Scotland helped define one of lifes pleasures the single malt we look at these people as hero's and larikins now.

As for dobbing in sick people selling off part of their soul in the hope it will go to another cherished keeper of the brewing dream I say shame.
Strewth! I am packing it now. :eek:

There is going to be dozens of us in trouble with this other thread going at the moment. <_<

[topic="0"]Underage drinking[/topic]
I hate to be a nanny, but I've lodged a complaint with NSW OLGR. Shits like that give us a bad name, and I hope they fine him. (Maximum penalty $5,000, 6 months imprisonment).

All it takes is some old bitty going to the papers and saying, "Look, these homebrew people are selling alcohol unchecked. Think of the children!" You may be overestimating our reputation with the rest of the community: To them, we are a bunch of bogans trying to save a buck, and getting around paying excise like everyone else, based on some little loophole.

As a community, it is our duty to stop people who flaunt the illegal side of this hobby. Anyone who tries to sell brewery kegs online gets what they deserve. Anyone who sells their homebrew in public ought to be fined, and shunned by the community: that's not us.

Edit: And people who sell their beer in private (yeah, I'm talking about the "donation jar on the fridge" people) should have a long hard look at themselves.

Without doubt the 2 most stupid posts i've ever seen on this forum. Who appointed you homebrew police?

Grow up.

This kind of shit makes me so goddam mad.

I'm off to join patch...
No, it's not hypocritical. I'm not going to dob in the guy who pirates something off the net. I'll sure as **** dob in the guy who sells his wares collection at a flea market though.

I'm not going to dob in the guy who steals a keg. You don't want to be the guy selling a stolen keg with me around though.

I'm sure I break a dozen laws every day; but I don't flaunt them.

And this quote show's your true character.

Frigging Ass Clown.
Going on certain attitudes I dont want it to ever be known If I participate in a swap meet.
Is the swapping of home brew in an organised manner for someone elses classed as a transaction?
Look out I can hear the sirens......
Fair dinkum......

I bought some champagne bottles off ebay and the guy said he had the same amount but they had brew in them.
If I wanted them I could have them for the same price.
The guy was crook and needed some cash in a hurry, did I dob him in? NO
Did I buy them? YES
Did I drink them? NO

I can see the end of the swap meets coming if the CHOVAIN police have anything to do with it..
Or are these OK and there is a double standard.....
Just came across this thread : was too busy making and selling beer legally to see it earlier today.

I now have a strange desire to watch Monty Pythons' Life of Brian.

Love a good stoning...........

Cheers, Andrew.
Was his name Wodger...

He was a wobber and a wapist, as well as an iwwegal bwewer
Slightly off topic. Is it okay for me to do the following?

1) My mates give me money to go out and buy the ingredients.
2) Then I have them around for a brewday where I am the brewer and they sit around and play darts.
3) Then two weeks later they come back, play some more darts and I bottle their beer and give it to them.

Would Mark Chovain be dobbing me in for this behaviour? Or would I have to brag about it on myspace before he dobbed me in? Or even if I bragged about it on myspace, would it be legal and therefore escape the wrath of MC?

You'd need to sell your beer in an open market for me to dob you in.
And this quote show's your true character.

Frigging Ass Clown.

I jaywalked on the way home. I admit it. But I can sleep easy knowing that I didn't sell alcohol to a minor.
Without doubt the 2 most stupid posts i've ever seen on this forum. Who appointed you homebrew police?

Grow up.

This kind of shit makes me so goddam mad.

I'm off to join patch...

Good. Take the other bogan "**** the law because they're out to get us" types with you. You give the honest people a bad name.
I'm genuinely disgusted to have been a part of this community. There are some decent people among you, but fewer than I had thought.

Chovain out.
Geez, obviously many of you have wildl delusions of granduer regarding this hobby and the impact it may ever have on the department of whogivesashit.

Having said that, I am sure the carzy bitch accross the road who is costing me thousands in legal countenace has video tape of me brewing.
May the lord foul the beer she drinketh.
Worst thread ever.
Geez I only posted this cause I thought it would give people a laugh. Maybe should have posted to the jokes section.

Who would honestly buy beer from ebay? :blink: LOL

Maybe the mods can end this thread now?
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