You Can Buy Anything On Ebay

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Poor guy getting rid of it for health reasons. It will get pulled though.


I sold some full bottles on ebay some time ago. They were part of a batch of 100 odd bottles, they were advertised as empty bottles but description detailed that some were full (maybe 50 odd) & could be emptied if buyer prefered.

Buyer was happy to consume them though :lol:

I dont think ebay will give a rats unless complaints are lodged.
I'd be more concerned about the Excise people than ebay. The penalties for selling homebrew are pretty severe.
I wonder if the Tax Office checks eBay out......

Could be a very expesnsive sale with not much profit...
I hate to be a nanny, but I've lodged a complaint with NSW OLGR. Shits like that give us a bad name, and I hope they fine him. (Maximum penalty $5,000, 6 months imprisonment).
I hate to be a nanny, but I've lodged a complaint with NSW OLGR. Shits like that give us a bad name, and I hope they fine him. (Maximum penalty $5,000, 6 months imprisonment).

Thats a bit harsh! Do you think maybe you jumped the gun a bit? Perhaps an e-mail to him to see if he knew what he was doing was illegal? Perhaps he could have ended the auctions himself after being alerted to the potential illegal sale he was trying to make? I dunno, but he has only offered them, hopefully the auction does not end before the coppers get to him!
I hate to be a nanny, but I've lodged a complaint with NSW OLGR. Shits like that give us a bad name, and I hope they fine him. (Maximum penalty $5,000, 6 months imprisonment).

just a bit excessive...
Mark Chovain Posted Today, 03:18 PM
I hate to be a nanny, but I've lodged a complaint with NSW OLGR. Shits like that give us a bad name, and I hope they fine him. (Maximum penalty $5,000, 6 months imprisonment).

Tough love. But you are right.

Thats a bit harsh! Do you think maybe you jumped the gun a bit? Perhaps an e-mail to him to see if he knew what he was doing was illegal? Perhaps he could have ended the auctions himself after being alerted to the potential illegal sale he was trying to make? I dunno, but he has only offered them, hopefully the auction does not end before the coppers get to him!

Wouldn't worry, doubt the OLGR would bother doing anything about it anyway. This is NSW, they are probably still at lunch. Sent him an email earlier today but no response. Bloke's obviously a dill so wouldn't waste any more time or thinking process on him.
I would bet that he knows it illegall, same as selling tobabco.

I am with Mark on this one......why should that D!ckhe@d spoil it or all of us

Tax Office might be interested..... :)
I would bet that he knows it illegall, same as selling tobabco.

I am with Mark on this one......why should that D!ckhe@d spoil it or all of us

Tax Office might be interested..... :)

spoil what? What do you think is going to happen? They are going to make homebrewing illegal because of one illegal eBay listing?
spoil what? What do you think is going to happen? They are going to make homebrewing illegal because of one illegal eBay listing?

It starts with just one person......then others, I can make money out of this.....
people have also auctioned their anal viriginity on ebay...
people have also auctioned their anal viriginity on ebay...

how do you post something like that?
spoil what? What do you think is going to happen? They are going to make homebrewing illegal because of one illegal eBay listing?

All it takes is some old bitty going to the papers and saying, "Look, these homebrew people are selling alcohol unchecked. Think of the children!" You may be overestimating our reputation with the rest of the community: To them, we are a bunch of bogans trying to save a buck, and getting around paying excise like everyone else, based on some little loophole.

As a community, it is our duty to stop people who flaunt the illegal side of this hobby. Anyone who tries to sell brewery kegs online gets what they deserve. Anyone who sells their homebrew in public ought to be fined, and shunned by the community: that's not us.

Edit: And people who sell their beer in private (yeah, I'm talking about the "donation jar on the fridge" people) should have a long hard look at themselves.
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