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12 month old? In a fridge? More like 100ml..
Freezing yeast FTW
Freezing yeast FTW
#ignorance @YobYob said:12 month old? In a fridge? More like 100ml..
Freezing yeast FTW
It's a good question. I am going to try and grab some slurry from the recent 001 i have just pitched and store it. I only have a 3L flask - Can you just do 500ml - decant, make some new wort then cool and tip into the same flask and repeat. Or like the above, go straight to a 2 or 3L starter.Wilkensone said:#ignorance @Yob
Do you need to start with small starters and work up with old yeast so you don't shock them? Is there a way to know what size to how old?
I assume 1%OneEye said:How do you know how much viable yeast you have before and after building it back up though? You pitch a 12+ month slurry into 500mL or so of 1.030/40 wort?
Sorry to bring this up again - going to use my washed yeast in the next day or so. I only have a 3L flask. Can I step up using one by decanting and tipping fresh wort into the flask?Stux said:I assume 1%
And its not a slurry. Its essentially quarter of a 12 month old wyeast smack pack. I don't use slurry as I can't get a clean ferment out of it in my location.
You can also see the yeast as it ages and dies it turns from a creamy white, to a peanuty brown colour, and then to a dark brown colour. As it does this there are little flecks of white still present. I assume as long as I can see some creamy colour matter in the pure yeast that there is still some goodness in the split.
But as its an unsmacked wyeast split there is nothing but yeast and a layer of 'beer' above the yeast, its as if it was perfectly washed.
How many steps and how small you start depends on how fresh the yeast is. I would probably go straight from the 25ml split into 200ml of 1.040 wort for the first step. Although if its truly old then perhaps a 100ml first step would make more sense, something I would decide at the time.
This is the risky one as there is a large jump for the yeast to make, but its also the best time to do it as its the first step, and you've had less steps/chances for contamination.
then double (ish) the steps until you get to the starter size you would normally have had anyway
So, say I wanted a 4L starter in the end.
So, for example, a ideal steps might be:
250ml -> 500ml -> 1L -> 2L -> 4L
To save chilling and decanting, I'll just transfer each step into a larger flask prepared with the the next steps wort, taking into account that I don't actually want to fill each flask to prevent a mess, I'll modify the steps slightly
I mix it all up in my 5L and then boil it in the separate flasks to sanitize them.
So, I'll prepare
500ml with 200mls (225 mls when I add the split)
1L with 400ml ( 625mls at step time
2L with 900ml = 1.5L
5L with 2L = 3.5L
If I wanted to go bigger, I would chill/decant the 5L and add another 3.5L for near enough a 4L starter.
Then I would chill, decant and pitch, being careful to remember to pull out the stirbar!
I end up with about a cm or two of creamy white yeast in the 5L, and that is about as big as I can go, any bigger and I might as well just brew a single batch of beer
Combined with a hit of oxygen in the fermenter I get a 60L ripping away in less than 8 hours after pitching
If the yeast was fresher, then I would go straight to a 500ml step.
For completeness, here's the guide I use to split wyeast packs
Here is wolfie's guide to stepping a slant to starter, which is a similar method
Don't see why not.SimoB said:Sorry to bring this up again - going to use my washed yeast in the next day or so. I only have a 3L flask. Can I step up using one by decanting and tipping fresh wort into the flask?
Thanks Yob - that makes sense I guess. I will be sure to try this next time.Yob said:The starter will undoubtedly be oxidised and if the beer you are pitching to can't mask it you may pick up that flavour, more important for say lagers than ipa styles etc.
Yeah what he says! I too would like to know peoples thought on this question from LiquidGold... that is one of the main reasons I have always left wort in my starters as I sometimes find the slurry sticks in the flask and does not all come out into the wort you want to pitch into...LiquidGold said:While on the topic of pitching a decanted starter. I did this for the first time on a batch a while back and although I had given the decanted yeast time to warm up I found it hard to pour it out of the flask so I racked a bit of the wort from the fermenter I was about to pitch into, gave it a swirl then pitched. Just wondering what everyone else does in this regard.