Yeast Not Working

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I just put down an IPA yesterday OG 1.061, Pitched wyeast 1028 24 hours ago without a starter. I know the yeast were alive because the pack swelled right up after smacking it the day before. I still see no signs of fermentation, no krausen, no CO2 and no change in gravity. Should I be worried??

I have used 1028 several times before and with my experience it has always been a real beast of a yeast. I've had .070 gravity brews take off in 10 hours without a starter... whats going on?

If your Wyeast pack swelled up, the yeast were healthy. You may have just thermally shocked them a bit if they were at a different temperature than the wort you pitched into. If you're fermenting in the temperature range for your yeast, you'll see activity in the next 24 hours. You can throw in some nutrient (diammonium phosphate or similar) if you are really worried.
Yep, your yeast is busy - you just don't see it. The yeast is probably nearing the end of the adaptive phase and will soon turn around and start attenuating the wort.
All in good time....

Patience, grasshopper. Remember you're dealing with living critters and sometimes they're just not as full of zoombah as usual. A starter usually makes things more reliable, imho.
I just put down an IPA yesterday OG 1.061, Pitched wyeast 1028 24 hours ago without a starter. I know the yeast were alive because the pack swelled right up after smacking it the day before. I still see no signs of fermentation, no krausen, no CO2 and no change in gravity. Should I be worried??

I have used 1028 several times before and with my experience it has always been a real beast of a yeast. I've had .070 gravity brews take off in 10 hours without a starter... whats going on?

Pitched a yeast last weak into my AG. I to was a little worried when it did not take off. It was my first AG. It was pitched Saturday arvo and took until Monday morning. But boy did it take off then.

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