My feedback below is so detailed because I'm only writing it for two or three beers - the winners are by no means required to be this thorough in their own since they're receiving many more beers than I.
@abyss / Nick:
Got your Belgian Ale in the post a couple days ago, it's chilled in the fridge for 48hrs and I've just finished a glass.
Overall Impression: I really enjoyed drinking this. If I didn't I would be honest.. but probably PM you the feedback
I'm very glad you sent a longneck because it means I can pour a second glass. Had you not told me it was an extract brew, I would've assumed it was all grain.
Clarity: bloody excellent, first thing I noticed was zero sediment in the bottle. Do you fine with gelatin - if not - how long was this in the keg before you bottled it? Do you use another fining if not gelatin? My bottle had commercial quality clarity.
Appearance: On the golden end of copper, which is just fine for the style. Head is fairly minimal, likely a symptom of bottling from the keg.
Flavour: Moderate malt flavour with light biscuit, lightly fruity, smooth. Light spicy flavours likely from the MJ Belgian Ale yeast. No off flavours present.
Mouthfeel: Medium body. Low carbonation - likely another symptom of bottling from the keg.
@BrockHops - your Dr Smurto's Golden Ale: Citra turned up today, I'll chill it and give it a go Sunday.
Both of your bottles of Hellion IPA will be posted this weekend.