Worst Comerical Beer You Had

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Hey Warren,
Is that the beer in the glass or the post tasting urine sample?

man that is some dodgy,stodgy lookin beer.
L J was a shocker when it first came out
Diamond Draft ? not much better
never liked Melbourne Bitter
and cant drink Heineken
had a couple of beers at Bintara a year ago that were pretty tough going
Worst beer I have had lately: Lucky Beer
Oh, no doubt there is someone or a group of someones that probably reackon Mercs Own Peach Ale should be on this list - Wont be on mine but surely on some one elses!

That is the great thing about being an individual! More power to you.
Hey Warren,
Is that the beer in the glass or the post tasting urine sample?

man that is some dodgy,stodgy lookin beer.

Nup BL.

That's how it come out of the bottle. Yep, tasted like piss. <_<

Warren -
This one could well take the cake. <_<

Caporal Pils. (they can't even get the spelling right). Total shocker. Poured almost as flat as a tack and cloudy as buggery. Scary part is it's Belgian. :eek:

Not remotely like a Pils. Reminded me of some flat kit and kilo homebrew. Fruity/cidery and some funny cardboard flavours.

In defence of it, most likely past its peak. No visible signs of use-by dates or anything. :(

If the beer through the bottle has some sediment on the bottom avoid it like the plague.

Warren -

Caporal Pils is not a great beer, but I have never come across one that poured flat and cloudy. It sounds like you scored a very old and most likely mistreated bottle. To be fair I would put it on about the same rung as Jupiler, Maes or Stella .... in other words, drinkable, but not really a Belgian worth seeking out.
'Oranjeboom' :blink: Guess it didn't help that I had a rotten hangover - had to tip it out...

Still rate carlton blonde and fosters light ice way up there as 'worst beers ever'
Theres a lot of beers I simply cannot drink, however I think the worst commercial beer I've had is a guarana beer. Tasted literally like half a bottle of red bull mixed with half a bottle of yeasty piss. Can't remember the brand but it was nasty.
A lot of those commercial beers are summed up beautifully by Laurie Strachan as a beer you wont dislike. EG crown, corona, TED's, millers, etc... but it does take guts to brew something with flavour in Australia eg: Toohey's Old (and not to change the yeast from an Ale to a lager).

I've also noticed that Carton Draught is very sickly sweet.
GSRman said:
definately going with snow here..

i dont mind crownies..

a mate who has just started brewing was asking me how he could replicate a carlton cold.. i said 'i dont know, maybe wash some dishes in the wort before after and during the ferment'
Don't forget to urinate in it....

and add some arse hairs
I'm worried you know the flavour contributions of urine and arse hairs.
Hahn Ice - tastes better the second time

I can drink, and once inebriated even appreciate the CUB & LN offerings, they are to beer what a busker is to live band.

Merc - you didnt like Bintara, I found it to be reasonable.
So far in my travels I rate Holgate as being the most underwhelming micro in Vic, their red lager was the only drop with body, the rest were weak and watery - I could better with a can & kilo.
Funnily enough, I quite like the Holgate beers.


Earlier efforts in the bottle were questionable but seem to be good these days. Hand-pumped from Keatings Hotel is magnificent. :beerbang:

Warren -
Resch's (?spelling) was the worst beer I've ever tasted. Smelled and tasted like vomit in a glass. Perhaps the glass was dirty. Perhaps Resch's just smells like vomit. Who's to know...
Carlton Cold. It's like there's a party in my mouth and everyone's throwing up.

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