Worst Comerical Beer You Had

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Anything from the Lovely Valley Microbrewey in Myponga in South Oz is without doubt the worst ever beer. If you can imagine the worst k&k you have ever tasted, this is twice as bad. To think I bought a mixed sixer of it. West end draught is a top drop compared to this dishwater.
Too lazy to read all 28 pages, so if mentioned before...sorry

Southwark Bitter aka Green Death

That was one wicked drop.
Hahn premium light.
I went to a restaurant on the Gold Coast and when I asked for a light beer was told the only light beer they sold was Hahn premium light so I ordered one. Two sips later I left it on the bar. 30 mins later I went back to the bar to get another drink for my wife and the barman pointed out the beer that I had left on the bar 30 mins before. I told him that I had not realised it was possible to make such a bad beer and as that was the only light beer they sold I would not be drinking in their restaurant that night.
Cheers Altstart
No Linz. IIRC Scottish Chief's head brewer is the same as Bells Hotel in Sth. Melb. Their beer is superb. :beerbang:

Geelong Brewery is a mini-mega CUB wannabee. Only difference being is their beer is worse if you can believe it. :(
It's about time Geelong got a mention on this forum! :beerbang:

Bell's and Scottish Chiefs now both have new brewers. The brewery at Scottish Chiefs is now called What's Brewing Company with an entirely different - yet strangely familiar - range of beers. I tried the first batches of the pale and amber ales and they were both promising, if not mindblowing.

Geelong Brewery seems to have renamed itself as the Southern Bay Brewing Company, producing beers under the Bearings label. I haven't been game to try those yet.
tooheys blue has gotta be the baddest ive tasted
do they even still make it ????
I think I said Tooheys Blue last time I replied to this post, but I found one even worse.

A mate left some Pure Blonde bottles in my fridge and I opened one, took a sip, almost vomited, poured the rest down the sink! :ph34r:

Go to Dans mate, the infamous Blue and Gold are still there....

I dont know people stomach VB its trough water.
what about tooheys RED!!

I remember it being rancid not pleasant beer at all. Is that still available?

old dog
Anything from the Lovely Valley Microbrewey in Myponga in South Oz is without doubt the worst ever beer. If you can imagine the worst k&k you have ever tasted, this is twice as bad. To think I bought a mixed sixer of it. West end draught is a top drop compared to this dishwater.

I'll second that!
I was gifted a mixed 6er of this stuff once.
One was infected with an overpowering medicinal taste/aroma and the others were comparable to a supermarket kit plus a kilo of cane sugar fermentad at 28c.
Mine was when i was only i kid back in goulburn walking down the lane way i found 2 cans of KB (kids beer) at the time or so i thought. Was the mont rancid stuff in the world and thought how could people drink this stuff. Some 20 years latter making it from grain. YUM YUM
IN Cambodia they sell a beer called Angkor, a large mega brewery and the stuff has to be the worse commerical beer I have tasted.
Coming from the Shaky Isles as I do - and a fairly parochial paritioner - it shames me to say the the worst beer I have ever tried is Lion Red.

I went home for Xmas one year and had some at a BBQ - flavourless, weak, insipid, sweet lolly water - and as I am led to believe still the most sold beer in NZ.

Just my opinion.

well brownie i actually used to enjoy green death or southwark bitter until i discovered good beer that por bite at the end is bad
Anything from the Lovely Valley Microbrewey in Myponga in South Oz is without doubt the worst ever beer. If you can imagine the worst k&k you have ever tasted, this is twice as bad. To think I bought a mixed sixer of it. West end draught is a top drop compared to this dishwater.

I'll second that!
I was gifted a mixed 6er of this stuff once.
One was infected with an overpowering medicinal taste/aroma and the others were comparable to a supermarket kit plus a kilo of cane sugar fermentad at 28c.
The Myponga brews are particularly awful. However, for me nothing is quite as offensive as Beez Neez. I see no place for honey in beer. Well I see no place for this beer anyway.
I'll put a vote in for tooheys red but I once was unlucky enough to get a very out of date guiness - tangy!!

what is it with Aussie wheat beers - wheat in a beer does not a wheat beer make.

Wrong yeast %$&*heads

Well I must say that the absolute worst beer that I have had the mispleasure of placing down my gullet was Powers Bitter. Tasted so bad that I nearly never tried drinking beer again. Thank god I discovered Homebrew :p



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