Wine Thief/sampler For Hydrometer Readings

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I've been searching for a wine theif/sampler device so that I can take a sample from the fermenter, pop the hydrometer inside the same vessel to take a reading and then return the sample, but I can't find any on any Australian web-stores.

If you brew using extract kits, what do you use to take readings and where did you get the sampler from?

I just take a sample from the fermentor tap. After testing throw out the sample, it would not be a good idea to return back to the fermentor as you may introduce nasties
return the sample

Don't be a tightwad, take the sample then drink/dump it. You're asking for an infection otherwise.

You can typically use the vessel you purchased your hydrometer in to take readings. Otherwise invest in a refractometer, then you merely have to take a few ml's and spread it on the sight glass and take the reading (with the help of some alcohol adjustment formulas of course). If you ever jump to all grain you will most likely invest in one and they are cheap enough on ebay.
If you are determind to not use the tap to take a sample, look for a turkey baster in a cooking supply or kitchenware shop. It works as well as the wine thingie.
I don't know why you'd want to do this, as you need to sanitise the thing before sticking it into your brew. Much easier to use the tap, and give it a quick spray of sanitiser after taking your sample.
Whatever you do, don't return the sample to your brew, you will sooner or later end up with an infection.
I use a glass secondary so the tap isn't an option.
I also think I'd need a particulaly long turkey baster due to the shape of the demijohn.

Does anyone know where to get a narrow ladle that would fit through the neck of a glass fermenter?
Thanks for the suggestions. I don't really care about not returning the sample :p

For some reason I hadn't thought of using a refractometer. It seems that even the cheap ebay ones have a SG converter built in. Sounds like that might be the go, as I do hope to move to AGBing eventually.

I use a turkey baster with a little bit of silicon hose on the end as I don't use taps, works pretty well! 2 squeezes fills the hydro tube.
Thanks for the suggestions. I don't really care about not returning the sample :p

For some reason I hadn't thought of using a refractometer. It seems that even the cheap ebay ones have a SG converter built in. Sounds like that might be the go, as I do hope to move to AGBing eventually.

The built in "sg converter" is simply a different scale. You will still need to record the original OG so that you can pump that into a brix -> FG converter, or use a table.

The presence of alcohol changes the brix reading of the wort. The scale on the refractometer is designed for no alcohol. So you need to compensate with a table/calculator.
You can get the fermtech wine thief on ebay, that allows you to measure inside the tube, then return it to the FV.

I was looking at getting one for small scale mead making, but looking at the price(+shipping) I decided to just get a refractometer instead.
Thanks for the suggestions. I don't really care about not returning the sample :p
For some reason I hadn't thought of using a refractometer. It seems that even the cheap ebay ones have a SG converter built in. Sounds like that might be the go, as I do hope to move to AGBing eventually.

as noted by stux,

just get a standard brix/plato refrac on ebay. You can get the ones with SG scale as well but for FERMENTING beer, the SG reading is NOT accurate and the side SG scale is only used for unfermented wort. Thus, rendering the SG scale useless for 4/5 readings you will take. This is why I personally opted for BRIX only.

To use it, simply pop the brix reading into a calculator to work out the current OG where required.

The easy thing with brix is whatever the reading, multiply by 4 and thats roughly your gravity for majority if beer up to 1.060SG. It starts to float any higher up than that.

e.g. 12.5 Brix/Plato = 1.050SG +-1 (its typically within one SG point).

for alcohol justment, it can also be done very simply with your OG reading and the FG reading (for the below, this is in brix for both parts. In brewing software like beersmith it asks for the OG in SG and the FG reading in Brix.)

Brix Conversion calculators.

The ones with the SG reading are also harder to read see the example pictures. If its hard to read on your screen, its going to be just as hard on the refrac from my experience.

by the way, these are perfect examples of ones to buy if interested. I have the exact same one as the second and hasn't skipped a beat since i got it. I also compare 80% of my readings between Hydro and refrac and they generally match up within 1SG point (using my *4 conversion). Majority of the time if something is out, its usually due to displacement of the hydro due to carbonation in my skinny hydro vial.

Happy purchases! :icon_cheers:
I bought a refractometer with brix and sg in the prism and I dont have a problem with reading the sg at all. The trick is that you focus the eye piece and get it under a good light source, daylight works the best but directly under the kitchen light works well, you can clearly see where the prism line is.
Imake have a plastic wine thief in their catalogue (55447 - Wine Thief, Plastic Fermtech) as do Essencia (103143 - Wine Thief Fermtech) any home brew shop in Australia should be able to get one in for you.
From experience, they dont fit down the neck of some 5L demijohns, fine on larger bottles. Price is usually around the $20 mark.
Returning a sample to the brew is a bit risky, you must naturally make sure that both the inside and outside of the thief and the hydrometer are sterile or you have a very good chance of infecting the brew.
View attachment 50300
I've always just reached in and taken a sample with a sanitized glass cup :eek: I'm probably tempting fate but I haven't had a problem yet (touch wood) :icon_cheers:

You tap takers, do you find that the trub causes hassles to the readings?
I think I might give it a go on the next brew... I suppose if the trub is all the way up to the tap you just discard the first bit?
I find if there's large clumps of yeast in the sample they settle out in the glass, and you can just pour off the clearer beer ontop. Or they will settle to the bottom of the hydro jar if that's what you're taking your sample with.
I find if there's large clumps of yeast in the sample they settle out in the glass, and you can just pour off the clearer beer ontop. Or they will settle to the bottom of the hydro jar if that's what you're taking your sample with.

:beer: Felton
Imake have a plastic wine thief in their catalogue (55447 - Wine Thief, Plastic Fermtech) as do Essencia (103143 - Wine Thief Fermtech) any home brew shop in Australia should be able to get one in for you.
From experience, they don't fit down the neck of some 5L demijohns, fine on larger bottles. Price is usually around the $20 mark.
Returning a sample to the brew is a bit risky, you must naturally make sure that both the inside and outside of the thief and the hydrometer are sterile or you have a very good chance of infecting the brew.
View attachment 50300

Thanks for that. This is pretty much what I was looking for, assuming a hydrometer fits in it. - A sample of that size is probably best used as a taste test anyway. :)

I've got a bit to think about regarding refractometers. Has anyone got an ebay ink handy for a brix exlusive one? I would hate to purchase the wrong one.

You can use a refract with brix or og. mine has og. heaps more betterer than the hydrometers - which I kept breaking... It came with a heap of little placcy pipettes. When they are all gone I'll just use drinking straws. Place end (of straw!) in wort, put finger over top, lift, measure, chuck away...

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