Windsor Yeast (dry)

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Well, I did use Windsor. I pitched two sachets, 23g dry in all. Probably overkill but the yeast was out of date so I thought what the heck. That was Sunday morning. Fermented at 18-20C. Just took a sample and it's done (more or less). Down to 1013 from 1044 in less than 48 hours. The sample tastes pretty green (duh) but should clear up in the next week or so while it's dry hopping with some Styrian Goldings. :D
it has a lovely fruity finish.

Ive only used Windsor once last year when I made a Bramling Cross ale. It turned out tooooo fruity for my liking. It really turned me off it.

As I started this thread I thought I should report my first experience with Windsor.

Actual OG was 1.040
Actual FG was 1.010
AA 74%

Pitched at 19C fermented at 18-20C.

Minimal esters, in fact I don't detect any, however I haven't done this recipe with other yeasts.

Picture here

Style: Standard/Ordinary Bitter

Recipe Specifications
Batch Size: 46.00 L
Boil Size: 40.34 L
Estimated OG: 1.040 SG
Estimated Color: 9.1 SRM
Estimated IBU: 32.7 IBU
Brewhouse Efficiency: 75.00 %
Boil Time: 60 Minutes

Amount Item Type % or IBU
4.97 kg Pale Malt, Maris Otter (3.0 SRM) Grain 63.54 %
1.60 kg Pilsner, Malt Craft Export (Joe White) (1.Grain 20.46 %
0.78 kg Crystal (Joe White) (73.6 SRM) Grain 10.00 %
0.39 kg Wheat Malt, Malt Craft (Joe White) (1.8 SRGrain 5.00 %
0.08 kg Munich, Dark (Joe White) (15.2 SRM) Grain 1.00 %
15.00 gm Goldings, East Kent [6.50 %] (60 min) Hops 6.3 IBU
30.00 gm Pride of Ringwood [10.20 %] (60 min) Hops 19.9 IBU
30.00 gm Goldings, East Kent [6.50 %] (30 min) Hops 6.5 IBU
40.00 gm Goldings, East Kent [6.50 %] (0 min) Hops -
1.00 tsp KoppaFloc (Boil 15.0 min) Misc
2.00 tbsp 5.2 (Mash 60.0 min) Misc
10.00 gm Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) (Mash 60.0 min) Misc

Mash Schedule: Single Infusion, Light Body, No Mash Out
Total Grain Weight: 7.82 kg
Single Infusion, Light Body, No Mash Out
Step Time Name Description Step Temp
60 min Mash In Add 25.01 L of water at 73.0 C 66.0 C

Ps. The Pils malt is there because I ran out of MO :(
I've got Ross's NZ Golding Best Bitter on at the moments, Pitched on Monday night @ 1.038 and down to 1.018 at the moment but there seems to be a lack of activity, I can't see any krousen or air lock activity. Seems a bit strange, temps did drop to 16-17 and I've now got the heat pad out. It's been @ 19-20 for about 24 hours now but still nothing, any ideas/comments? Cheers :)
I found that the Windsor produces a pretty good flavour but it's attenuation can be quite low. I was only able to get it to ferment down to a FG of 1.020

What was your OG?
I've got Ross's NZ Golding Best Bitter on at the moments, Pitched on Monday night @ 1.038 and down to 1.018 at the moment

For Windsor I'd say she's close to done. Finishes very sweet. Check your gravity in 2 days. If it's static, rack, keg or bottle.

Warren -
Ive only used Windsor once last year when I made a Bramling Cross ale. It turned out tooooo fruity for my liking. It really turned me off it.


Steve, i use windsor quite often for my english bitters and i agree it does have some fruity undertones and residual sweetness. But it was also Bram X that was a major turn off for me at one point in terms of fruitiness, so the combination of both could quite easily be overpowering.

having used it so often and gotten used to its attenuation levels, i'm now really happy with my first gold bitters. The main trick is sorting out your BU:GU ratio for a brew you plan to use windsor with.
i'm now using about 10 points higher if i plan to use windsor, which at the moment is around 0.90 - 0.95 bugu.

I've got Ross's NZ Golding Best Bitter on at the moments, Pitched on Monday night @ 1.038 and down to 1.018 at the moment but there seems to be a lack of activity, I can't see any krousen or air lock activity. Seems a bit strange, temps did drop to 16-17 and I've now got the heat pad out. It's been @ 19-20 for about 24 hours now but still nothing, any ideas/comments? Cheers :)

Adz, hows it looking now...?
if you pitched monday night... at best you have only had 2.5 days of primary fermentation. Windsor isnt super fast by any means. Just try and get it started again.
for an OG of 38 and as long as you arent 'packed' with crystals i would still be expecting an FG of 13-14.
having said that... for an OG of 50-52.. and FG of 1018 is quite normal.
As mentioned above, you have to adjust your BU:GU ratio and/or crystal additions to allow for the high FG i find.

Hey KoNG, I find Windsor to be quite a fast yeast. Well, initially anyway. Seems to ferment all guns blazing for the first 2 days then slows right down. As we've both found though, it does take a while to "condition" and clear.

And yeah 1.018 does seem a bit high for a 1.038 OG (notwithstanding high mash temps or a big lump of crystal in the grist). I agree, 13-14 is more like what I'd expect.
I just checked that recipe on the Craftbrewer website. Has around 7% crystal malt and Ross lists the finishing gravity at 1.016 with a 64 degree mash temperature. Maybe the thing is close to done ?? :eek:

My one and only stab with Windsor was with a Dark Mild that had around 10% crystal malt (you blokes tried it). To me it finished cloyingly sweet. Was probably my initial turnoff regarding Windsor. Also left a kinda muddy taste that took a lot of ageing out.

Warren -
hmmm, its no nottingham. :D
well put it this way, i wouldnt expect it to be at terminal gravity just 72 hours after pitching the dry yeast.
And if the fermentation got a little cold during that time, it may just need some help.
It definately needs time to drop clear too.
2-3 days at 2*C for me in primary is enough once fermentation is complete
My one and only stab with Windsor was with a Dark Mild that had around 10% crystal malt (you blokes tried it). To me it finished cloyingly sweet. Was probably my initial turnoff regarding Windsor. Also left a kinda muddy taste that took a lot of ageing out.

Warren -

:lol: as mentioned before, its definately a yeast you have to adjust you BUGU ratio... which is all good

you get to pack more hops in... early and late...!!!!! :D
hmmm, its no nottingham. :D
well put it this way, i wouldnt expect it to be at terminal gravity just 72 hours after pitching the dry yeast.
And if the fermentation got a little cold during that time, it may just need some help.
It definately needs time to drop clear too.
2-3 days at 2*C for me in primary is enough once fermentation is complete

Very true. Maybe it just "seems" quick to me because for some reason I expect a low attenuator like Windsor to ferment really slow, and when it bolts out of the blocks I'm always surprised!

Probably won't get to terminal gravity in 2-3 days but I wouldn't be surprised if it was close. Particularly with such a low OG.

Its a really interesting yeast I reckon - the black sheep of the dry yeast stable. It bolts out of the blocks, yet has low attenuation and takes a bit longer to finish properly. And it doesn't floculate out very quick after fermentation, but it always ends up crystal clear after being on tap for a week or so. Its never persistent haze, but it never starts clear either. Strange. And the yeast trub always looks and smells like a chocolate milkshake! :lol:
Hey KoNG, I find Windsor to be quite a fast yeast. Well, initially anyway. Seems to ferment all guns blazing for the first 2 days then slows right down. As we've both found though, it does take a while to "condition" and clear.

And yeah 1.018 does seem a bit high for a 1.038 OG (notwithstanding high mash temps or a big lump of crystal in the grist). I agree, 13-14 is more like what I'd expect.

Spot on, this is what I'm thinking too. Seeing it's my first shot with it I really didn't know what to expect. I'll monitor the gravity until say Sunday night and report back :)

Thanks for the input guys :beer:
I just checked that recipe on the Craftbrewer website. Has around 7% crystal malt and Ross lists the finishing gravity at 1.016 with a 64 degree mash temperature. Maybe the thing is close to done ?? :eek:
Warren -

whooaa must be gospel then...!
i stand completely corrected.
back to my.... "kennel of no idea"
whooaa must be gospel then...!
i stand completely corrected.
back to my.... "kennel of no idea"

:lol: Silly KoNG!

By the way, seems VERY unlikely to me that a 1.038 OG beer mashed at 64deg would finish at 1.016, even with Windsor.