Wild Beers

  • Thread starter bindi
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In August I put down a WILD beer [after a big session] :p put 23L of fresh wort in a glass carboy after no chilling it overnight [some will say this is where the wild yeast started, not me] left it uncovered for a few days and away it went for a couple of weeks, then into 2ndry until now, made sure my medical insurance was paid up and had a taste, a big taste.

WOW, great and complex,rum, Saison?,spices?,leather, can't tell etc, still alive after drinking a couple of large glasses yesterday [warm], it's going in a keg for those game to try it [if I don't drink it all].
Hit and miss I suspect but fluked this one.

This is the mash I did:
4.10 kg Pale Malt (Barrett Burston) (2.0 SRM) Grain 68.11 %
1.00 kg Munich I (Weyermann) (7.1 SRM) Grain 16.61 %
0.15 kg Carafoam (Weyermann) (2.0 SRM) Grain 2.49 %
0.15 kg Melanoidin (Weyermann) (30.0 SRM) Grain 2.49 %
0.10 kg Roasted Barley (300.0 SRM) Grain 1.66 %
25.00 gm Hallertauer, New Zealand [6.90 %] (60 min) (First Wort Hop) Hops 15.7 IBU
25.00 gm Hallertauer, New Zealand [6.90 %] (30 min) Hops 12.2 IBU
25.00 gm Styrian Goldings [5.60 %] (15 min) Hops 6.4 IBU
0.37 kg Dememera Sugar (2.0 SRM) Sugar 6.15 %
0.15 kg Candi Sugar, Amber (75.0 SRM)

House yeast :lol: :lol:
I dare say being Wild Yeast, it will be hard to reproduce this again!
Great work nonethelss Bindi!
Feel free to send a few down this way.... :p
Wow. Brave effort.
So, how far did it attenuate? Did you salvage some slurry to use again?
your a mad man bidi. i've been tempted to let a hydro sample ferment out but 23L is next level, biggups.
Wow. Brave effort.
So, how far did it attenuate? Did you salvage some slurry to use again?

Refrac reading was 9 so I crash chilled it, OG was [from memory, can't open Beersmith here] 16.5-17 Brix, and not a drop is going in a bottle, I am not that brave. B)
Lucky! The only wild beer I made was unintentional. Gave the taste of almonds (not in a good way). Took a good boil with caustic to get rid of it.
Great stuff, bindi. Might be good to keep some of it and see how it changes over time. Anyway, interesting that it came out alright. :)
That's awesome, good work. Did you end up with a yeast cake (or cake of whatever microbe did the deed) in the fermenter?
Good work, I was thinking of embellishing what I thought was an infected batch (APA using solely NB) with wild yeasts by just opening, and maybe adding the orval dregs, and just bottling 1 year or so to see what it turns out. haven't done it because it is actually looking cool now.

I am interested in what the trub looks like too.
Waiting for Darren to chip in with a wild Botulism warning :p
WOW, great and complex,rum, Saison?,spices?,leather, can't tell etc, still alive after drinking a couple of large glasses yesterday [warm], it's going in a keg for those game to try it [if I don't drink it all].
Hit and miss I suspect but fluked this one.

House yeast :lol: :lol:

Good Stuff Bindi,

if its really good then keep it for future wild brews. I have a 5L glass flaggon with some wild stuff mixed with Roeselare dreggs, I occasionally have a taste and then top up with some fresh (low bitterness) wort to keep it ticking over. Plan on doing another wild batch soon...

If you have some space you should age some to see what happens.

Happy wild brewing!!

That's awesome, good work. Did you end up with a yeast cake (or cake of whatever microbe did the deed) in the fermenter?

Have photos of the top and bottom of the 2ndry fermenter and saved some of the turb in a clean jam jar [what are some of those white bits in there? :p ]
Will post some shots in the next couple of days.
Here are the photos.
1 of the top before I crash chilled it and 2 after racking it cold.
I took a refrac reading this morning and it was 7 :huh: , I let it warm up in the keg to 20c.
Think I will let it go a few more days.

Edit: The white in the 2nd shot is the flash [well I hope/sure it was].


That looks like yeast! Are you sure you washed the fermenter after the previous batch? :D
It does. Are you sure it's not that 3787 you seem to like that's escaped and running free in your kitchen. :D
That looks like yeast! Are you sure you washed the fermenter after the previous batch? :D

That's what I thought ;) and yes the first fermenter [glass carboy] was very clean and so was the plastic 2ndry,
The smell is odd though, not bad a little earthy, musty [not good at smells].

Edit: 3787 running wild :lol: Had to clean my fermenting fridge [freezer] out today because of 3787, filled up the blow off tube bottle, all over the lid and a puddle of around the base of the fermenter, so yes it's everywhere. :p
Update on this wild beer, at room temp this brew is gassing up [by itself, no added sugars] and now dropped a few more points , has lost the leather taste but has gained a slight acid , citric taste like a wheat beer , still tastes Good with spices you can't pick.
Will give it at least an other week before chilling.
Bindi, a suggestion from me.

You could bottle some in PET bottles and use OzTops to release the excess pressure as it builds.
You might need to disturb the yeast in the bottom of the keg before dispensing into the PET bottles though.

Worth a second thought?

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