why oh why!

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I went to the pub last night for a meal and a beer and finished up totally pissed off all because of slack Bar Staff.
Can some one please explain why oh bloody why do they consistently insist on trying to put that extra squirt of beer into your pot when it just isn't bloody needed?
Often they will pour a beer and it will have a lovely, creamy head on it and look just immaculate (as it should for the price paid for it) then, as though taken over by the devil squeezing their nuts, they whack it back under the tap for that extra squirt completely destroying that creamy head and wonderful looking beer and replacing it with something that looks like swamp water gone bad, then by the time you get it back to your table it looks like pigs piss!!
I used to take it back and ask if they would mind putting a bit of a head on it, but gave that away after watching their hopeless attempts at doing such that left me with a heavy heart and a tear in my eye as I watched the beer flooding into the drip tray, and my drink to only finish up worse!
Some, not all, bar staff just don't get it! It does NOT have to be chocka block, full to the brim with beer!
I'm not Scrooge McDuck and will gladly accept it if it isn't completely full with beer!
MEMO TO BAR STAFF: I'm a man in my 70s who, from the age of 14 grew up drinking great beer including (Richmond Lager) a beer that always poured with a lovely head on it and a taste I still remember and dream about.
Sadly as the years have gone by a lot has changed in my life, I am now a chronic sufferer with permanent "brewers droop" and sadly the only head I get these days is on my beer... so please Mister barman... don't deprive me of that one last pleasure!!!..... DON'T FILL 'ER UP MATE!!!
Hellbent don't be the grumpy old man, let them know before they start the pour, then both parties are happy.
You never told us the most important part. What beer was it, and did it taste nice? :drinks: :beer:
FFS do not say to the barmaid...more head , more head ;).
Seriously I know what you mean,a glass chockers full with no head makes me wonder if its drinkable.
Hellbent don't be the grumpy old man, let them know before they start the pour

Mate, Im not a grumpy old prick I just want a nice looking beer and I would have thought they would know how to pour a beer without me telling them...after all it is their chosen profession and I would have thought they would have been taught the basics.

You never told us the most important part. What beer was it, and did it taste nice

It was Carlton Dry (no craft beers here) and sure it tasted ok, I often have a dry, but ffs I just like a bit of head on my beer, surely at todays prices that ain't to much to ask!

FFS do not say to the barmaid...more head , more head ;).

Gotta admit she's ok, mmmmm nice jugs :super: lol

edited for correction
Some don't know how to pour a beer from the bottle with sediment.

However depending on my mood I like the yeast mixed in, but most times don't.
Ah...Barstaff...a fond subject for me...

There are bar staff, and then there are Bar Staff..

Have a few young ones behind the bar just starting, which is good, and whilst they are young and cute, they are remarkably professional behind the bar ( they dont take any ****, but the are not there to be ogled at either )

But I agree that they need to learn how to pour beer. And it comes with practice.

Every bar person I know pours beer differently, and the best ones pour it different to suit the beer and the customer

But different people like their beer different. In know a lot that want 1cm of head on the glass, other will send it back to get filled up...

All I know is that when I walk in the pub the person behind the bar is already halfway thru pouring my beer B)
No one over here knows how pour a proper head. It's frustrating, but all the same, a good head on a Budweiser is meaningless so there's no real need for the most part.

The bars serving "Craft Brew" though should take a class.
I'm sorry but complaining about bad head on a carlton dry is like complaining that your burger isn't hot at McDonalds...
They do it, I'd suspect, as plenty of tight-arses out there say "fill it up", assuming they're bing ripped off by a good pour with some head.
Spiesy said:
They do it, I'd suspect, as plenty of tight-arses out there say "fill it up", assuming they're bing ripped off by a good pour with some head.
That's why the British Pint glass had space above the pint line to allow for head except for the southerners who prefer their beer minus the foam.
Rob.P said:
I'm sorry but complaining about bad head on a carlton dry is like complaining that your burger isn't hot at McDonalds...
my friend how often do you drink Carlton Dry?? it is a beer that usually poured in some establishments comes with an everlasting, creamy head. At my local there is one young thing that pours it with a beautiful head that is a delight to drink but the rest of her co-workers are hopeless
PS I don't eat maccas, my burgers are better:)
Spiesy said:
They do it, I'd suspect, as plenty of tight-arses out there say "fill it up", assuming they're bing ripped off by a good pour with some head.
I know there is, but you pour for the majority who want a head and 90% at my local want it... and as for the tight-*****....well they should just drink bloody tea!
The prices charged these days demands that your beer is poured with a decent head, you should always spell out before hand if you want something different from the norm. I don't get angry or abusive but if it isn't right I wont pay till it is.
I was in Japan recently. They use creamer taps and the last 2 inches of the glass is head. At the prices they charge I would have liked to get a beer with a normal head on it.
Yes Bob, I spent 5 years in Japan and always enjoyed a nice beer at these places called KIRIN CITY, especially the dark beer was always very nice.
In Germany where I come from you could not serve a beer without a nice head on it. Be it a Weissbier, Helles, Dunkles or Pils they always put a nice head on it. Here I got used to headless beers (and ice cold ones) but hey, this is OZ and not Germany.
I always feel sorry for the brewers when they are submerging the tap into the top of the glass/beer and beer is flowing down the sides glass.

What a waste, then I remember that the keg is paid for (more or less) and that I should really be feeling sorry for the publican.
Or how about when it's a hand-pump and the outlet is well submerged in the beer, pumping out then sucking the beer back then pumping out then....