Why Is It Taking So Long

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Doing every thing by the guide (steralized everything, exact amonut of water , ect) strangley the yeast found its way after 9 days (im using cascade choc mahogany porter and half and half sugar to go along with it). It was bubbling like crazy during the first few days slowed down on the 6th day to a halt, check the hydrometer reading (1019) also I had a sipand it tastes fine, on the 7th day its down to (1017) since im using half and half what should it finish at?

Cheers in advance for the answers.
& What?

The yeast is 514 so expect an apparent attenuation of ~80% ((OG-FG)/OG)*100
Assuming that you did it by the book the OG should have been 1.041, which means the FG would be 1.008 or very close to it. Unless one of those halves was Maltodextrin or Lactose or such like then it will be heaps higher
When you want answers you will need to give people information to work with.

best to leave the brew 10 days, never brewed a porter nad dunno your OG or what you put in it but at a guess 1014 would be the most for a kit.

Give temp and all ingredients and some one will tell you estimated FG
9 days is not long.

You shouldn't rush your yeast.

When it's done, it will be done.

It could be taking 'long' by your standards due to cooler temps and the yeast.

Patience, young padawan.
If you used the cascade kit yeast its notorious for being a slow worker which is supposed to create better flavours.