Why Do Kit Brewers Try To Emulate Brewery Beers

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Oh damn. I know what I've been doing wrong. I thought cloning was breaking your hydrometer in halves to make to hydrometers.
Just imagine that someone with more time on their hands bothered to doctor a picture from Fantasia of lots of little hydrometers marching along... and stuck it here.

<pretend picture is here>

I can't be arsed, myself, but it would be funny.
I imagined it QB, and I LOL'd (though it may have been an imaginary LOL! :p )

Cheers SJ
Katie said:
I have really enjoyed my progression (is that the right word?) in brewing and I still have so so so MUCH to learn. Ive met some great people to whom now I call my friends.
manticle said:
making cheaparse homebrand 'lager' with 3 kg of sugar and getting mashed every night.
Such a fine line...
Lots of great posts on this thread...

I think it goes back a little earlier though. For me, I'd only buy slabs of megaswill that I had tried before AND enjoyed, either at the pub or in a can/stubbie that was at somebodies house. I'm sure we all found that some brews we liked, and others stank...

So then for whatever reason we decide to try homebrew. I'd tasted some K&B homebrew from friends and wasn't necessarilly impressed, but knowing I could cook better than some of them, thought I could do a better job.

Naturally, I tried a clone of something I knew...being a VB drinker, the last thing I wanted to was end up with 2 1/2 slabs of something that tasted like Tooheys or XXXX! After making the clone, and discovering my clone was better than the real thing, I developed some confidence and started experimenting...but stuck with the clones for a while until my confidence and knowledge grew. Each clone was slightly different and allowed me to learn what effect each different ingrediant made. I now develop my own recipes, but I haven't made an undrinkable batch yet (touch wood).

I still label all my beers as clones, even though they taste nothing like what they are supposed to be clones of...but it tells me what "style" the beer is in...to call it a Pale Ale doesn't tell me much when I have four different PA recipes...calling one a Mountain Goat, another a Little Creatures etc tells me what to expect...

My friends stopped experimenting once they found recipes that they enjoyed. They are good recipes and they enjoy them and are happy.

Picking up on Katies point about "why do we have to defend ourselves", I agree. But I think the point where we stop depends on what sort of obsessive personality you have...I tend to take anything I do and do it to 120% (mega obsessed), others are happy with 10%. That's what makes us all different. The world would be pretty boring if we all liked the same things and agreed on everything! :beer:
OP title - Why Do Kit Brewers Try To Emulate Brewery Beers
should we not try and clone Rochfort 10? thats made by a brewery. i assume you are meaning megaswill rather than just brewery. but ive made my point.

wtf does anyone have to justify what they want to make. do AGs make clones? yes. so why cant k&Kers make clones? geez. Lets see. simplest answer...

commercial beer = benchmark. make a clone and compare. then you have an idea of your brewing knowledge against the orginal benchmark. simple really.

Ive tated K&K beers that **** on AG beers. its the person brewing the beer and their knowledge makes the differance.
With only barley, hops and yeast, there are going to be a few similarities...
Yeah, gritty and hard to drink. ;)
...and water,

barley, hops and yeast ....and water,

there's going to be the odd similarity...

barley, hops, yeast, water and water helps...

there's going to be a few words missing...
I'd love to go into AG or partials, but there's no point here. 600km from anywhere lol. I'm not enjoying the K&K beers im making, as they seem to have some kinda kit 'twang' to them, a champagne/cider smell and taste to them. There's no real homebrew shop in Kalgoorlie. I got into it because yes, I was trying to emulate the commercial beers i'd tried, and being able to consume the fruits of my labour appealed to me also.
mitch - see what the frieght is from some of the online stores. it may not be that much.

and theres nothing wrong with K&K. as i said you can make bloody good K&K beers if you know how (and use a bit of spec grain, good yeast and hops)
mitch - see what the frieght is from some of the online stores. it may not be that much.

If you want to live somewhere away from a decent HBS, you cop the cost of freight, order grains, hops and yeast, then make some good beer, and are happy. The fact that other people can walk into a decent HBS and pick up ingredients is irrelevant, just add it into the cost per kg or whatever makes you happy. It still works out cheaper than buying megaswill. No excuses!
When I order on line I find that one of the above sponsors is still cheaper than my LHBS as long as I fill the 3kg post satchel. Really worth considering, Mitch.
I am new to brewing, relatively, and am still doing kit brewing. My father brewed in the 70's with extract and got some good results.

Why do people use kits? Safe to start with, easy and less expensive. Space constraints. Not everyone has the ability to build, or adapt, to suit going to full mash or the money to purchase the equipment to go all grain.

What really concerns me about this thread is the arrogance in the OP and in the posts. As a new brewer I have no bloody idea what all the abbreviations you are using mean, I have never done an AG or a K&B or any other than kit brewing as it is a good starting point for me.

Guys if you want to encourage people then encourage people, don't form this private little club, using private language with secret codes then abuse them for using all kits. Rather than encouraging people it turns them away.

By the way I am NOT trying to clone a particular beer but approach beer styles I happen to like and I won't justify myself for anyone.
Hey Shenthus,

First of all welcome to the boards!

As manticle said, I read this thread as a fair bit of support to kit brewers overall.... Do you not?

Did it turn you away? do you think you will keep reading and posting?


17tX467-(__1 [Sorry, thats code :p]


Almost the only defence of kit brewers I see (by non kit brewers) is of the "oh, they don't know any better yet, give them time" variety.

I think I said something similar a page or two back.

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